Show DAILY ENQUIRER mahan MAH cn 20 1896 john 0 graham manager tau r number i 27 local mention in tola colnic 30 cents per line each insertion advertise aad most b ent to THE office not later than 10 a m to inser abino dav da v AND A LIFE SAVED by tho persistent use of ayers sarsaparilla 1 I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee several physicians who treated me called a cancer assuring me eliat nothing could be done to save life As a last resort I 1 was induced to try ayers sarsaparilla and after taking a number of bottles the soro began to disappear and my general heal ali improve I 1 persisted in thia treatment until the sore was en healed since then I 1 use ayers sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood purifier and indeed it seems as though I 1 could not keep house without if mrs S A FIELDS bloomfeld la AVERS only worlds fair acors phia Rog ulato tho ahw the eighth of the U 0 T A for 1895 96 will bal held in provo on march 28 1896 at the usual time misa holton will take charge of the primary department and also deliver a general lecture the subject of school discipline will be considered in the grammar department mr child lead inc in the for should pupils be to write with the left hand D H county superintendent free palls send your address to H E bucklen co chicago and get a free bamble box of ir kings new life pille A trial will convince yon of their merite these pills are easy in action and aro em clive in the cure of constipation and bick headache for maurill and liver ca they haye been proved invaluable chev are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious and to be purely vegetable they do not weaken by their action hut by giving tone to stomach and bobala areat iv invigorate tho system regular size per box sold by Excel etor drug and faint co 4 best of all to cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner whan the springtime comes use the true and per feet remedy byrna of figs one bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 60 cents the large bize 1 buy the genuine manufactured by the california fig syrup company only and for bale by all druggists vohen baby wag we gave her castoria when sho was a child eho cried for when she bramo aai ss sho cluer to castoria when she had children she gave it is not s miracle it wont cure bat it will cure piles thais chat dewitts witch hazel salve will do because it bats done it in hundreds of cases smoot burp co awarded highest honors worlds fair DR w r CREAM BAKING mm MOST PERFECT MADE A pure crape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD from lagrippe how dr miles restored one of Kentucky 5 business ej len to alea jo DISEASE has ever presented so many i peculiarities as lagrippe no disease loaves its victims so debilitated useless sleepless nerveless as lagrippe mp D 17 allton state about of tha mutual life insurance co of kentucky says ic and 90 I 1 had two severe attacks of lagrippe LaGi ippe the last one attacking att ackins my nervous system with euch severity that my alte was despaired of I 1 had not slept for more than two months except narcotics that stupefied me but gave mo no rest I 1 was only conscious of intense mental weakness agonizing bodily pain and the act eliat I 1 was hourly prowling weaker when in tills condition I 1 commenced using dr miles restorative in two days I 1 ocean to improve and in one months time I 1 was cured much to the surprise ot all who knew of my condition I 1 have been la excellent health since and have recommended your remedies to many ot my friends louisville jan D W dr miles restores health narry druces grocery store block east mill race STAPLE FAMILY GROCERIES LINES LEAVE YOUR and goods will be delivered to any part of the city THOS manager studebaker WAGONS and BUGGIES A carload arival direct from he Fecto rv can sell as cheap as any dealer in salt lake city A general stock of farming implements including bakes howera plows and harrows work and buggy harness in stock NEWEL KNIGHT livery stable and yards H street anat centrex city P 0 box leading grocery will have a large shipment of garden tools in this week consisting of HOES RAKES SHOVELS DICING FORKS SPADES HAY FORKS also a fine line of WRINGERS galvanized WASH TUBS and graniteware A fine assortment of I 1 am selling for CASH and will make you smile when you hear my prices on groceries they cannot be beaff Is complete wa cany the nicest meat in town free delivery to ell parts of the city telephone no 29 P P HINDMARSH prop BAKE slain st sail lake city open evenings from 7 to 8 5 per interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded UTAH TITLE INSURANCE CO capital president W fi A L THOMAS secretary and bashier Oa shier IMPORTANT having purchased the entire manufacturing plant of the provo coop co op and cavino b otherwise added to our business increased facilities we are prepared to make and trim suits at the following unheard of prices 3 MAD 0 Os al 10 SINGLETON CLOTHING CO high art tailors A people come from east west north and south to see our AT of ML JL vl U and to get them at such TT rat ITT TTa LOW PRICES this sale is goina to last the month i t sa this week in A TEW VERSION the sun did bloze m the eastern sky when crowds of people went scurrying by some riding some walking some skipping along all eager expectant singing this song i ra ta r nixa W AIS A D Q i they all looked glad and their eyes were bright i As a fire in a grate on a cold winter night i and all seemed anxious as they could be f 4 To arrive at the place where they could see j TT the finest bargaining in all the land i m spread out in that house of values grand oa ad oLyla is s on either side as they passed alfing they saw windows pretty and attractions strong saw many a bargain on paper and ink y t t saw at cash signs so glaring as to make one blink v but none baught their eye or turned their head s a As resolutely on their way they sped s A fe fejt if i stop let us look at this one man cried I 1 As in a window near some suits he espied 1 fx f W but the crowd poured on and with a winking eye sg K y while smiling upon him did thus reply 1 l f st 3 you buy there if wish and t an fn may you pay well for the name s fi but were going to go where low prices reign at SCHWAS t J ii get trashy goods there 3 t WA 4 cries the high profit man fag p and to stop the trade tide does all that he can t f but A its j a weak s vain eifort r i and i i lacks i the i ring e jy A W of true merit and value the only thing f A i ya AJ that people want and such custom bring J r by SCHWAB y hll tit fa I 1 he crowds i and t S bitsi 1 pour in trade all day j r i tf ae not even at six willing to go abaiy tet AI w TA who can blame them A for they well know t ff jofs 1 that its there their 1 f dollars will farthest go and that to get styles most exclusive and rare and choicest values with least trouble and care TB only 1 to jt go to t A i t y i SCHWAB the provo cleothier Cl ethier |