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Show 1 1 AMUSEMENTS DRAMA AND VAUDEVILLE. OP.rif EOT Vnndcville bill, vith Eddie For nnd Yi'iiit,'iT Toys: Jlnscotil Brothers and company; Polly Iuriin ami (liarl'-s Invtn. lie mi liners, (low piny in jr. Matinee and evening. JJirPODKOME Kalph i'lmiincrr and his own (Mm p:iny in "Porn Tiionu'. " Performance i-very night eci'pt Monday. Mat i nee today. WILKES Crane Wjjbur. Mamie "rVulv and the Wilkes Plnyers in "The Fool's Gan.e." Mull-nvv Mull-nvv tiHiay. V.K NTA(J ES Now hill, headed by McKay's NcoU'li Kevue. Five other biff acts. Throe shows djiily. N K W HO IS E Bob Itobison. Ada Te Clmce and bc;i lit y cijortiH tn now music revue, fen airing mvi'.i'-y ol patriotic suncs. Allen's Jazz band. MOTION FICTURES. ISIS - -Tnn v. Marparita Fisher in "Put T'p Your Han.ls"; Fatly Arbuckle in "Tile Vil-litjrc Vil-litjrc Scandal. " BHOAPWAY Today, Tom Mix in "The Coming of tt;e Law" ; also two big comedies. AMERICAN Enrle Witlinma in "Gentleman of quality"; Fatty Arbuckle in "The Aviator"; j Kino-rams and instrumental specialties.. STIt AN1 .Tnlmnle llines in "Nciglibors" ; Kitty (.ardcii iu "I'urple Lily." |