Show L INTEREST TOLADIEK We oftnr nil sipnlncv In plnclncf lip fore you liThe Ladies Safo Prolesto it 11 uhShitclyrelluhlpuaslly = hjJ steel canes not licuinic nilsphircd an 1 In o1ll11 i urotcctlnn Can he worn warn desired wlllmnt obsfrvatlnn nr now led e of amtlitT nod preventsShcAn ijrcraba unnoynnuo under oorium con rllUons If you IHU it un < < e yoh will never liu vVitliouMt U Is n 1 faltbfiil cart nnd rclliiblu friond wln > ncvor npcdftl by special utrcutiistaiufM requiring re-quiring + IK nt1 Tl l 14 t tin iitHc pvnry oiiiiin iiUiiid ki CD eddy lot Ini modliitp IHP It IsMniDli to use aiil I Inspires I rtnatliiiHPtii trite Woiinn tit lii it 1 His rullublo and at cntHIca ly I midi Insures piolirUtiii iiiiun in Juiy tr hIIII HS nny gild I iiliy Icinti wouM 1 sny Wo are uf Lust unln on that rid nrtldu has vcr horn niide vbll 1 1 will Ilvcas ninoh hnlsfm inn 1111 t IK ninnn olIn day its The ladles 34fo Protector Tin + limmtisc Kilo of tills artlilit i li a submantla1 ililnriu ninit of our Haitn 1111 nm tlionforo cxnitlnipiiu wit II if y or tlh nuiiKT IIH iinrciUbluartiilm a5 It Is I boib iljni Rcldis ti liLMilli all CApcnslvM lo do o Such expciiinptittiitf cnn only ru Riitinjns of tlino dlsippnlnimnt lid ditnal allutc Ladlo tlitiniil r niitnbcr tills balorc imJiirinp oibi I oKlsind not wiiiti their tlino and noiMA on Infcrloi artlclo Th licst Issiltttv I flip the Iw 1 st Tho Laiiia Safo Protector Is I fold under a positive guarantee torus for one year with full directions niul I Is sent sealed in ilain vrlllll ii ruinn I receipt i xpreps niniiiV order I loija tar fur flih IJ i not viit bu oidir at t unto Adclres TIm IA CuossK SPEci uri Jo La Cros Vli 1 |