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Show UD DEVELOPMENT iff Forester Graves Ad.-voefttts Ad.-voefttts Securing of Revenue. X'LD BETTER ROADS :ieVf s Revenue From Sale f Timber Should Be -Iorc Directly Applied. . ; I ,. . ., T'O T::rvi-.f. i- Nv". 1- In-lievios that t ho . : ',-,',.'.,;. .-;-,n bo made mniu nsolv 'd . V d Cv'll'.v.utdtd';- 1-v . l-- iT iv.i ol tnoiv monoy tor ; ..id'in t'10 ro'ivc:, ."hid" " "'. H,"'-v tiiv. a-tv.v.Uiinj n V.; l-"""-'--.n I' ; v:th --.Ml 'o; t h - chief .vovornmont ' . v - o' Fortslor Clraws is now dd- ;ho ro'tvoto and un.L- Bine of rian. . j o'.ii'.nt"'"- 5a the follow i a. j I b i-o i on h-s recent let- ''.'::-': "id.-iri-.". Ve:cu-t A. C. f- 'I.,-,. ; ,- torosts the r-are r-are insc.-obU .vtd tbe re-wrve, th? umber, is not L'-v a-.i.T ;-:efc:i: conditions J. --.':! nuimtnies. I'mier Jd"..' :'r--Mnees the .ieve'.oi-ir.ent t.... .'.i-: T!3'H:r ,s i slow, ur. l Id" ;. V f li;:ie direct return to J. ' . from torest rc-i rc-i -. In s'"ort. n.ary forests are- ..' -.-erj: eou:rib'ut;n.L: in any --'' .Vi-'.e sv to local .leve'.op-Jt':: .leve'.op-Jt':: sr-i to-imi-rd'y cpbctMtug. tr "-:.v,5 st:or.c" advocates a conic- -. "..i- !:v vdidb a t-in-l .cina! io t ii ---"1 - j or cent of all re-tiy.h re-tiy.h tr- r.oiv tvr.de avaibM-? at , ., s :;.f.'a! vcar for the bu;M-c; bu;M-c; rralf br the forest service; or. u"--. a f-r.j i.-,'-"-! to 3" per eec: i : :f:-:v:s , i::cl"-i'-nr in adiiTioo :fr c-r: r.cv i:-a re available for Vif;.: o" res-:? and scboois to be C-r: ;v :be sutes) bo appropriated J.T-.-4 f0r - r-.--..r.' i:-e iu build-u. build-u. brl .$$ au-i otoer p'iblic js :. isolate i acd ii'ac- straies by Figures. I a tract o: timber that j v e!; C board lcet au-i i ft. t c:r.i;;H'te. w.tb local eom-I & V7r.i' i be largely as- . '--:-r .ieve.OMi.er.: thereby. :: s;" r...r tbou;a::-:. M'.v.r--,: , 4i It re:ar-!-.i l.v nv;frt: as si-t- . lit :;--y f: Tb- i:u :r e i'at e iu-1 -sf--i; c- '.'." in b.iiijiri;: tho 1 vra-. e oi Ul- e bu;;-i- ' !r.ite:.j or" lyinrr dormant j :-:r or Tnt'." vesrs lvner. In j 1:-5' c:-tri-:t. r-.:;h head j:iarters at -!:. a roli.-v otili av; r3r" i k-'" 10 sc2:e of rhe io-ers in the j of tr.e district . esre -iaUv i Ii;ti. y..r. Favetf. Bo-se. sai- J l'-i :-:'ha-? Vha'iis a'j.i vomin. j jr. '-is'.; bc-ii-:ves that tvhi!o the ( letj! i'jrH? Trere sr. aside to sc- j f.:.-: a cr-at Ea'ior.al purpose, their ; I . ' -: -ervbe is t ) the local j r"r i ;n -his vi.-'iv. so tb"t- ; k-i :n s -r.:nb" v.;th the vk.ai in- j t o:' tie t--.;:o-i s'a'e-. bo will j t !:? s:-;prorr in hic brr-ad ; o: r: o-ilv n-akin toe na- ' ' :c:-sts nf the l 'ni'.-r i.et'uine-s. ! : a--.-t:o' in 'h' i-or-iru--tiGU : Mr- ;t.! tbdvir.' irail ! t. h wid n..:an tbe e-rab!i-h- ! it : a sr.- rr d: ho-ed and .ul..-ian- j 7 " I |