Show TBIMIITORIAL TOPICS Black bass have bean caught In DtaU Lako which dress four pounds Plans Cooperative Mercantile Institution In-stitution was clncorporatcd the 1st for a period of fifty yoars S B Shepard of Ogden has captured tho contract for bulldlnii the slatu normal school at Albion Idaho Sheriff Lloyd of Oarhon county arrested ar-rested Kdward Cavlness the 2nd who Is wanted In Oolorado for murder Jacobson suspected of murdering Lowls Prico ut JNonhl established his innocence bpftiro the coroners Jury The LofiSugar I factory was glutted v eoU last week and harvesting of tho crop wtis temporarily stopped A commission of Provoltes havo located lo-cated a reservoir site at the head of tho Provo river and construction work is under way The Tuicarora society of Salt Lake will make a marching club of 100 of Its noblest braves who will be the pride and enVy of alll beholders Judge Qrosscup of Chicago famous as the Judge who tried the contempt cases growing out of the Ilillmai strike was In Salt Lako an a pleasure trip tho 28th Ilober Clark of Clark Bros Co of Pleasant Grove was struck In the eye by a nail which ho was driving Into 11 barrel The pupil had to bo removed In order to save tho other eye Weber county Republicans have named E M Allison nnd David Me Kay for the senate and N J Harris Thomas J Stevens Leo Curtis and Dr A S Condon for the house G Bergmalrer was found dead In a room at tho Utah Hotel Salt Lake the yotn tho jury finding that his death was tho result of natural cans os lie has no known relatives Mrs Lllllo It Pardue Republican nominee for tho senate from Salt nnkijaounty bus withdrawn from the race fovrair legal complications might arise In case Of > her election Two apparent bilks have been doIng do-Ing the farmers wives in parts of Utah county selllncr them a box of shoe blacking and the promise of a silk dress pattern for 2 In advance Improvements aggregating 7000 have been made in tho Salt Lake Tabernacle for conference New carpets car-pets and additional seating capacity are added About six hundred more may bo seated than formerly An operation was performed upon Joe Lapsley the Salt Lako plumber who was so fearfully burned by hot solder removing ono of his eyes The operation was successful and the sight of the other eye will bo saved Tho Lohl Sugar Company denies as has been charged that tho price of sugar Is higher In Utah than elsewhere else-where In the West The company will not cut the price this year as it desires to avoid running at u loss as was the case las year Salt Lako county will not accept county warrants in payment taxes excepting tho issue of 18U5 This is to head oil payment of any warrants Issued to Andrews Co of Chicago whom the otllclals claim boodlcd tho county out of large sums of money Tho Lehi Banner reports the death of Mrs Jane Clark aged 75 years 0 I I months and 10 days She was the mother of twelve children grandmother grand-mother of soventytwo grandchildren and greatgrandmother of twenty I four groatgrandchildren Tho Beaver Utonlan reports the death of leather Valentine aged 80 years 4 months and 5 days lie has been In charge foriomo time of tho property at Port Cannon and on going go-ing home trom Beaver on tho night of tho blizzard ho got bit and perish od from exposure A note from La Bellevue mine Oregon Or-egon says W R Randall formerly foreman of that mine lied August 25th of intlanmtlon of tho bowels lie leaves a wife and two small children Mr Randall was well known on tho Comstock where ho was raised and had many friends in Utah II W Langenour a Californian of some note and a member of the last legislature mysteriously disappeared from home was seen and recognized in Ogden recently Ho was formerly a resident of Salt Luke and attended Vno session of the Bimetallic Union In J 01 May as a delegate from the Golden f state No explanation of his conduct offered Ed Egan wanted Ogden for purloining pur-loining a horse was arrested at Evanston Ev-anston He explained that he had taken his girl out riding and afterward after-ward went on a high lonesome and whon he awoke a long way from home realized he was in for it I and tried to escape The court thought tho explanation ex-planation did nut explain and held him to the grand jury J D Patterson an Ogden railway employee who has taken an active interest in-terest In local politics for some ycais has been arrested and jailed on a charge of forgery aggregating about 5oo lie has been drinking heavily of late Patterson denies criminal intent In-tent and says tho checks will be paid all right He has borne a splendid namo heretofore Friends claim a recent re-cent severe spell of sickness has undermined un-dermined his mind The Vernal Express says that James Beebo and family from Lander Wyoming are In tho valley visiting friends Mr Bccbo had nine head of horses stolen from him while he was camped a short distance below Fort S Ducnesne He thought they were tat ta-t > Qn by tho Utes and from his do scifptlpn of tho manner in which they weC stolen tho Indians are probably tho guilty parties Park Rccorjl An explosion which wrecked tho iiowly constructed dust Chambers in tine DowbyWalter relln lug process at tho Marsac refinery occurred oc-curred Tuesday afternoon tho cause being attributed to accumulated gas which the stack failed to carry oil Thcro arc three separate Hues leading into the stack and tho gas and dust carried by them was too large In volume vol-ume for the main Hue to handle and as a result a surplus accumulated and llnally exploded blowing out one entire en-tire side and the top of the du chambers cham-bers besides demolishing almost every ev-ery partition The damage Is being repaired as rapidly as possible The accident will retard the final test of tho new process from I which no bullion bul-lion has as yet been inn What a checkered career mused Judge Smith of the Salt Lake police court his ey fixed upon tho retreating retreat-ing form of Silas B smith who had Just 1 been allowed twentyfour hours in which to rid the city of his presence pres-ence I knew that man when ho was rated at a quarter Jof a million and when no enterprise in the country coun-try In which he operated was looked upon as legitimate unless the name of Silas B Smith wan connected with it lIe was owner of a number of stores distributed through as many mining camps and It was In that located at Bodie that whon a youth I found employment em-ployment Many a check with his signature upon It have I cashed In payment for my months work find to think that fate should dacreo that I be the one to pronounce a judgment giving I him time to get out of town well Ill tell you Its no enviable task Time cup has been his curse Whisky Is all ho lives for and as he expressed a dcslio to go to Ogden In search of It the least the court could do was to allow al-low him tho opportunity |