Show opt AT 14 ST IN THE hathenbruck BUILDING WITH A blew and stylish line of WE ABE MAKING specialties OF idress goods aid ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF s ste froin B to F iiii ais cliffe and laces in all new styles and colors keep a You rf reye J on us we dij interest vou S f WEDGWOOD bank building PROVO UTAH U H IJ MIGHT LAWYERS booma 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A f AT daiy bank building PROVO UTAH J W fi AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn and bank building PROVO UTAH THOMAS JOHE ATTORNEY AT LAW excelsior block up stairs UTAH S K KING attorney at law 1 2 3 aad 4 swasey martica Mart ioa bank bedz PROVO CITY UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law dooin 9 bank UTAH D D attorney AT lavy A and 6 ked smoot blovelt UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON attorney AT LAW rooms 4 and 6 beed smoot block UTAH J E BOOTH mamey AT LAW 23 N J provo city JOSEPH E AT law collection anancy office bank PAYSON CITY UTAH SAM UTAH coraor 7 and etli street fire insurance J con of new york korwicki of london northern of london critian american of toronto national life of vermont aca moices at swasey A marthae Marti ae bank awo city CHAS demoisy attorney at laio bocim 15 bank building centre st PROVO 01 Y UTAH J M STULL 2 doors bouth of rockhill hotel SPANISH UTAH E A WILSON attorney at law booms 6 and 7 bank building attorn ey at law beono 9 bank CITY UTAH S H ALLEN conaty K r W TELEPHONE no 50 offida at residence smoot brisk house 1 block east of tabernacle PROVO UTAH DR G H KEYSOR DENTIST crown and bridge work a specialty all work fully guaranteed kooms 2 and 4 bank building UTAH W B CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power pi ana special city surveyor of proal deputy U S mineral office at court house CITY UTAH R 0 architect and superintendents corner M and ath st J F floyes M D physician aad excelsior block over pyne arde store PROVO CITY UTAH office boora 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A mccurtain MJ m office palace blace residency 2 glocka baat bank corner rele phona no 45 office no 28 PROVO UTAH B X L jonea knowlden Kno widen jones general hiie and life AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH PATENTS a t ts ilia K aue oufa ou fd t ind ai other pate it bausis in lh ant octha and bedora tae kourts nj receipt of or ls teti af pf IE biake adlie m bully tr el clin rire ny directly fram alte stat rt being lo 10 personal teaera it 1 apparent that I 1 hat a a prompt or tab tnora roae atoa of applications for pa tent and toi to all entrusted to la tr te jhb hort cat two and m on request J B r attorney in canses washington D 0 office marita obtained and ices conducted or MODERATE fee i duft cwick is OPPOSITE US PATENT ad we canse cuT patent r less atine eremite stid model or photo att ocoa we advise K or s chares our afe not due till pa lent ta secured s A ala cast of same in tb US and countr lM bentee sen tee aass PATENT I 1 a 0 I 1 y fv att w V DAILY 10 Is declining the english courts arc mailing complaint of alio decline of litigation cases nrc quickly disposed of and tho number of new cases arising is not auf to keep some branches of the court occupied lord justice A L smith an eminent member of the judiciary in addressing a body of solicitors recently said that the andge s were not to blame for the fact that few litigants sought the courts one difficulty ho thought was that a person having a case might go to law and be successful throughout and yet his costs would be heavy justice smith believed that the losing litigant ant should pay all the costs as i don in this country jl sarr cure ar known by perspiration causino intense itcan when warm this form fir well as blind bleeding or yield t conw to dr pile remedy which directly on parts affected tamora aslaug itching ni ft cora 50 acte cf asil free dr bohanko Boa anko philadelphia pa bold by excelsior arne paint co good advice to farmers do not contract your peato crop unless the pirth same pays down ac the time the agreement ier at least ten cents per cal on ns and we will teil yon why utah county fau t and Aeri cultural society diw F J aiani mrs E E davis of ban Miguel Cal aya 1 I aan trying in a measure to re ailbe of cough Remi iv for tha areat good then remedy has done me for years I 1 wa a weak lunga and bronchial oron chial abma my rest at was disturbed by a bachi uz cough BO that I 1 felt miserable the greater part of the time many remedies recommended by friends were tried none of which proved suitable to my case I 1 did not experience any beneficial results until I 1 beean taking chuh after two bottles ot the lare size have been used I 1 am pleased to state my health ie better than it has been for vears the sorene ea has left my longs and chest and I 1 zan breatt e easily it baa done me eo much bood that I 1 want all who are suf lerina from lunz tron blea I 1 was to give it a for sale by smoot drug co the university of SALT LAKE CITY the next academic year will begin sept 18 the following courses are d 1 course in Cre scheie eie 2 boorse in arts 3 in minine engineering 4 advanced normal course each of iha above leads to the bachelors degree abo normal diploma by of law exempts the holder from all examinations ia the school system 5 normal course leading to a berti acte of graduation which exempts the holder from examination for a period of five years 6 preparatory course leading to the collegiate studies tint CD is virtually virtu aly free in all departments a small tion iee only being required A certain of normal scholarships ie allotted to each counte applicants for apt to euch must apply to tho territorial commissioner of schools through superintendents tho faculty of the university has been recently greatly enlarged and the equipment of the institution extended for circulars and other information address J E president university ot biah salt like city per over fifty acara mx has or ove fifty years by millions of mother for their while teething with perfect BUC erss it soothes the child softens the gums allays U pain cures wind colic and la the beat remedy fw diarrhoea it will relieve the poor little surener su imma sold by in every jart of the world twenty five cent bottle be bine and ask for mr wynlow syrup and take no ther kind to loan on improved tarm and city tv term five years with privilege of part payment of any amount before maturity this money la loaned on mortgage only thereby granting to borrower the lawful in case of foreclosure low raib 01 interact inte call on or write george A dusen berry at county recorders office provo city utah lost A ladys gold watch on sunday fore nom beir N L deleons Ne leons residence fourth ward finder will be rewarded by leaving same at the enquirer office for sale A 15 horse horizontal engine and no richt boiler almost new can be pur cluied together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo city raspberries Rasp berries english blade and red currants now ready pluma etc in season for ale at T leonards 2 blocks W and 18 ot U P R R depot daab for sale one lot north of ha provo opera house with a seven roomed adole and hrick building apply to wm buckled provo ot the peace will find it to their advantage to send to for all kinds of leeal blanks we have the moat approved kinds and at prices below thoa tho a of any other dealer address ENQUIRES t f provo chiy utah that djanie back can tw stevea W dr miles PLASTER only ot tha city awatar will do well to call on tha apen Inton dent for the coat of connection to the water main bates or any pertaining to cost and ansa ol 01 taft city water kindly amir ared by ern our arec the long winter can b tery profitably devoted to bat are oma things ehst wo auit read the round ona of these la local paper the beat in the country ll 11 before you another is ft good homo paper of en MI as womankind for which corica once 8 month filled with the beet tor the we are able by special arrangements arrange menta with the t offer free for tear to every subscriber tub scriber to OM paper and we are glad io do so for we b e convinced text co home paper in america contrina con tsina more of practical maln to woman bright tt orien clever the lates fat hiona newa of comans womans wort everywhere articles on motherhood Motha of flow era a parliament for the dui of mattera of in ya a few of the bright of womankind to the boad of aba house ff affer on tha bame carmi carai news an able edited aby a practical daimer miller eba late state lecturer of tha ohio al liance and fillod each month falth irom able to every wide avalee farmer the aaeng provided yon arc a to our paper remember every to ass if to alx chalca of either of tutee papers tell joor abbot thia offar A copy 0 both may fc by Ts co proto come in and oay R tr la t tax find act one of thesa at ir baar gryfe pitchers DR sll foit COUGH COLDS croce best remedy or to taka and no sold eten aspra ac ald by jsn co pa by excelsior arna co PROVO and javns POVO capital surplus DIRECTORS aeed prest D T dark vice preat john jonea james A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L S hills J R general banking transacted zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pars biye per cent interest per annum on any di you maee write for particulars WILFORD aso M pipat casbier DOCTOR li SHORES aa cri ca a w ta PRICE 2 A BOX positively guaranteed lo 10 cure every car f nanal catarrh catarrhal Catarrh aJ diseases bequir bothi local and constitutional treatment directions for usan dr G W shores flou curative remedies in all catarrhal chronic diseases if your have catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or any complicated affection of th noie throat bronchial tubes or lungs use dr G W shores catarrh cure cough cure and tonic and blood purifier to cure the catarrh stop the chueh cleanse and purify the blood improve the appetite and 1 complicated with kidney alvr or bladder trouble ue dr G W shores kidney and liver cure ana in all cases take one of dr G W shores anti con tl pills at bedtime if your I 1 chronic and deep seated write or G W shorn personally for his cair symptom list and hav your case nosed and ret expert advice free dr 0 W shores tonic end blood Clea estS and th blood gives and vie or cures dyspepsia cad ait carvous diseases disease i price 1 per bottle dr 0 W bhore kidney and liver cure cures all diseases of th kidneys liver and bladder price II 11 per bottle dr 0 W shores chueh car aures all coughs colds and bronchial affections one dose will stoy spasmodic croup keep a bottle in tb hour larz bottles csc dr 0 W shores mountain aae oil stops th worst pain in one minute for headache ach cramps or colic us it externally and internally ter nally prevents and cures diphtheria if used ID time keep a bottle handy price a bottle dr 0 W shores pepsin destroy intestinal worms ind removes the little round catt where they hatch and breed it never falls price a botte dr Q W wintergreen salv cures all diseases of the skin removes red spots and black pimples from the fae heals old tori in price 1 a bo dr 0 W shores antl pill cures chronic constipation headache and blou hacks price a bottle these famous remedies are only by doctor G W shores alona medical institute salt lake city utah for sale by smart co provo utah THE PEOPLES blacksmith general Ulac and wagon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A first class work at living prices J street 1 bobbs north bank city DAVID MELD RUf keeps always on hand H OJE home cured hams aad bacon bologna aad perk Su sage PURE HOME MADE CASH PAID FOR PAT LIVE GIOTTO lowest prices consistent with best quality and honest quantity D mcpherson proprietor PIERCE located in basement on J street under travo hardware and iron co First class cigars guaranteed in a cases OF BRANDS billy pierces free silver 16 to I 1 billy pierced leader also perfect model PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY pyne maidens Mai bens drug store ijas es fc x aloo LOOK OUT FOK ailts oil s i s 11 T wills ciu anoy JL largest stock south ot salt lake city at full line of liquors und bottled beer family trade solicited H S mgr sistr pioneer newspaper of centra and southern utah i IN ITS twenty only daily paper south of salt lake the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semi weekly edition A has a larger circulation throughout all the countie comprising he first judicial district than all other newspapers combined the is the oran of utah republicanism Protect wa and the encouragement of home industries for of subscription seo top of first collion on second J j |