Show SIXTY THOUSAND TROOPS Heavy Reinforcements for Campos Insurgents Will Be Shot Havana July 8Generals Salcedo and Bazan while out scouting in the fields near Vatras had a skirmish with the insurgents who left ten dead upon the field On the side of the troops two soldiers were killed and six were wounded General Navarro had an engagement en-gagement with the Souza bands of In surgents at Botjl Santiago ae uuua The Insurgents lost two killed left two wounded behind them and In addition the Spanish troops capture two prisoners pris-oners CaptainGeneral Martinez de Campos has Issued a proclamation saying that all Insurgents captured with arms In their possession will hereafter bo summarily sum-marily tried by courtmartial and slu > i Those who conspire against the Inte rlly of the nation will be sent to tli African penitentiaries and those wh surrender will be released At Maoagua near Matanzaa an insurgent In-surgent band consisting of about thirty men has plundered and burned three stores During the present month reInforcements re-Inforcements of 16000 < men will leave Spain for Cuba and during the month of October and the early part of November No-vember additional reinforcements to the numher of 60000 troop will be sent from Spain to Cuba All the steamers of the different Spanish lines will be chartered by the Government In order to send troops here |