Show the chronic still lives but there are leas cases of chrome indigestion and than former Sv the fact is BO many people in the past have liver regulator that they are now cared ot these ills ant d great multitude are now jakine simmons liver regulator for the same troubles and therul soon be cured it a the beat medicine mrs E balne baltimore md Dr Prices cream baking worlds fair highest award mrs 8 A kell of pomoca oal had the bad lack to sprain her ankle 1 ined sevell liniments abe buys but kaa not cured until I 1 used chamberla ina palo balm that remedy me fand I 1 take pleasure in refo cam ending it and to its efficacy abia meditina me dipina is also ol 01 great kalua fox rheumatism lame back in the chest pl euris and all deep seated end muscular pains for bale by smoot drag oo 00 two blives saved mrs phoeba thomas of junction city ill was told by her doctors she bad consumption and that there was no hope for her bat two bottles new discovery completely cured her and she davs it saved her lie mr thoa emeera morida st ban francisco buffered from a dreadful cold approaching consumption tried without result everything else then brought one bottle of dr kinsa new discovery and in two was cured ho is naturally thankful thank fal it is such results of which these are examples eam ples that prove iho wonderful efficacy of this medicine in coughi and colds free trial bottles at excelsior drug fe paint co regular and children cry tor pitchers Gasto riar 02 both the method and results wien syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is tha only remedy dofita kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial m ita effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commard it to all and have made it the most popular remedy knows barup of elgg 13 for sale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro sure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept ay substitute FIG CO SAN FRANCISCO CA ka aw successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and G flooring ao asack JES a 9 sawed and dressed to order scroll sawing and turning done valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office aud ard opposite JR R depot 1 ftc P 0 box telephone no 20 vl i X os in order to introduce our large stock of fail and winter goods we are filing to eive a SD B not of old stock but of new and desirable goods just the kind you want to get heady for cold weather sale september M and continues for 15 days we want your trade and it prices will get it we are going to have its LOOK AT PRICES 10 pieces plain dress goods at ac worth 10 pieces plain check D W dress goods at lc worth buc 10 pieces cashmere D W all colors at worth soc 10 pieces manchester brocaded brocades Bro cades at ilc worth AND 1000 remnants of dress goods 2 to 8 yards just the thing for childrens dresses at half value 50 pieces of dark prints at ac worth 10 pieces heavy blue domestic at ac worth 10 pieces red domestic oil colors at alc worth 20 pieces challies Challie 9 at alc worth ac lie worth 5 pieces white shaker flannel at ac worth ac 5 pieces grey shaker flannel at ac worth loc 5 pieces silk stripe outing flannel at lac worth 5 pieces heavy cotton flannel at ac worth loc remnants table linen 2 ai 2 and 2 yards each at about half value SHOES any pair of ladies shoes in the house for any pair of mena shoes in th ehouse for 3 00 aa we have shoes at and you can see what a great sacrifice we are making all our ladies and childrens tan shoes and oxfords at cost pairs of childrens shoes at cost As shoes have advanced in prices it will pay you to lay in shoes CLOAKS CLOAKS we have the finest line of ladies plush fur and cloth jackets etc and in order to introduce them we will give 15 per cent discount to every lady purchasing one before september LOOK AT PRICES 1 lot ladies union suits each 1 lot misses union suits each 1 lot ladies undershirt a and drawers 25 each 1 lot childrens undershirts and drawers oc each 1 lot boys undershirts and drawers sac each 1 lot mens undershirts and drawers each the above underwear are BARGAINS 1 lot ladies wool and cotton hosiery 20 25 each 1 lot childrens wool and cotton hosiery 2025 each 1 lot feud wool and cotton hosiery each many of the above hose are worth a pair 1 lot turkish towels each 1 lot hock towels ac each 20 pairs lace curtains pair 10 pairs lace curtains pair 10 pairs lace curtains pair 50 white and grey blankets boc pair 25 grey blankets 10 pair 25 white blankets pair 1 lot bed comforts CLOTHING our entire stock of clothing must be closed out as we are going out ot the clothing business it will pay you to see us before buying as you can get them at less than cost 1 lot bib overalls at pair best overalls on earth buc pair 1 lot mens hats each 1 lot cowboys hats each hot boys black hats each 1 lot boys black hats each this ia no sale of old undesirable stock they are all bright new and seasonable goods just ahac yon want today we are baesa gooda to yon to call on us as we are sure to gat your trade if yon compare oar valnes with others 30 AD 32 CENTRE ST PROVO CITY ra we are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and hope that when our p aggi jr g M a that there will be added one star to the galaxy of states that will outshine reir IS to de a tta them all in purity and grandeur but before that time does come you will need something in the line of pry goods groceries glassware woolen boods blankets stoves hardware IN YOU WILL NEED A BOST OF thinas TEE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY khiaos AT 4 T G WEBB EjR trustee m K J djs bria i highest of all in leavening Leave aing power latest U S goat report jack the killer was not a more persistent foe of the huge orges be demolished then the great national tonic hostellers Ho stomach bittera is to all mann r abla symptoms b indigestion constipation or heartburn loss of appetite sleeplessness yellowness of thu akia nausea fur upon abe tongue are manifestations always removable by the bitters character ize its remedial work As a safe enard against malaria it bas achieved a world wide reputation abe foundation oi which was laid forty years ago speak u it in ibe derais its efficacy m and kidney trouble is well appetite improved sleep visits weary brains and overwrought nerves when it ia used it is edited to the most delicate and bastid iou of invalids it fully merits a fair and continuous trial dac prices cream baking poow worlds pair chest medal and |