Show NOTICE IN DISTRICT countr state ot utah eutico of time and place f vr hearing of petition for admission to probate of will in the matter of the estate 0 george W deceased pursuant to an order of said court la said matter notice la hereby given abat monday t 0 d y of alarca A D 1896 at lOo a m aitho court house in div city utah county state of atah in ibe court room of bald has been time and place for the hearing of a petition of bachel A oco and emer jil brumball praying for tle to probate of a certain doo prevented purporting to e the lost wilt and testament of georgo W kev hi 11 deceased when and where ail per bons interested may appear ad contest the probate of baldwin or the granting ottlee lers to bramball Brim ball II 11 brumball and emer M brumball aa prayed fr in said petition labud at pr aro city march 18 1896 ul JUNES district clerk utah county utah J E bath atty fox petitioner |