Show Hars marshals hals salo sale pursuant to an order of f sale to rue me directed by the first Judic judicial irti district court of the beryal ry of I 1 fidall at public sa e at A L the ibe front door ot of the county comity cut court in tae C of 0 utah territory Terri lory of utah on atif day of may loba at J 1 aci ick p pm m all the right title lille chalin and interest antei est of george georee P 1 ou and annie of in and to the following followings fol lowins ue de real estate situate lying and oeida in altah coudry and described as follows 1 beg to gsg to wit I 1 the northeast north norta east quarter of the quarter terol of sect township ix of range two no east basti tl salt lake I 1 meridian la u i ainu in u c con 0 n t tain a 1 n ib z for ay iy a cres T to 0 b be e r fold 0 ld r i i s ibe i h e y of george P W and annie at the suit of mantle ty haunts bank a corporation co terms of sale Cili till E 11 PARSONS U 8 hirshal Mir by deputy De paty datert dated april 2 to Marsh Hars bals sale gale pursuant to an bordt of us aie to nie me directed by bv the firt first judicial district Oi strict coart of the territory f utah I 1 shill for maleat pub lie aucta m elt at the front door of if the county court house lit in the city of cf provo prove county ind nd tt of etab on the 18 igli it aaa of at maal A 13 at the arm r of 10 adock i a in the following tollo ying real estate to wit MI commencing Com at the tha south past east corner of block twenty nine 29 pitt pi it IW I W li ot provo prota cliv survey I 1 building lit ijas running thence theme wes west i fatur and one ball rode rod thence nine 9 rods thence east four and oie half lods thence south bouth nine 9 rods to the place of be gl flaning aning tobo lold as he property properly of R 11 dodd et al at the suit of robet inobe t skelton jr terms of sale CASS CASH E H PARSONS U SMa arshal by deputy dated DAM 25 issa |