Show 1 A Volcoi In Warning I SPAHI8U FOUR Oil 3 1895 Editor HERALD j la my morning rnmlh I suddenly found inystlf etanding on tho hill south of town Tho eye scans one of the richest rich-est spots In this fair territory First I noticed the beantlfnl town of Sslem nestling close to the toot of YaBatchs ADO v capped peaks whoso vii dint sides are tinted with golden tippetl asp n rtiesotlaafcd oak and green grasser Looking southward extending cown from the mountains lien the enterprising enterpris-ing town of Payson Then floti ly turning turn-Ing westward tho bran I acres first or Beujalllin and then of Lake Shore passed before my view with tholr hundreds of rural homes with barer Hlacka and pleasant surrounding In tho distance could be seen the green of the 1 Ilkc Long I gazed I and feasted tho e > o while ttmuRht after thought chased each other through my mind Now I northward turn and scan thous nude of acres of giuln interapflrsed with green pitches of beets which go to fill the coffer of the favored manufacturer Aid here amidst it all lies Spanish Fork Oity along whose Iteming streets the busy hum of tile factory is I heard nnri whose mercantlo institutions are second to none This city is noted for Its insti t tntiouBof Jearnlug where hundreds of bright boys nnd happy girls store treasures treas-ures of knowledge guided by that mastermind Prof Joe A Rees anti from whose high schcol he graduates teachers fur nil her needs nnd to spore Aslauod and pondered on the scene I Bald Blessed land II ppv people I Yonr ten thousand noble sow of toll ore industrious frugal loyal and bravo But hark I heard a voice in deep solemn tones imko answer saying Ybb but north of you them is a confederacy con-federacy formed of those who have conspired con-spired to rule over ypu They haw chosen knights of thoyardHtlck quill pusher and a lawyer all of whom kuoiv nothing of your wants nud propose to place these men to make your laws and rule over yojr land Sh con it be BO yes it must be so That it la so Got 1st places beyond ill question Now my duty Is 1 plain I must not stand hero longer idle but hio me to the city and village and ny to these hardy tons of lll 1 Rouse yel to the defense of yoni right 1 Let your watchword bo Rome tule and Equal R hltl Weigh every applicant for your voo and decree that 7U purity does not fill the contract and cannot be received The knight of the yardstick knows not our wants and cannot fill our Home Rule necessity and must not pass Tho quillpusher has conspired against us and Is of no bon tH to us The lawyer has many times fcoen weighed In tho balance and found wanting want-ing We must have n hardy son of toll to represent our great agricultural district dis-trict Wo stand for Homo Rulo and Rqml Rights for all Our great ftgrli cultural nnd ItrlgatLu Interests our population our every intercut entitles ns to bo heard in both broncho ot the legislative body of our flooiitobn Stale We will say to you that you cannot walk aWRy with fix nut of eight This does not meet our standard of equality Ve are numerically nearly as great as you We only a ked for three out of the eight You denied us thrt right I and now you must abide the results X |