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Show EAST HIGH ATHLETES I STATE CHAMPIONS IN ANNUAL TRACK MEET Leopards Score 24 Points, Leading Granite, Their Nearest Competitors, by Ten Marks; Poor Condition of Track Precludes Possibility Possi-bility of Setting New Records. Special to The Tribune. LOGAN. May 16. The. East high school of Salt Lake City won the annual Interschool athletic meet here today with 24 points, a safe lead over Granite high, which scored 14. Following is the list of other contestants and their scores: a y. tt. h . s. n Spanish Fork 11 II. of V. preps 10 Ogden H. S 9 I Murdock academy 6 1 Pleasant Grove 5 i B. A. C 6 Dixie o Jordan '1 TJ. Y. C. . . i 4 Hinckley 3 American Fork 3 Davis 1 Boxelder 1 The East high won on the strength of their track team. The track at Adams field was in poor j condition, hence no records were broken I or fast time made. It was decided to let j contestants In track events run for record j time at Provo, May 24, when the collegi-: collegi-: ate state meet is to be held. , Kerr of the Utah preps and Brown of the B. Y. L ran a close race in the half 1 mile. The winners in the 100-yard, 220-yard 220-yard and quarter mile had little trouble. A large crowd attended the meet. The participants were entertained at a banquet ban-quet and dunce tonight at the U. A. C. Following are the results; 100-yard dash First, Smith, Fast high; second, Petty. Hinckley; third, Wilkinson, B. Y. C. Time, 10 3-5. Mile run Kerr, Utah preps, first: Brown, B. Y. T. high, second; Jackson, Jjavis, third. Time. V-i? 2-r. 220-yard hurdle. Oswald. Fast hisrh, first; Taylor, Spanish Fork, second; Beat-tie, Beat-tie, fc2ast high, tliiid. Time, :2S 4-5. 440-yard dash Clove. B. Y. U. H. P.. ' first; Jones, ogden, second; Leyshon, East high, third. Time, :50 C-o. 22o-yard dash Buehner, Granite, first; N tie use h wander. Granite, second; Lee, Bast hiuii, third. Time, ;:-4 1-5. SS-o-yard run Kerr. Utah preps, first; Brown. 13. Y. U., second ; Leyshou, East high, third. Time, 2:14. High jump Webster, B. A. C, first; Stevenson, Granite, second; Maeser, Murdock, Mur-dock, third. Height, 5 feet 7--. inches. Discus Maeser, Murdock, first; Miser, B. Y. C., second; Webster. B. A. C, I third. Distance, 105 feet 2 inches. Si lot put Frampton, Pleasant Grove, first; Green, American Fork, second; Vincent, Vin-cent, Jordan, third. Distance, 41 feet. Javelin Lee, Fast high, first; Lynn, Jordan, second; Robertson. Spanish Fork, third. Distance. ?.2 feet inches. Broad jump Pavis, Spanish P'ork, first; Buehner, Granite, second; Watkins, Box-elder, Box-elder, third. Distance. 21 feet 2-"i inches. Pole vault Milne, Davis; Webster, B. A. C., and Richards, Ogden, ail tied at! 11 feet G inches. . j Relay Won by East high, with Os- ! wald. Brady, Anderson and Captain Lee 1 running. Dixie and Spanish Fork tied for second. Time, 1:41 3-5. I Officials Referee, Lieutenant Walter Scott ; starter, Eugene Roberts; clerk of course, James E. Moss ; timers. Carl Pe- : terson, Lester Jarvis. Wid Ash ton; field judges, Maurice Stiefel, Louis Falck, : Clyde Worley, W. J. Snow', George Caine. ' George Green, Earl Robinson; judges of, finish, Tommy Fitxpatrick, M. C Mor- I rill, Ariel Lindquist, Lyn Adrus; scorer,' L. H. Peterson; announcer, E. J. Kirk- j ham. |