OCR Text |
Show HAPPINESS is somethin' we carry inside of -rK ' us an bring out once in finrh a while. A ca'm sperit L K an' a peaceful pipe o' 'iwf VELVET 11 bring as JsIW ff much happiness f th' 1 surface as if it cost a V7 r U hundred dollars, yr vttf$ 10c buys a tin of VELVET- Lj 5c a metal-lined bag of this j U 7 Kentucky's Barley de Luxe " with that aged-in-the-wood I ' 'J mellowness. Lciai ' il idJ ID-CENT'CASCARETS' IS YOUBJJXATiVE l'r sirk hiMilncho, sour s t 1 1 1 : n 1 ) , sluu-ish liver niut lunv els. ) it.,v,n iiNi I'ul il--i.li' - jul cii.T - t c k:i1Is, pills. .-iLMor oil or Mir:Uio writt'r wlii.-li nu-r,'l- inr.'i. n iih..hv lliront;li tin. I'ow.-ls, l-ut t!.i nol ti. uglily t'l. inih... It''--li..u tin.l piml'v llirsh drjiuilit' (ir-l!:uiN (ir-l!:uiN :m.( l.;it- mi nll'.-.-t wlmti'ver U.on tlu' livor tin.l f-toiii:i.'lt. K.-.'l' v.mr "iiiM.lt's" jMlvo li ml froh ith l ii v. ;iri'U, v hull I linr on H.'sns,. llii' r.t hi ii :t - li, 1,'iiiovo tin" iiii.lii;i'l.Ml, Miiir f.'.'.l I'.m I iix'h, Ink,' 1 1 1 0 i'Mv-s liiln liom th,- n,l i-iury out i.l' Ihn svs- i nil tin' o . 1 1 st i'Mii'.l asio iimitcr illlll (MI1MMIK ill )l,l UlWt'l. - Cnsi-iui'l tonilit will ni.il.o vim fri'l L-ri-iit I'v ii! or ii i ii '. Thi-v work wliilc you sl.'.'ji -ui'i-iT i;ri'.', M'-lw'ii, nil. I rusl o'nh' 10 ci'lits ll 1.' I' i inn yiuir .lruir-1-.l. Mil-1hi Mil-1hi ul' in. 'ii iitiil women titk.- u I (1-..-U ri'l now ii ii I thou mi, iiovi'r lin,. IioilIiii-I,,.. ImIioumi.'m-. ,t'rt i'oI.Ii., iii.lifjt-Mion, nour stolii;i.-ti oi- ''niiti';iti'.l liowi'U. (ji-.,-:ir,'i 1 .i-lot: in ,.v,t- limiM'li.,i,l. 'lnl.lr'n ii;sl loo lo Tako' thi'in. U l(fl; Monday and Tuesday I I Sale of Women's ij -i V r thousand pairs of the daintiest and prettiest 'i )A 1 p'v T styles shown this season, but broken lines, only H i l-j H'lv 54 two to six pairs of a kind, so we're making this M p yx ''Wfk Great sacrifice to closo them ov.t in two days. I m (( there are Colonials, one, two and three-strap j ; 'j A, ttyles; plain pumps, party slippers, long vamp ti ' , Vi ', ' iiVK ,Pr pP ttyles, medium vamp styles, stage lasts and all I i l(. r$ the other popular effects in stylish pumps. j T ;V carry the you'll find them in all leathers as well as satins. : -3 high-grade lines of (, J ('j .1 women' shoe, exclu- ACTUAL VALUES $3.50 TO $5.00 A PAIR t 1 U '' "Z't BUT MONDAY AND TUESDAY YOU M ,: every onable and CHOOSE AT ONLY V -' I' ' J rtylloh last: v ; Tho. Corf hand- STi f '"" i i - orover, . .0,ed UJ I ' .hoe. (or tender feet. S5i' hwniniii-ri M iwJ tr t. J I ; . j S..U Lake'. BUtl8rv:ter U f i : largeEt and best- -V!tTTv'f "H7? "Money back" l:t I - equipped ahoe w? "r'" '-'I Qualities In every -S jfy INCORPORATED f-fL 1 l-JO TA5T BROADWAY-JUDGE BLD& SALT LAKE BETTER BABIES. ' The crusade for better babies has spread from coast to coast, and taken firm hold of American Mothers. Pew women realize how much the ill health of the mother influences the unborn child, both physically and mentally. Women who suffer from mysterious pains, backache, nervousness, mental depression, headaches, etc., should rely on Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound, Com-pound, made from roots and herbs, which for nearly forty years has been the standard remedy for these ailments. (AJv ertlscment. ) ROOFING $ 'iM I Pfei pliFli cJSXi Jhe General says: s;':;r'': T'-fil':'i;-j It is better to buy Roofing from a big concern that can back up its goods when called upon, than to buy from the little fellow who may not make good when his Roofing falls down. When you buy Cettainieed SSS- Roofing SS- jou are protected by a pusuc confidencs 11 p r As Seen By tiie General legal guarantee of five puMio cmfDce is the preaUst VPnr. fr-r 1 nlv 1-(-n Tporo asset that any house of business can yCJ.ro lUr J. piy, lCllCd.lo possess- It is more to be desired than O l-,r C Don ..por(. the ability to make money. 1 i-piy, niLCCU ) Cdlb There are degrees of public confi- fn 1 j 1 clence. It nirty be zero, a minus quan- Or J-piy, and. tUlo guar- tity. or a plus quantity. At zero no . . Ill 1 confidence exists nobody is for or j antee IS backed by the against such a house. But this co- f. dition can exist only where the house 1 n O" and or Us soo&s are unknown, and aa j -co ctii-U- Eocll as the ruhlic has given the i b'l 1- '11 house a trial it will pass judgraeni. 1 Ulldlnp; paper millS 111 and public confidence will then be 1 ii- expressed by a plus or minus sign, VfvT- M ' according lo the approval or disap- uullu- proval of the rubho as to the goods ; and policies of the house. If the Tlierp IS no advance test llV poods are not as represented, or if i.licrc lo I1U rtUdIH.O ICol U lhe policieg ar6 not in accordanr9 iT-ViiVli vnn nn rlprprminp with the ethics of eood business, pub- iiicn ) ou can aereimme li0 confidence win drop to a minus 1 1 r -ij i . quantity and the people will transact llOW long a rOOI Will last. business with its competitors whos -T r ... business ideals are on a higher anil 1 OUr Saietruard IS tile glial"- more satisfactory plane. If the g-oods " are satisfactory, ond if the policies antee-in-advance cf a manu- of the house are npht, the people win - continue to Co business with that farrnrpr -in?c resnnn "ihili fv house and will help to build it up. , IdCtUier WIlOoC ICpUIlulUlILl) The plu3 sjcn of pubio confidence i ic imnncfinned s :ilwa's attached to the name of a lo UnCJUCouOnCU. house of business that considers serv- ! ice lo its customers, absolute intofr- : . . j D r rity with reference to its poods, an! ertam-teed Koonng, in rolls hih ineais in its business policies, . . . . .ii ii as beinsr of greater consequence than Or Shingles. IS SOld. by dealers the mere earning of dividends. A well satisfied community of custom- everywhere at reasonable erS is the key t0 the success of any J house of business, and, having estah- t-,fi.c lished this, dividends will be sure to prices. lollow. General Roofing Manufacturing Company FTortd's largest manujacturcrs ofRooAiia and Building Fapcrs Mdnadnock Bldg., San Francisco,1 CaL Phone Sutter 2711 New York CitT Boston Chicuso Pittstorgh PhiIde!oW Atlanta Cleveland Detroit Louis Cincinnati Kansas City Minneapolis San Francisco Seattle London Hamburg Sydney "Certain-teed" Roofing in Salt Lake City Is Sold by fflorrisoe, Merrill '& Co. |