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Show ' BEING JSGIIEEO Prize Covnt Proceedings in Progress; No Reply to American Protest. WASHING l, Nov. 1.- -Ai-tinji '''ivtjirv l.aurii: uuiumnril to.l.iy ilto lioi'Mpt ,if .i tnivat' liv.u A nu'ri,-;1 ti V'ohmiI Sprjis;uo at U ibr;ilt ur, ri;ithiL,' that tio I'otiri priK'i','iliii:'.s )i;t.i hcun in tho oiio ol' tho Amoriran t,:l!uhip KroOtilanii, dftiiitioa 1-y Untih mitlmri-tifc. mitlmri-tifc. No roply JkuI as vot boon riv-.-ivr.l t'l'Oiu I.oh.Kmi to the tontial protit iiuiilo t'iioiii;li liml.iisa.lor I'ao an.! tho ro-quest ro-quest tor the releao ot tlio esol. la the rtvent en?.e ot" the teaIlu,r Hnn-dilla, Hnn-dilla, liowtMor, tlu pruo oourt priu-eed-ins actually hail beun ivhon tiie l r i t -isli j;o eniMient uilei'od tbo rolt-iiM1 ot the vesel. t'or.Mit Spv:i;Lie reported that the Kr ooi hind v.h dist'harin her eai ot VlOO tons ot eopper and ;mo barrels ol hihrieatitii; oil. The reason for this was not ivcit. Stato department officials offi-cials will aw ait a formal replv from London before making further representations represen-tations on t ho Mibjet't . I nasmue h as copper and oil were placed on the contra con-tra band l;t after tiie Kroonland sailed, the American coernmont pr'bably will conrend that tlio vessel ha a riht to delixer her ;iiai. Jt is thought in omo e,v.arters, liowevei. that t ho K roonla nd in a v ha e dic hurled the copper and o-.l as s result of the offer ot the K:U:.-li o ernuiei.t to buv it. While the consul's despatch made no mention of tlio l'JOO passengers aboard the Kroonland, it is believed that if the vessel discharges her caro for eon-siieration eon-siieration by tho pri.:o court, she mav bo allowed to proceed in tho rr.eaut'ine to Italy and lireece with her neutral passengers, Gonvan and Austrian re-servis:s, re-servis:s, reported on beard, beiiiir taken off and held as proners of war. |