Show DIG UP THE LITTLE AX Spaniel Fork Is one of the most important im-portant commnnltins in ono of Utahs foremost countlui in population nnd wealth and us such is entitle to and demands a representative in the flnl State legislature of Utah The county Democracy Ins recognized recog-nized this fact liy giving this city a ropr ssntatlvc on their ticket in the person ot Mayor Marinas Larson The northern prcclaots In the Us publican county conyentlon by enter lag Into U combination against S ankh Fork declined to locounlzo her elanns for representation In the first and must important legislature of the i I new State eoon to be Such being the caFe the only resource re-source left to Spanish 1Mrk tosocuro representation in the legislature Is to elect Marl nus Larson Republicans tend Democrats realize this and Mr Larson will poll nearly every vote In Spanish Fork The few exceptions will bo those weak and soulless indl vldniils whom John C Graham and Ins heelers may sixwcd In whipping Into line No Spanish Fork citizen with H mind of Ills own and any pride in his place and In his own Individuality will by his vote sanction tho work of the 1rovo convention In leaving Spanish Fork out if ac cjiint and tendering her only a county nlllce for whIcH she had no candidate the Eeyubllcan party concedes every ihiiiK In tins preclnt to the Demo mat and utterly ignores the strug ling Republicans here whose votes will be needed to carry the county this year The action of the count convention was not truly Republican and nhould be repudiated Such a program as was then mad out will appeal to nothing partisanship |