Show CO kansas jn in many respects is ia a n won von darful state and iti it i people have led out in many higher stages of chiv civilized it 1 life some of ira its fined law are lad ladie ieti nod women are elected electea to many town torm city and county coulty epi thoy they work fork well in these dif different forent positions 1 atlon aud and given general h Bitis fae buu women ores especially zealous workers nil na school boards and in the cause of temper temperance atice in fact it is ie mainly due to the women jj jmj kanas kan ran as ilis has attained alta ined such snell anen an en e reputation iii ia the he enforcement ot of prohibition now coar s a report of a naw devit lon tion fron tho the ola beaten path L binau inaugurated also by kansas women in ID junction city laa hai been organized what is cnown as the bellamy cooking and E sting club to this be iong 11 abat ab ufa lif lafy y of the tha leading ladies of tho the city Is die have dave aired ed a large laree and cow centrally rally located louge boute where the cooking is done dolle T for al fLin families illies belong t the club cl either they tb repair alre giai a a day for their meals a au i everything eat o is ii r rel ort ed cd as worl worling ng 11 1 ka is charm it L has as becu becia demoi I 1 rated that this cooper co oper alivo ching a is ia ti great grat saying t in li it js ia five domestico domestics do oil the he aoa vor and the average rate rata 4 E U I 1 yar ag per week is 13 less than par adult this thia society is ie organized on the principles so beautifully portrayed in m novel norel looking backward anit in it homaker bo makes chena the nation a family and everything is done dole j on the co style ho he has humanity working ija as would a hive of I 1 bees for tho mutual benefit of ile I 1 whole society the novel has bas been deac read I 1 by thousands of persons and has already done dona much to stimulate a desire for more un unity I 1 i ty of oe action this ia probably the first successful example tried on the bellamy plan ardit extends only to the ha cooking w which nich has so far proven a grand success cess bif if repert sare saro to be belieT believed cd many applicants to join the c been refused because the ladies want only such each us as will help make it a success of course tho the wohld has not no t yet attained that degree of civil civilization that people can carry the co opera tivo plan PIRD into all wallis walks of life however row it has been demonstrated right hero in utah that operation cooperation co is i a good thing 0 when wi worked aked aright it has been proven that the principle is ia right I 1 though human nature at present is ia too weak to carr carry it into successful operation in higher walks walka of life the cattar day faints have been able to successfully operate cooperate co in dicy digging D ging oan can alsin building public houses bouses establishing stores and factories but when it was wag proposed to co onerato with all the means the people had on the enoch arder ay system stem then trouble e commenced tw dio people were not prepared for it in their breasts had bad been nourished for a life time an in selfishness that could not bo be overcome in a few weeks weaks many maly were born with that propensity and aad it wak wab breed with them through life it may be possible however to overcome over como the unnatural selfishness of the human breast in the tha course coures of two or throe three generations when a more advanced stop step in operation cooperation co may be taken |