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Show AMUSEMENTS DRAMA AND VAUDEVILLE. PANTAGES Vaudeville bill, with "Willard, the Man Who Grows," as headllner. Special matinees today, i LIBERTY Hippodrome vaudeville, ! with "The Full Dress Indian and , the Twentieth Century Squaw." WILKES "It Pays to Advertise," all week. Matinees today, Thursday and Siiturday. SALT LAKE Five nights and three matinees, starting Christmas matinee, mati-nee, "Pollyanna." ORPHEUM New vaudeville bill opens tonight, instead of Wednesday. Matinees begin Wednesday. Bill headlined by Nellie and Sarah Kouns, MOTION PICTURES. PARAMOUNT-EMPRESS Geraldine Farrar, supported by Wallace Reid, in "The Devil-Stone"; Pathe News. AMERICAN Norma Talmadge in "The Moth"; Universal Weekly. BROADWAY Today, Thursday' and Friday, "The Babes in the Woods," presenting the tw-o child stars of "Jack and the Beanstalk." STRAND Violet Mersereau in "The Raggedy Queen," Universal Weekly Week-ly comedy; Liberty bond night. MEliESY Special Christmas picture, "The Redemption of Red Mullen," and two comedies. "Polly anna," the "Girl of the Glad Game," Opens With Matinee at Salt Lake Theater Today. - fipOLLYANNA," as a comedy, adds to the good message sent around the world by Eleanor H. Porter's optimistic stories upon which it was founded. Catherine Cath-erine Chisholm dishing, the dramatist, is an expert at comedy construction her "A Widow by Proxy." "The Real Thing," "Kitty MacKay" and "Jerry" were very sureessful. "PoUyanna" comes to tile Salt Lake theater as the Christmas holiday a (tract ion. Tho engagement will begin with a matinee on Christmas and con-tinuo con-tinuo the remainder of the week, with regular matinees on Wednesday and Saturday. Sat-urday. This will be the first engagement of the popular attraction in Salt Lake Clly. The sale of .seats opened yesterday morning and has been verv large. Miss Helen Hayes will play the title role, and will be supported by George Alison, .lohn Webster, Eanchon Campbell. Agnes Cildoa. Adrian Morgan, Master Donald McLeilaud and others. The girl, unconsciously inducing cvery-1 cvery-1 body to help play the glad game, devel- ops into a buoyant, well poised young i woman with lior first romance. The play 1 'nibbles -with humor and is tree from mor-: mor-: hiditv : it is for the mat-ire understanding ; ;:irl enjoyment. Talented Koim Sisters Headline New Orpheum Bill Which Opens i Tonight. I THK Chritmns week hill at tho Or-: Or-: pi1 cum will open tonight, i h mfiu- : nsemoiu ha vine arm nsred to brine the performers to Sait ko one dav pnrlier than usual. At the head of the bill will be the Vicaut'.fu and talented Kuns sis-lets. sis-lets. N:!ie and Sara, concert so;-. rani, in an unusual atvl delightful pnnsr recital. The second headllner of the bill will be Arthur Deagon. bite musical corned-,- star of renown, in soups and stories, and the third extraordinary feature is to h Jp.in Adair and her clever companv in "Macule Taylor Waitress." a. quaint and borne v act with a most powerful appeal a ud of especial interf'Si on a Christmas, nil!. Mj ("i. Cooper and Trene Rt, avdo in a comedy sinu-inc skit entitled -' Cinmie tho Kmc." .JoyefSOn's Icelanders, in an exhibit ion of I he renowned Tce-; Tce-; b'.nnic method cf self-protection: B'ilv I Town- snd Mavhrdle Larrell, food for 1 1 e squirrels, and Loiotre. th ska tins: 'rx-ir . and the Pa the New?, ooiu-'une th bid. |