Show county convention A county convention of tho republican party of utah county will be heldal springville Spring ville on thursday april at ll a m for the purpose of electing 64 delegates to the state convention ven tion to be held in salt lake city on april the members of the county committee in the several precincts are requested to see that primaries are held inthey re Bp octive precincts for the election 1 of delegates to the convention not later than march 1896 delegates to be elected without regard to sex and to be apportioned as follows alpine 7 american fork 31 benjamin 5 cedar fort 1 clinton 2 fairfield 3 goshen 6 higland 3 lake shore 3 lake view 2 lehi 34 mapleton 4 payson 25 pleasant grove 23 provo ast 1st ward 11 provo and 2nd ward 12 ard 3rd 22 ath 13 ath 16 provo bench 6 P V junction 2 salem 10 santaquin San p 6 spanish fork 22 springville Spring ville 40 spring lake 2 thistle 5 tucker 2 vineyard 3 total special arrangements have been made with the railroads for one fare for the round trip JOHN C GRAHAM chairman A secretary |