Show went through with a rush WAS areat vole stood 47 20 in organization abe judicial district convention for iha nomination of n republican judge of the fourth district met abia morn bog in the county court honse chairman J 0 graham of utah called the convention to order and made few remarks of welcome he placed in nomination w temporary chairman of the convention hon J P daliea of uintah county and as temporary secretary liea sarah stubbs ot provo r ane temporary chairman came for ward and made a brief speech of mr 8 B jonee arose and delivered a moat eloquent address of welcome which we regret apace will not permit us to produce here mr pyne moved that the chair appoint three aa a committee on cred Qt lala the following were appointed robt anderaon JOB 0 hatch J R bohard on motion ot mr graham a corn matteo of aciz were appointed aa corn dittes on permanent organization abre utah two frona wasatch and on rom U nah following are the appointees poin tees 8 8 jonea fred bonn gea webb john auber B bachman jr and W horner oa motion of mr hayes 0 wasatch a committee on was appoint daa follows A john mc nelll 0 W baboth aboa parry fred haves and J P davis on motion of mr graham the convention recess till athla afternoon the on credentials reported showing all precincts represented report adopted abe committee on permanent organ z t ion and order of reported follows folIO WS we conr committee on permanent ori and order of business beg leave to report aa follows wo recommend aa permanent chaar mia m ia of abio convention john buber ol 01 wasatch county B bachman jr per mrs kate doall do all assistant ec cretaro john mcniel chap laii booch m arms WB recommend the following order 0 1 liport committee on credentials credentia le i organization 3 koll call by chaplain 6 report committed commit tea oa resolutions tf nomination for district judge 7 miscellaneous we recommend voting be done pre cinita and abat the chairman of each delegation anno the vote and thai the majority all delegated dele gatea elected shall be necessary for nomination the report was ado pod after amend icse it so as lo 10 allow each war in provo to vote as a precinct joun unbar the permanent chairman then came forward amid applause nd the duties of chairman and hopeb the choice of a candidate might bo bar made the roll was then called upon motion by precinct prayer by the chaplain the committee on reported as kollowa lol lowa we recur committee on resolutions recommend the adoption ol 01 mhd and platform as formu kaied and adopted by the state lican held in salt lake city aug 28 1595 and beroby pledge conr alegi duce aud hearty support of the leme HALLADAY iman the report was adopted the state plat ioia wo read amid bursto of were then commenced thomas john move to the rules and take an informal vote on all licely candit jatee the motion was debated and defeated on breeches dere limited to five minutes S y jones a man of bood sound legal ability a careful and honest man a christian gentleman perhaps not barn in utah but as the kulpe of this treat nation beats one of us the man who be nominated was J WN a man who hai been a republican every since the first republican organization was effected in provo robert anderaon placed in nomination a man who anew well the interests of the fourth judicial district one who wan raised in utah reeines m wasatch county and has business busi eess in gereata in mintah county he ie equally qualified with mr the man is A 0 hatch of wasatch county J P davie in an eloquent effort seconded hatcha hatchs nomination he a republican majority from uintah if hatch was nominated I 1 W kenward seconded the nomina kioa 0 mr he epoco for an able judge should be the first principle considered not clapping of hands anil eloquence nominations then cloaked and a recess was takei for uva minutes when the convention was again called to order the vote stood as lol loffa hatch 48 20 lar hatch was declared elected on motion of mr jones the nomination was made unanimous A committee of three consisting of jones davis and horner then called on mr hatch and informed him I 1 of hia nomination he was brought in and was speaking when we went to press |