Show AFTERMATH OF THE STORMS Property Loss In Kansas Missouri and Arkansas Will Beach a Million lion or More Houses Blown Away and Crops Destroyed Great Calamity Calam-ity to the Farmers Bodies Found at Winona I 1 Kansas City Mo July 8 Reports J of the storms during the past three days show the entlra eastern watershed water-shed from the Rocky mountains to the Nebraska and Iowa lines and to Texas were swept On Friday night the severest = se-verest blow came Fields of grain that promised the most bountiful yield of many years were swept bare of veg etation The seas of rain were abetted in the work of destruction by torna does 1 Is too earij vet to sum up the loss but the total is appalling and those to whom the angry elements spared life have little left to sustain It I The stories of the storm are to similar that a statistical summary Is all there Is left to tell tel The storm focus embraced an area of 200 square miles with the southwestern corner of Missouri as a center The greatest loss of life is reported from Wlona where eleven corpses have been found with as many more miss 4 ing At Baxter Springs In southwestern southwest-ern Kansas five were killed and eleven seriously Injured by the cyclone that accompanied the storm One person was drowned at Columbus and two at Ottawa Kan At Van Buren Ark a mother and babe were drowned A family of five was encamped on the banks ot Fish creek Indian Territory Nothing of them or their belongings was found except part of I wagon on 1 pile of driftwood At Thomasvllle Mo where the rainfall was four Inches In one hour five persons were lost Unconfirmed reports are received of los of life as follows rhree as Fayettevllle Ark one at Paola Kan one at Richards Kan six of a hunting party in Indian Terri tory This gives a known and probable prob-able loss of thirtyfour lives This to tal will be Increased when the reced ing water permltsof a thorough search GREAT PROPERTY LOSS The loss of property can be placed in the millions Dwelling fences and r farm buildings were carried off and I highway and railroad bridges swept away Thirty of eighty buildings in Winona succumbed Five residences church and warehouse went down at Baxter Springs Six bridges went ou < In Russell county Kansas About Jet ferson City Mo many square miles nt growing grain were destroyed Tli traffic on the Fort Scott Memphis Railroad Is temporarily suspended Reports Re-ports of damage to property other than above noted come from five points in Kansas nine in Missouri six in Arkansas Arkan-sas and two In Indian Territory The storm spent itself In Illinois but havIng hav-ing lost Its force proved Il a blessing to the crops The above summaries are only a fraction of the loss of property The greatest burden falls upon the farmers as the season Is too far spent to plant new crops The countrys granary has been cleared out The details of Individual Indi-vidual suffering and experiences would fill volumes and repeat the horrors of the Johnstown disaster THE WINONA DISASTER Springfield Mo July 8The reports of the flood at Wlnona Mo published heretofore are now known to have told only a part of the horrois of the disaster dis-aster The bodies of Rev G W Duncan and daughter Mattie and Miss Norma Nevins were found under a large drift of broken timbers about n mile below Wlnona and also the body of an unknown un-known man stopping at one of the hotels ho-tels telsA A terrible stench arises from the mass of hogs horses cattle and other animals drowned I Is charged that some visitors are stripping the bodies of everything of value For several miles below Winona may be seen wagons and household goods of all kinds and dead animals Over two hundred persons were seachlng yesterday yester-day for bodies The body of George Evanss daughter was found this forenoon fore-noon The body of Lloyd Wrights daughter is still missing |