Article Title |
Advertising, Notices, and Articles |
Type |
advertisement |
Date |
1892-04-29 |
Paper |
Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language |
eng |
City |
Provo |
County |
Utah |
Page |
3 |
Creator |
Havercamp, Geo.; Peterson, Mons; Pike, Walter R. (Walter Randal), 1848-1921 |
Contributors |
Exchange; Evening sun (New York, N.Y. : 1887); The St. Louis Republic; Daily sun (Detroit, Mich.); St. Louis globe-democrat (Saint Louis, Mo. : Weekly); New York weekly |
OCR Text |
Show 02 I 1 I 1 U P F MD simmons physicians J d ar aur a booms 1 and 2 excelsior mook block CITY urah F f izela F F RE REED BRO 41 dell dentist asti have flave au all modern instruments for the tk practice of operative ana prosthetic DEN bistry artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY fv aa A 1 1 work guaran guarantee teea a Nu 0 ii baak 1070 br j 11 11 imilia J 8 I 1 dentist electric gas administered when de sirel aired teeth extracted extract 1 by it willi eliout olit pain all kinds of di antal wo jl best and latest stylea all ani ft ji this date will be guaranteed according to agreement 1 1 Fre ament sr or the money will be bc refunded 1 del rooms looms no 2 and 1 build aig iu provo cita utah ia IT jamo o c 1 I 1 plans und spec bons ins of nil tit cirissi f f t edings pl prepared and general of 01 Bad baldinus dinus t iluigi aiu t i A aj effii 0 rt fl 3 J ij t tUta irb csink DD R 0 N sala k r I 1 E S W lo 10 GA ll 11 ANN I 1 wa 11 ami J IR I 1 1 kluvo 1110 va UTAH orif te na IM tl li St streets 03 0 i 1 aels VA I 1 it i aej I 1 L masasinge bassage MaSa NaS sige sage ra treatment ind and tha z 1 y 1 I idill hi si alj e meats N makes akes a specialty of Tr breiting treating eiting 0 diphtheria office over krumei s gun gan store one block ot tho the west coop co oo op 9 O aff pa 0 a ka wk I 1 IM 49 XV 1 OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK X OF PROVO UTAH WILLIAX WILLIAM U KINQ B D D HOUTZ 1 C I 1 X cl H 0 U TZ d I 1 ho lan R 0 00 0 ala ad 3 5 and 7 fird firta tlona bank building PROVO hii Y ll 11 IA ti 1 W N X A D bash V aon aga gasti I 1 NEYSA A AT T LA IF ilaw rill 11 iad and 12 baal bailom Bail ding dm proyce hourd 9 0 to 1 12 it a in 2 to 4 p m A accor ale curtain lk M D HUM A A A 43 office palace block felep houe 28 no 1 2 1 silver cottage drw provo UTA OTAH it DUN DON C JOHNSON JOHN SUri 1 batlouney ADLA Y AT LAW W alre at city hall S SPRING P R V va L L E U 01 I 1 all ali 1 GEO BUT AERLAND I 1 attorney at law cju Bull dlug PROVO 10 0 ciri I 1 r Y aalt I 1 dajek I 1 wo WOOD JDA V at law 9 bank Bail building dini PROVO crry CITY UTAH JE L booth bomb E EA A vilson b buard 0 J d I 1 avil 1 I 1 LA V and land office agta ag ants ta no ia 3 N J street CITY urail uraih rt A G I 1 A arroka r I 1 01 elp ar L LAW A IV olace bluee in in abo liugi ul guart fl elottia ottia PROVO 1 CITY ty il ulu 1 1 A I 1 TOSS wilter il K s GD IT ff saoi iss ji I i office flours office haars hoars iu to td i 1 1 10 it av i 12 1 U 11 A 4 if 17 L 7 VL V I 1 aa ca S I 1 13 H E 31 physicians 6 Stoye ons local lur for atlo alande and U P ry aoa jr ift iltchy tv cily CHy 6 urt 41 1 A 0 1 1 I S ill h I 1 iv I 1 4 ii I 1 I 1 I 1 W f t ab it i ii A 40 U r PA aiji 1 11 i 15 firs rational fiti oual sank building Bul ding L lr v L j i j 3 W sixth street tree irlia alit analyses ir I r a W S I 1 Is ig to dj ill kinds kinda 0 of f ble be work orders for or mi 1 21 f 11 1 1 1 I 1 j i 1 I 1 7 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 lii 1 11 ia Attel idail to ap fris I 1 ait 9 R t blo call callard and our oar wark 00 britini dadea lt lot first provo ait oit buckless Bac Buc klens MendA A nua nia salve tr BEST in the lie world for cuts cu 0 sores alsere salt rheum tev rorea titter clipped hands lh albi ibi ins cor IS 13 and all skin ernp i i 1115 as nd ively cures or ni pay dav r aired it 14 guaranteed to div P I 1 fet f et satisfaction or money refunded ri rice ce 27 2 cents centa per box for sale by b moo I 1 nig ug go co the rite ira of mr C carls eirls thiis thia is the era eia of the heavyweight athletic ai c young woman aho who vho walk abroad aln oad nth the swinging ginging tread of z g m hould erect chest cheat ex alwil and lit head ail lipid hish high a yenn VIOLET CREAM rhe anait inya anya prepa ihn atin in tit rl r 1 l tor aw fiening and an 1 l tal t i ai and face il is 13 rt nj ony 0 alv a sab e jb bial tilita le for br bai in every ave y respect tunfu tor lor to ald cram va vaselias vas eliae nd a liko like preparation a try i f ft t of little ralth raith M rs 61 1 I 1 ah aur jjr it wo raining low jow am I 1 tu to yet get thir letter mailed la ailed eriv ud hand it to tho the letter c carrier irriger ir rier mrs ur plinks heibl hed faget all about it hes ees a mail lean sew york weekly sl sealed tro for building a 11 i lip I 1 buist CU of two rooms in lake vv vit w i col district will be received by te ta tm I r up tip to one on lie 2 21 i jay of may IRV 1 82 at w bici emy day lal w hothir said 1114 w wid ill b be opened at the idge alf ta t aid a ii tru tees tei in in said baid district biml 1 I tha th contract awarded if satisfactory natis factory ind c can an be at he fai oi ni 0 OH if berg in 1 I P ity ti tansee see pirai pir vo yi t e right to re ipe ewt t any anil ami all alf bidi no not t com considered idere J banta e i to the district mosi addre address s seen secretary tary of the school board of lake view school district di brict I 1 itoyo vo city steb march ch sol I 1 I 1 d asit ABW I 1 I 1 aa A 5 ton traction engine ran over a foot leg and arm of WPM william murford SI jr at new morefield 0 0 on tuesday without ini injuring ruing him spirg g medicine dr gunna gun ns In proved liver pills pil 11 s on account of their mild action are especially adapted lr fur correcting spring di dip orders buch as aa impure blood tired brain and aching achin and worn out ont body they act promptly on the liver aud and kidneys drive 0 oat ell P 11 impurities from fro n thi tha blood and in malaria alaria from the system only oje oas pill fur for a dose doe try thena them this arring sr ring bold old at 25 cents a 4 box by pyne A laiben Y aul 1 ro rc mea wetue by free silver is i i 3 s meant the lie f coinage coinage of silver the placing of eili eil on en an equality with gold alil in the minta i the united states at present any in im who has gold can get it coined witly y charge but a man inan v who ho has silver billion must sell it to the government which coins it or issues certificate against it new york sun A sum file itching piles are known by koisti moi sti I 1 like ike perspiration caus iii intense ite ice ng ins when warm titis tins form forin ris aa well a blind rip me ainz and effig yu at aton onra rato to dr he remedy n I 1 ii I 1 a atta ats at ts ta 11 1 r cr onni bm tian is alla alia itching anile iari ta a a I 1 cur druggis dr uggie giat r mail i if fr dr Bc sart 2 1 4 arcu arco st awa r nu pa hii tr pr t maiben n A montana man in rented invented a ranch snowplow enow plow fr for scraping the snow off the ranges so that the cattle c can a n get at the grass an baglo 0 measuring 7 feet 6 inches fr from tip to tip of wings was shot in montgomery county md a few days dar ago ane small boy bov steals apples appler they are ereen creen applei appleg and then he as colic cramps and diarrhea anti and hinks hes irbing sows to t dis dia and gd wont ever ver steal again the careful il ways buys bays a bottle of hallers peir rl w 4 i the boy lives to ileo do 30 30 pome more I 1 tw or saie by smoot drug co d a AT z me recent term of the 7 cecial court of franklin county me no indictments v were ere found foun dand and the members of th the e grand jl jury ry wh when en dismissed presented to judge emery a pair of white te kid gloved as an emblem of the purity of the countes coun tys morals cry f jr arit it no now this way may seem strange but if they dont cry for it they would do ro PO if hey only nl could we are talking now bt about hallers Bai lors barb wire liniment which never fais to cure the worst cut cat or eore for sale by smoot drug co B s ul allt tl lt t iho cad will 1 10 according to tho the ceory of sir william thompson the end of the world which is 03 years in the future will not bs be brought about by excessive beat as hinted in the bible but by the tha remnant t of humanity being frozen to death st louis republic C FAIR ill briz brasat bri sat beautiful and fascinating bomea ars are made more charming LY by the the artistic use of W wisdoms famous robertine it enliven a tho the most regu ar beau beauty ty by ad addina freb freshness liness pv pi 7 ity ily ind brillh ariev to ilip hip complexion comp lesion the law Ts Is on now that the quail season is over and the danger dancz from reckless hunters re reduced to a minimum farmers are venturing out from their houses to seo see h how their liv live a stock are detroit sun kia THE MORNING ORNING CuK TAIL raken baken before breakfast create a fake nj injurious urious appetite A wineglass full I 1 dr Heni evs endlish dandelion I 1 onic onic t taken before meals strengthens streng thena he digestive organs and enables you 0 relisha relish a hearte meat meal without injury 1 D tho stu stomach marb I 1 0 K X T honest Ee sulta 0 K T many of tle pioneers of oregon and dashington Vas Nas hinston hington have cheerfully testified to he be wonderful curative pro properties artles of the celebrated eleb rated oregon kidney tea purely ego table and pleasant olea sant to the and a e ta cn by the youngest child or bost da licato woman 0 is ia a uever never failing remedy for pains in the back and loins non retention of urine cald nj or burning sensation while tig discharges and all ii i aey i ey of either sex 1 at all d ne s s e character r sh w in T theiu bs i i there is as much character in the bombs of people as in their fa faces ces A ong first joint of the thumb indicates 1 vill I 11 power a long iong second joint indicates strong arong logical or reasoning power a wide vide thick thumb indicates strong individuality vi while a broad nob at the end if f the thumb is a sure indication of ob it ti inacy nacy the thumb is the characteristic feature of the human hand a characteristic act in which it differs from the hand of the monkey and of all parts of the hand n io 10 is so strongly individual or telltale the thumb st loula louis globe dem rat ay iy cje e ana U nt ment meat A certain cure care for chronic sore eyet edep tetter silt ram scald head old old chroliw sores fever sores eczema itch prairie scratches bore acore nipples and piles it Itis is coolin cooling and soothing hundreds of cases have been cured by t after all ail other treatment bad agi failed ed it s q put up in 24 2 and and 50 cent boxes for askin ar b iane A kaiban I 1 agricultural chemists estimate the nutriment of pounds of cotton seed feed f meal as equal to pounds of corn com or to pounds pound s of wheat bran I 1 ii i 1 aveline avelina man givlio lift chanced to 10 be t ii tho the store of E EY V wood at 11 mcf S Ito elks pa says saya while lio lie waiting to see beeny sli I 1 wood a littler little ri girl rl cam in with in an empty knitle labeled chamberlains I 1 pain balm and faid ants attle of P he be sas it il ia 13 tile heat best meiichi for ini sni she ehe ever used 11 50 cent for sale eala by ayno it maiben bruggi ts SEALED will wili oe ne received by bv tun territorial in sane asylum up to the day of aril april 1892 for furnish furnishing in the asylum with sup lips lifa for the six s ix months ending october 31 i comprising tons coal 1000 bura bu 16 ela wheat pounds fresh men meat t I 1 pounds dried fruit coal oil pro gro ries cies clothing clot hm b bankets lank ets medicine cuti lary and crockery ware further particular a will be furnished i by jaan james 4 arrin I 1 nn steward at the A aay ay I 1 lum a ni all ali bids I 1 must be sealed and marked arkell in bids for Bupp lipi 1 D I 1 rt reserve the mhd right fight to rei lc act all bids not couhie considered red by them to bo be advantageous to ti i territory I 1 W E R w d bupt supt I 1 1 I 1 W za aj ER FACE HE R FUI T XE NE Is comra commonly only said of famous beau beauties flies she who hr uses sith aih artistic tate wisdoms famous ho bertine ha bit fortune in inthe the possession of a complexion to which noth eg ut at the blush of the rose or the fres freshness aness of the lily can be compared this preparation is just what it u is ig claimed to b ba the most tollet article and only peneca per i em beautifier tier known read tha t testimonials t i bals from arnous amous artists arti at celebrated chemists and minett minei t physicians A useful matrol A useful patrol wagon has been de filed for electric railroaders it is constructed ted veram very mich m ich like a police wagon but has a square tower rising out of it which is mounted by a ladder the tower is raised or lowered by means of a crank and pulley and when elevated to its fall fail extent it is fifteen feet high tho the consequence is that the lineman can drive under the wire to be ba repaired and be immediately placed by the raising of the tower on a level with his work tho the patrol wagon is a great improvement on the old method of repairing without its risks exchange Exclia death and its Stra ege le up to now entered into a fight with ith death fought a losing fight now science has ri di covered a way to cir circum curn vent even death Ti hauers allers sarsaparilla burdock grapples with a disordered system and carefully builds and beor gani zoo try it for bale aae by smoot drug co d s superstitious wearer of rings the use of amulets for disease seems reems I 1 to belong to a post past age yet in truth superstition is almost as rife today as in the romantic times when people discovered fairy rings in an the meadows and hy by every wandering stream the footprints of the water sl sy ites it hardly seems possible that copper rings or inlaid rings of iron or other bace metal should be worn today to ward off disease yet there are wise people men of affairs who would scorn to show superstition in greater thaul 6 who are firmly edn convinced vinced that they owe immunity from to some soine such token exchange A now ale tod of 1 I g the liver sto stomach and www through the anew A new disi dis covery cover v or ir miles nerve aal aol an I 1 liver pills ep cure billiou bad taste torpid liver piles pile on stipan un 01 baled for flor men women and childred childr er simplest lest mildest mil est burpet al 50 doses 25 ola als sample camill 17 e 1121 abeus foit FOE SALE A lor LOI OP OF THAT FINE k d native lumber from the ancient at cleo i t forests foe t s of sar Sac pete thim tha lumber is for f or sale on an the leq i I 1 basis for arst with small mall commission added addea lor for bardling no extra price un in small gordert or discount on oa large lots IMP and good square measurement guaranteed wv VM BuR burjeck wecK agent corner I 1 ith and K streets NOTICE E all owners of dogs ate aie hereby fled fied to make application on to the yee recorder order for dog license on or aoe before june as provided for by bf ordinance ys F G so ro HAVERCAMP recorded 8 THE MISSING LINK A line of colonist sleepers between st louis and portland february ut let the th union pacific and missouri pacific rys commenced tb the S operation of of a thron h line of pullman colonist sleepers between st kt loui loin 8 and portland the cars are ara neat and clean the appointment is excellent smoking I 1 in ID the lie cars is ia prohibited the I 1 cars caris are attached to the regular dally daily last express train and ana are accompanied accod daniea by bv elpe experienced uniformed who I 1 ook look after the wan wants ts ard comfort of the passengers for accommodation in iu these cars either east or cr west bound apply to your earnest union pacific E L lomax general vie pass and agent union pacific system omaha nebraska t apr aar 30 reduced FOR tile the general Generi tl conference of the lie Aleth methodist odist episcopal church at omaha neb may ilay the rio grande western railway mil ivill ecil tickets at one loleet first ilass class fare for the round trip tickets to be sold april 23 29 99 and limited to three days in both directions 1 with ith final limit to june let 1092 this thi 14 tate rate is not confined to delegates lecates de alone and the public in general may take ud ad vota vantage e of it J H BESSETT BENNETT J P T A dont read bead this with each succeeding ding day tomes comes an inert feed demand for better service on the |
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