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Show e ZB. 's ZE3I- - IBiRo-wis- r Hack Line Meets Maplstoa and City Trains. DTiB BP AMIS! TOBK, POIt MONUMENTS o to M, Mickeon, Prop. o. cbx. MONEY LOANED mraoTBD YARMI at kiasoxablk KATIS. SPANISH XORX, DTAB. 1 Pre posed Tax Oa Bachelors. Tha crime of being a bashslar la to ba punished eondlfnly la savsral atataa, among them llliaola, where there la probability of tha paataga of a bill to tax thsaa unmarried aeornera of aoclal law. Tha anactmaat sf auch a law would bo lujary anoagh without adding to It tho Insult of a raaklag clausa that with the tax fund an old melds home" shall ba oatabllshad. This la a savaga blow a blow bolow tho bolt ao to apeak at alngla blsaaodnasa, and coaid hardly have been Inaplred by any father of twins. In view of the proposed dl version of the tax to tha baaeill ef el derly unmarried tamales It woald beenly just to Inqulrs aa to how many of those taxable bachelors have been jilted, and tha doors ef the old maids koma" should bo shut with a rosouodlng alam In tha faca of all Ihoaa aaweddad spin stars who havo at any lima In their career blasted the hopes of soma food ad' rnlrer with a cbllllag no." A supple-menttax might Indaed ba lovlad upon such old inmlds as should bn discovered to have promised ouce upon a time to be a slater" to any young man. al A Sennlbls NNNRq T 1 "7" upr U S,zzxxxxixsn Lumber, Lath, Doors, sash etc. Manufactulrrs ff the Beat. Broom on the Market. All ki tula of ProducQ handled in its Season. Deseret Gold Mine I Milling Co, Capital Stock $500,000, With 500,000 Sharaa. arc offering for sale Csfe.lfaulr..re': 100.000 Shares ot thesald Company at SB O HINTS PER SHARE PAR VALUE $1.00. This Property Is q-ozlj- aietl and Situated In the P. gs Gr IDISTKICT, 5.00 Per Spanish BANK OF SPANISH FORK, BB KBOFBBLT ATTBIBBB TS. Ilwari 0 Woods, Manager. MU1LC0KNABY, Notary Public. MONEY LOXNDED ON ImproTcd Farms. LONDON TIBS lOMPABT. SUM At rHlKAI,!! SpBilah Bk. AAAt of Ca-O- D The Supply of Cattle. Capital $25,000. Dibiotobb It will taka five years at least to work JOHN JOKES, V. Pres. 610. 0. 61LB1RT, C'asklar tha cattlo supply up to where thsre will G10. D. SKILL, Free. JOKK 8. THOMAS, A. A.DAHLI bo overprodoctloa. In tho meantime JOHK ROCKHILL. Iatcreet allswsd aa tints deposits. Brails issned pajrablf in any part of tits World values will ba high and whan tha sup ply exceeds the demand, with resultant Your Business Solicit lower valuta tha cattleman who always SPAKISH PORK. succaeda will have sold out to barely a remnant This history of prod notion of all tho commodities Is ons and tho same When either from overproduction or undaprodnetion, tha amount produced was more than tha commercial or natural demand, values have gone down and tha Increased accumulations have been sacrificed In order that other brakches of industry could be pursued, but aa a rule where this changing polloy has bean followed little MnumoHN buying s reined svDsxmr end don't be imposes stS that requires yea to Bo so, as it ii more than be'ltnte. la thesoMen ilowuefft of ig Piiwso yon must have some stimulant, sad to suet sums Sfceffect uttha aumuiaiit, be It opium, mnrphlu. or ether Islam, lemma a fir worse habit oontrsoted' Aik your drug-i- t about HaoeoCnrs.lt is purelyyefetablai You do aotkara It will notify yoawhea atop uatna tobaooo with atop and yoar dusire far tobacso will eases. Your epatam will ba aa free from uletlua aa tha day before yon took your Hist ehew or smoke. Aa ireaiad written (uaranteeto absolutely ears the tobaooo habit in all it forma, or money refunded. Priea II par box or S boxes (IB days treatment and lAGO-CD- in lot and proofs free. fork, Utah. who diversifies his minor productions end makes a specialty of some one When you can Iw the many branches of Industrial labor, wad to will tha most good result Texas Live walk straight, Wa taka Planter of Part east of foot to inaun Stock Journal. comfort. Bpeelallat la crippled and Dsformad Shoe. .teal brace and artificial limb of Cattle Scarce On The Hangs. vary deaoriplioa. A report from South Dakota says HUGER! DEFORMITY Parlies representing Omaha, Sioux City SHOE CO., y 69 B. Third South Sk. and Chicago packers and live stock dealBalt Lake City, Utah. ers ara making Inquiries as to the num her of fat cattlo on ranges along tha Missouri rlvar and on tho Sioux reservation. Tho drouth last season spoiled FRAGRANT much pasture and generally lessened tha supply of beef cattle. Asaconsaquenca early spring shipments fell far bolow Ranchman ara what was anticipated. marketing tha batter grades, but tha supply Is limited as compared with former years, and unless pasturage la unusually good tho demand will greatly exceed tho supply. This means an ad vanco In the price of beef cattlo until September at laasl: possibly until tho holidays. From six to a doxan ear loads of calila pass bora from wastoro ranchos dally, while at this time In former years they want In heavy train loads. Along the foot hills and la the Cheyenne rlvsr country ranchmen report stock In aver-agcondition, but tho number Is lets than for several years previous Nearly all of tho young stock from northei n aid western ranches was marketable ARNE BVTWgafWTME FINEST last fall and but remained for the VIRGINIA Srt spring shipment. ToBA CO? 6 TME HIGHEST SKILLED VAN ITY FA1 R Eureka Chemical lSIVRKI workmen employed in making Greon Onions for tha market It Is THESE CIGARETTES not anything and everything In this Una that tells All people do not use V?95KlMBALLbCa onions, and those that do are particular. Tfvt American Tobacco 0 Successor Vary small grsan onions do not sell neither do very large, coarse, strong onions It Is only medium site, young Lons Highwayman Again. and under onions that are wanted. Tha Reddlnr, Cal., July I. Tha Redding onion part should be clean and white, and Alturaa stage waa robbed tbia Ith the first o .tor coating carefully morning two miles abova Morley ata-tlo- removed. The tops should remain on Supervisor Baas and a lady pasThe high- unless trimmed a few inches from the senger were not molested. Welle-Fargo box and wayman took the reclstered mail, securing perhaps (400. top, so as to havo them look nice, any thing to give them a good appearancs should be carefully tied In bunch They Murdered Hie Cousin. es of four or five onions In a bunch. Ewlngavllle, Xy., July X John D. Boxes of ono bushel same alxe as 4 Young, Jr., son of John D. Young, In an altercation with quart berry case Is abont tha bast hla cousin, Plinney Faaaet, cut Faa-aet- 'a package to use, for when In large packthroat, severing the Jugular vein, resulting In death Tn a few minutes ages they may become heated. This Young waa arrested. package Is also assy to handls n. Use Three Grown C. W. St. Paul, La Promo. Wls Snpc. SepL 7, 1894. HOBXICX, XIiil, Baraka Chemical and MYg Co, La Crosse, Wls, Dtmr Sira: 1 hara been a tobacco fiend for many yaars, ud daring Iks two ear havs smoked fifteen tn twenty eigen regularly every day. My gaol wkolo nervous Byotsm became affected, nntil my pkyeleUa told mo I most give up tha aao of tobaooo for tho time being at least. I tried tbs so called "Keely Caro and various other remedies, bat without snecess, until I soI commenced Three weeks ego dden telly learned, of yoar "Beoo-CarI am in cured; consider I myself completely using yoar preparation, and Inveterate which for horrible ovary health and the tobacco, craving perfect smoker folly appreciates, hai eompletly left me, I consider your simply wonderful end eon fully reenmmend It. Y(mrsjaitrnlyj3onTlrl "Ko-To-B- to-d- ay to-da- y Bseo-Cor- Fe SANTA' ROUTE" ATCHISON, TOPEKA ft SANTA FE RAILWAYS. The only i hue mating Pullman Sleeping Care between Ogden, Salt Lake City and Chicago without Change, and Fullmmr Pal sob Reclining Chair Oars between Ogden, Salt ake City, Denver and Chicago, THE SHORT LINE, SUPERB SCENERY. EQUIPMENT SELLS IT. HEWLETT BBOS. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Reed Hotel, I Sr-- Voung Bros Co. BKOWHISG CHICAGO DESPERADO. Run Down and Killed, After Wound- ing Three Citizens. Chicago, July 8. In Western desperado atyle, a man, suppposed to be C. F. Cole, assaulted and attempted to rob D. C. McGloln in hla saloon at 64 Adams street. In the heart of the business district of Chicago this evening. After seriously wounding McGloln the thief escaped, and made the most re- Iwulafton, Warwick, 4 Ftatbarstona EIClCLES S!u,,,i!:Jrl' ?UI!, Ammunition. Flub-C,r- gambler, Trtbu, Bt- - markable race for liberty ever seen In the etreeta of Chicago. After firing into the mob that pursued him and seriously wounding three citizens, he was run down and killed by Officer Rosenthal, opposite the entrance of the Audl- GIGANTIC FORGERY SCHEME. THE Laundry, MB Writ Timpls WMCUIILABiEU BI g fl 0 W Seeds, S hi mS 3 Tabular tal Crdoa Mower aail Buka fro iba Manufactory of W. A. Wood, ara o ara aim all tha lint ara repnnant In I. tali aud Idaho. Arno a n't which ra found Bain Waxun. Dwra aud Oliver Iloar. Kuli 1liimliiUK Mnchitwry, liner Bake and titty Loader, Columbia, Liodxty aid Koariat Ulcyolva Addnra VA(!OX & MACHINE Osdta and Loxaa, flab; Idaho Rail and Moatpaliar. Idaho. Gasrral oDae. CO. Balt Kik City. OEO. T. ODELL, Gaooral Xanngor. Grain, Flour Hay, ASD GEXXBAL Iltodquarter. fur PEOPLES' 11 IROKLCK. Poultry auppliu, Write nt FORWARDING CO. to ff Main tL. adjolnlnx Y. U. M. L fALT LakK ClIY. UTAH. - PIANOS - ORGANS. MUSIC COALTER A P. (A SNELQROVE CO. Uox IX IKY 74 I HE WALKER IF YOU WANT Mam Streak HOUSE lull Laka, oaa trip. K JOHNHOX, Proprlator. uadrtek bawfbalL'fnwn ilRUff M.NU BBOS., - Mala k. Salt Laka. 196 TREES YETT & S32 DENTISTS. PIOXEEU XUltSEllIES rr M SH THE LEADIN6 "Ss (D 1 PEDIGREED IlloyclffiaAienti and Ball Uuy DR.O.B.H RELIABLE q :i CO KAL(TOM UleVCLl.S wanted. Sisal mm tv Evans, CorriMINTAL BICTCLB NALIlOOX Kidinf MhooliRd bksyele livery. llioycUs, bl- y fud H w. NmoiiiI .South. AJOtAMCll. String That Never Breaks 2 J-H JO Balt Lake, Utah itrett, M R. to-d- ay 3 LAUNDRY E Paris-Hom- e Among tho Victims. HI. C. ZBTJZKnSTIBTT, PARIS-HOM- Illu" WANTS AGENTS uwu In UUh to astabllih a branch and olicltsrdsn. Addniiatonoa to-d- ay Plymouth BEOS away. Butte, Mont., July 8. Special to Tribune. The preliminary trial of H. A. Bloan and William McMahon developed a gigantic forgery scheme affecting bankers and mere ban is in nearly large city In the United It no, bo sure end secure tickets reading over tnt Staten. every The two men were arrested several weeks ago when they presented SANTA FE ROUTE. themselves at the First National Bank Grandest and Greatest Rallrtud on Earth. and tried to collect (S3 on a contract for an advertisement in a publication called Lairds Industrial Gazetteer. The Leave Ogdon or Salt Lake on the evening train In order to see the must bank at once declared the signature to the contract a forgery, and after the beautiful scenery In Amorica. arrest hundreds of similar contracts ware found on the men bearing the Train leaves Rio Orando Western Depot, Spanish Fork, at !: p. si (matures of different merchants and Ticket Office, So. IS W. Boeond South Strsat. mining companies. Some of the signatures were so well executed that their owners could not dispute them. At the trial a copy of the alQsneral Agont Paeaesger Department tot Dooly llulldioy. leged Gazetteer was produced and found to be an old book with new InSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH troductory leaves pasted In. The advertisements on which collections were attempted to be mode were also pasted In the same manner. The address of the publishing house Is given as 61 to 69 Gold street, New York. How the men obtained the signatures of the merchants is unknown. They have CAX'T HE IIOlOUT! advertisements of firms In Chicago. Bt. But that whloh break the Wat we have for isle. Aik for Louis, Denver, Omaha, Balt Lake, Spokane, San Francisco, Helena and many E other cities, and estimated to repreeent over ISO, 000. When the men were first arrested a telegram waa received from some party In New York, signing the WUKAT 811 RAf or BRAND. anJ taka soother. Laird Comiiany, stating the men were right, and that the company was ss: all 0) Since then responsible. C a? H been heard from the party.nothing has x YOUR GROCER 64-B- 6 Salt Lake Business Men Said to Bo UNSURPASSED H Powder, o" RIO GRANDE WESTERN, COLORADO MIDLAND. J. PUREST AND REST. iTOKXKR PRESS COMPANY. i CIGXRETTiES o Turn Office a MYfOo. - r, zm:o Id DHHRflHT HELD 1IIHH A MILLIHD Eli.. WIU it .up.r-latcadM- b IK MT CABS OUR BUSINESS GIREGTORY three ualoon keeper, McGloln, or SALT LAKI AXB OeilKX UXRCXAXTB. wounds In the head, will recover. Wba luwtrlijf Jvrtlaat kiaJly m.atloa H. M. Sternberger, shot In the abdothis mtwippr. men. Taken to St. Luke's hospital, will probably die. Samuel Stone, shot In the right leg, Cottigc with am. Strsabarrits ant Cream or will recover. Cl.at McGloln waa alone In hla saloon, lc rn m hr 20 CENTS. Aln fnrni.li.ii mum. when Cole entered and asked tha saloon keeper to get him some meat that Farm Loaas he claimed to have left In the Ice box MoCornick Hlwlt. Silt Lk. of the saloon. McGloln walked to the ARCHITECT and entrance of the Ice box and Cole drawM. D. KERN Raoin. 85 A 38 ing a revolver, ordered him to go Intini.r. Idle. 5 W.v.i Mouth side and stay there. McGloln truned and atruck the rob1'HOUICE, (iltAJLN, SdLliS. ber tn the face, nearly knocking him C. A- IBlBTUWAITB PUOU. CO..O(i!ii. ft. down. The two men then clinched and baMiMiS CAMPULLL, fought desperately. Cole managed to WOOL.1 Boob 17, Wbltlushan Uliig, W. revolver south hla St. V. O. Box 15S4. tint get one arm free, and with he pounded the saloon keeper viciously, HU001I HOTEL, indicting three wounds on the head. STvnnt. Htr Iteomnabi. Tha robber then broke loose from Mcrnuura bu)ilMM, Wrapping pa-iGloln and ran down the street, McKir. 'Iwiu.a, Eta Gloln following. He boarded a Bute LAMUKKT VAPKK CO.. Suit Lake tract car McGloln won till close upon K. It. UJfMCJlK cm him, and Cole seeing that he could not ASSAYERS. Sample by mail or ax press the ran hla oft BHielva hake through pursuer prumut ultrutiop. car. ISO Main Several cltlsens had by thin time J. W. CURRIE, fiSHffi. Prompt Joined In the chase, and, after running att.atlea rIyb all order, by mall or ex prea. one block to Jackson street, Cole fired BALT kuppilM and Grinding. a shut Into the crowd, which failed to LAKK liAHUElHSfci; PPLY CO. 181 tV. Snd (south Sf hit any one. The flight and pursuit then turned toward Wabash avenue To Lean Improved farmi. and south upon that street. Konenthal MONEY! UBAVES A baVINTON CO., and in the chase, and T. Dayo joined Hldg., Suit Laxa City. as Cole was badly winded by this time and auld. J they rapidly came up with him. Half MININS STOCKS liotiRbt A, Pollock, ISO Main way between Van Buren street and Bull Laka City. KI, Congress street, Rosenthal was close upon his man and ordered him to surHi render. Cole replied with a shot, and Iff Boon, I (laviton, aleotrle light. Strictthe bullet tore Into the stomach of all it appointment. first la elu ly Makes a leaders the waa who among Sternberg, IU rat to trad. of the pursuit. Juat before reaching the corner of TIPYCTO ' Cat ratep to all point the world. Groshells Congress street, the officer fired at the RD llUAClua I? T irk- - nu.. C.l. I... fugitive, who returned the compliment. The bullet of the officer wnt wild, but that of Cole brought down Stone, another pursuer, with a ball through the leg. Rosenthal fired a second time, and this time Cole staggered. He continued to run, however, turned the corner and ran east on Congress street SHECXELL& HUTCHINSON until he was directly In front of the 1 mw Opera Iiouaeblk, Salt Laka entrance to the great Auditorium thea- Uflll ter, where he fell. He died within two QDDIV DIIIIDO Spraying material, best minutes without saying a word. The uinAi rUiilrui on r,h- kirgaut V oifioefa bullet had passed through the STEELRANGES.835.00 left kidney and Into the lung. Nothing and upi lfsotsl, Grates Hot Air i ii r nac lolietlrd. la known of the man In Chicago. The CoiNtpnaden. UTAH ITOVE A HARDWARE COMPANY. only manner in which his name could be determined waa by the laundry DCIflllPTnU Ia household word in ml- mark on his clothing, which read N. nCmlnUl Un Crlf- E. Cole." He was of slender build, tM 23d 8 Ogden I hi- f about 6 feet 8 inches tall, and had a S TYPEWRITERS. dark mustache. kinil nt Heiwlrlnp fipeelxty. Crops and Buildings Destroyed. Ardmore, I. T July 8. A terrific electrical rain and wind storm swept BICYCLES! Best in the Market. over this section about 9 o'clock last At S40,S50,S75 end 100 night, doing great damage. In certain Band 4e for estilniuA All kind bleyela sup-pil- e localities the force of the wind by util. Address C. C, IlkKlKGhK, a tornado. The main force equaled of the prop'r sent Uyda Cyel Store. ZOJ SSth ft., Ogdon, Ul storm seems to have spent Itself about fifteen miles southeast, and near Marietta, I. T where a number of houses were blown down. One Hudson was BALT LAKE CITY, CTAIL killed by lightning at Bob station, twenty miles south of here. Cornfields, maowkeb" DOMLSTIC and hmw- buildings and fences were laid low. Buehin tuppiias, I'l.ii.w, organs, all kind M usical 1 ustruiu.il Sbwt iu UslaKud RTTIJir l. UoukA lnitrumanti and Maililno( sold on People Taka to Boats. any payment, fisnd for our luo list of shaot Sallna, Kan., July 8. A bridge gang muilo. ILOUilsopI. on the Missouri Pacific, which arrived this evening from Marquette, thirty miles southwest, state that the Smoky Hill river at that place has overflowed its banks and on the south aide extends nearly back to the bluffs, two miles dis- 9t6l Whlifti Are, 196 Main Streak tant The water la nearly to the sec0CD3K, UTAH BALT LA KB CITY ond story of the houses nearest the river and soma of tha people have been taken out In boats. The approaches to tha Missouri Pacific bridge are washed D. C. iSiCOBPOBATKD CKDBk TUB LAWS Of UTAH Assays Average AU ANIMALS LKfT street. torium Hotel on Cong re aa The wounded are: Mountain of Free Milling Gold Ore, Water and Timber Ysterinary Surgeon, Grants Soap, and Take No Other. J. ,K Grant, Manager, BPAinsH fork:, zmzent: all trains. treur n DC0 IllO msaafaelarere ef Ike CELRBRATRD r1 r laundry buap. l'e it la yrefurenaa to i. imported eiye. You will ki mure far your nuuKjr tad lie lieitrr We make all kind of map. LAL'Mrltl, liAS'l'ILk, TAK, n.NK TU1LKT, MLVBit ULST VAS111.0 KUIVDKU. Mt, etc., aud guaraatua our good to be atMolulrly purr. Auk juur dealer fur Bi.le OK you have started a medley trunk." Don't you know what a medley trunk" SUITS Is? It Is tho latest fad, aud a very Piute County, Utah, There 1b b sensible one, ion. As aoen as tha enTHAT --A1 gagement Is announced, the bride-to-b- e a trunk, the larger tho bettor, and SUIT 7 buys -than bar friends and acquaintances at lu Abundtiie ones proceed to fill It for her. Ooo dotsf-- M4 by Wll. JOHNSON. nates a One table cloth and napkins, SB Ton. another a few towels or a bit of lace, DIRECTORS another a bureau covar or a couple of John Christiansen, V. Prer., and Trts, Brigham D . Dsrgsr, Pres. Ss b b & pairs of gloves, aud so It goes on, gradu- I. J. Stewart, Richfield, Utah. I. 0. II. Parks, Ksphi, Utah, ally filling up with odds and ends, tha Henry Rotsly, Secretary. JJDWARD WOOD'S gifts of generous friends, until nt last Tar Particulars Address when tha wadding day has actually arHSTB3. rived, there Is a varied but valuable assortment In tho medley trunk that O. 71, Meets Fork, Utah, puts some of tha utterly useless offer-lathat will ba stowad away la safe AT TBS BaiAOK BOOM. ATS OKA! deposit vaults completely to shame HAOKL GRANT SOAP COMPANY, M1Uh Bad. If you ara au engaged girl, of course ZTIEZHZc5c L2v.i! iT-j- rev lun, MLT LAKE CITY, CO., rtd SALS LAKE CITY, CTAII . Grow only First-cla- ss and High Gride Stock. vark UM Only Sail 1st ! BBST tk wuas of Okinawa mshs Qald 11 Ss n "" imjvSSl.afBia; AL; Z-- N, Salt Laka. |