Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings for rent W center st apply to P C Jei isen linings only five cents a yard a THE S co A ul line of challies from 5 cents tip at the S S jones co go aal asbe ami tho caits ef koar in the omaia bouse tonight to night ALL kinds loose garden seeds ardd go TO to buy your gro caries mens suits for DOLLAK at tl co tip clothing dept brothis Bro GHis cirta plows and en toola at stephen bonnella Bon nells five per cent paid quarterly ou ea api deposits at cominer v S diviny bank ALL persons contemplating building wi I 1 do well to consult V leikel ll ikel corner X and eiith streets FROU 1 up received on savings de I 1 osita J E cashier big reduction ia outing flan nel misellina now for eight cents a yard at TUBS go LADIES percale morning wrapper irsai to call and see them they are kellim fast at the S S jones co B received from yesterday eight haldred beautiful evergreens ever greens english lilies aad la areli tinnier mut bo trying to ace the season by hi flower iota cans and fly traps H a cyst and J R bachard ga to aba brightie tim Ac deiny tonight r i g one of their dutli tha hp uala nut coal ia the beat coal in the market for the kitchen icove oula LOU per ton deal spafford agents the debt is a boso or two rf t fa tricks pill they not only ghys phys c but cleanse the whole and purify the blond for sale by pyne maiben S S co lave an elegant line of goods on hand the ladief consider co that establishment the head quarterma qu artera for seasonable and fashionable gooda THE dry goods dept of the S S jones co are bow located in their with the most la borata stock of dry goods south of salt lake mcewan co s ia the place for staple and fancy groceries first bacon barn fresh and utah s cb brand of crackers mcewan A co aie bargains in ladies and mens ho ana boya sinis cecii dreda hoods ladies goss imers in fact everything iu the dry goods line esus ie eold aisa JULIA S Jer tires to an ih ladies i provo city and vicinity that she id prepared to do dress mabins in all ilia par tors it mr kaulens one block west 1 i M s IB a e of th opera house vill bs nex by chares frh inana cherer ail letta merra inakay all tha comforts Cum forts of the interest of this dv ia tuta nel fram tha hiie of the curtain tin fin act until it up on the lat this arill be alie last kimn of the ia this chiy as it returns to nw york shortly for an elaborate revival AT the bopf n house on thursday we are to have Fr eare lo 10 t campany in gil leles BUC conf davall 1 e comforts of blonn then ia gan liae aunill and that kind of iain tant kno hoy to concoct 10 i ak it laet many reasons ard to make the nil lu no lesa en titan the alnet th amusing am usini futory of ahe youe you e bi idlor and his ex per ienco as a loheide bouab keeper are well told and the audience are at a distance able to enjoy all the discon forta of hame that would have been d plo rable in real n |