Show A DANGEROUS PLAYHOUSE the children were lighting matches over dynamite among the many adventures that befell sir jebb in the of his rocky mountain mining experiences was one connected with dynamite says the youths companion A line of rooms had been built for the accommodation of clerks the storing of dynamite and so forth then the superintendent sent for his wife and family the children numerous and turbulent were made free of the place with the necessary exception of alie dynamite storeroom probably for the reason that this one room was forbidden to them they were constantly caught hanging about it to be dismissed promptly with a caution finally after it was thought they had forgotten the subject sir jebb was home to bed early one morning after sitting up all night with a refractory furnace when he happened to notice that the outer door of a room containing ta giant powder was ajar thinking of the gross carelessness of which some one had been guilty he went to shut the door As he did so he glanced inside and to his horror he saw alic whole half dozen children sitting on the various cases trying to see which could make a match burn longest there was enough es plosive substance in the room to blow up the entire town and it seemed extremely probable that that was juat aliat was to happen for it flashed through mr jabbs mind in a second eliat if he startled the children they would drop their matches and run when the result would be pretty certain they were too busy to hava caught sight of him lie moved a attle away from the door and hen called to them softly probably his voice was somewhat shaken by what tho novelists call conflicting emotions for at first the children did not recognize it but at alie second or third call aliey came gingerly out of the room fearful lest retribution for their disobedience might be about to befall them the moment the ast child carrying a still burning match crossed tho threshold mr jebb rushed into the storeroom just in time to extinguish a smoldering match head on the floor and after a searching look around to see that all was safe be went out and locked the door with gasp of relief then bo marched the children off to their father with whom to judge from the sounds they halt hou fr 2 |