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Show GENEML CHAFFEE CMEOjy DEATH Former Chief of Staff of United States Army Victim Vic-tim of Pneumonia. LOS AN'TItLFrS. Nov. 1. Lieut fiiai.t General Aoita R. Ciiaft-e, retired, former chief of staff of the United States army, died at his home here today after a period of unconsciousness. His body will be taken ta-ken to "Washington, leaving Tuesday, for interment in Arlington National cemetery. General Chaffee had been conrtned to his bed for about four weeks suffering from typhoid pneumonia. Two weeks ago hi- condition became grave. After his retirement from the army General Chaffee was appointed head of the Los Angeles water board. Later he accepted the presidency of an Insurance company, but during the last fw months he retired from active business affairs. Mrs. Chaffee and her daughter, Mrs. John Hastings Howard, wife of an army officer, were at the bedside when the end came. Mrs. Howard had been summoned hastily from her husband's post at T'oug-ias, T'oug-ias, Ariz., a few days ago. Two other children, Mrs. George French Hamilton, wife of an army captain, and Adna R. Chaffee, Jr.. a lieutenant In the army, are In the Philippines. General Chaffee rose from (he rank of private to that of lieutenant general In the United States army. He was woundfd three times. By International News Service. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. General W. W. Wot hers poon. chief of staff of the United State3 army, received a telegram tonight from Mrs. Adna n. Chaffee, wife of General Chaffee, at Los Angeles, telling tell-ing of the death of that distinguished veteran of three wars. General Wotherspoon said: I am deeply affected by the news of the death of an officer who had been a part of the military history of the country conspicuously since the days of the Civil war. I need not spe 'i k of his services in that war. whifh are historical. Upon the breaking out of the war with Spain he was assigned to the campaign in Cuba and distinguished himself at the battle of El Caney, near Santiago, a nd took important part in the campaign against General Gen-eral Linares, who was holding Santiago. Santi-ago. His next service was In the Philippines. His work for the government gov-ernment there was uf incalculable advantage. ad-vantage. After that he was appointed to command com-mand the United States forces which yteve landed in China for the protection protec-tion of Americans during the Boxer rebellion. For his services he was made a lieutenant lieu-tenant general. He came home ami served as chief of staff after General Bate, and since tl'.en. wherever lie has been, he has had the welfare of the armv at heart. Not only the army, but the'eountry. has suffered a great loss bv the death of General Chaffee. |