Show I Father > Brlmhall at Best George VabhlDgton Brlrahill ono ot Utahs veterans and one ot the Nanvon temple Imlldorc went to his last rest SI u dny nirrnldf at aout 030 n ui He hud been sick for about thiefl months with geuprnl debility Mr Urlmhall was very nearly 81 years of ago htiviUR Icon born on Oct 101814 Th funeral services were held In the meeting house Wednesday forenoon In tho presence of a lurgn number of friends who came to pay their respects to the memory of tho deceased Geo W Wilkins president ot tho high prlsstP presided and spoke kind words of comfort com-fort to tho family of deceased Bishop Kofllor representing limo faculty of then the-n Y Academy lilahop Geo D Snoll Presidents Partridge and John and BUhop Gardner added fords of praise nf lima character or the departed veteran and word of condolence to the relatlven anti friends Doueasod was ono ot the pioneers of Iron county and represented Southern Utah in the first legislature of the Territory Terri-tory lie wits at one time hdmltted to and praitlcod at the bar of the Terrllcry 1101 removed from Pa rowan to the capital and from there to Ogden where he WAS once a member ot tho cKr council Ho CHUIB to Tltuli county in 1805 settling at this city where he has since resided lie no nn e at the 1811 v Pr Gra r s n41n I Irn 1 t a UIIC ufc fc IIU UllTrk Ji 11 I a tl t n flu tected tlib city from Black I Hawks raids Ho has been a prominent church member mem-ber of thin stake and was for many years it patriarch and blessed hundreds if not thousands of people MOl mOnIsm was all tits world to Mm Father Urlmlihll was Well known to the people of Utahr Ilo wan prouiiiient in limo tarly settlement of the Territory At tho lime of the Johnston army episode ho had charge of the martial hand that wont out with tho Utah mill tin llli wife was left at home to care for the children and even made their shoes thai winter |