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Show . NO "RED TAPE" TO HINDER EFFICIENCY President Wilson Approves of Suggestion Sugges-tion Mado by Secretary Redfield. WASHINGTON', Per-' 24. War-time ef- fU'ien--y is beini; practiced as ell as prencheil hv thn Kovernnieiit. President Wilson lias sent to all the executive departments copies of a letter recently addressed hv Secretary Redfield to Ins bureau chiefs: "Forget how things were done before the war. eliminate red tape," the letter satd. "We must learn with the Oerrnnns that 'the war won't wait.' Delay ts tile Kaier's ally." Secretary R-rtfield has instructed all his hureaus to Install machines for stamping on Papers the cl.iv and hour of receinl, w that delay In action mav he traced to Personal responsibility. He is refusing to siyn documenty not so stamped. |