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Show pisrs WIFE llS FIGHTING IlKOFLl "Sid" Allen, Head '"ft the Murderous Clan, Bounded in Battle Rth Detectives Who trround His Lair in X Mountains. MER MEMBERS OF NOVER BORDER (Jfld Hardware Store in ?Rrth Carolina; Floyd IBen Arrested and At-Jppts At-Jppts Suicide; Young fJBoman Slain in Court H(rnp.tiona Xews Service. jtLLSVILLK. Vn., starch .15. ASjB'ie -'0ll,,"cr ,l,fimber.s of "Wlhc Allcu clan l hat; fell &jjthc Carroll county court 'Bycslordav. hilled a judge, vomsi n v,ere over Hie .-"fCnrolina border this af'ter-jSfcicn af'ter-jSfcicn old -'Sid" Allen, head &;wh family, was fighting. jiI. tfcjMnuisiiiouiilam cabin against lKUle was brief. Sidney Allen LW''fc were alone Mien?, blaxiii" piih Winchesters t the posse, 'jt'6 ambushed fifty yards from 'ofe'HK"'- It was -imply :i question fcWuilIci, holes through all parts jaftjjB f 'e return fire was silenced, Klivcs wont in. " Old Sid ' ' was iiicjHf a windnw -with a bullet UWWI. loyal and dangerous women IB'5"5' ,ay ,c:,d behind the door. $Knfi in her hands. tijBi the flrsi seine) of vengeance "Swift5"0" ,0Url-MC,,,HC raid. There. JfjKmT lhat two of the detectives 'foBf killed In t,n riplil." but the w '"H'lrien h:ic nil the wire..; on jtjH, "ll,J new from the present jljK-'rouble Is uncertain. ymt Border- rB"' mounted on Toy m-flecked iE"10 iMl 'Mo"", Airv J"sl- w MIK- lr11"" ,,rt,,f,cl'' early today. jpjjKe nl-Aliens by name, but thev iSB?18 by "ln" tlcs- T,,cy (,r' ront of th iowii'js only bard- ' ulB0' aHnrJ "ii,c of ,hc,n fjis" ,f r'IC ol,,el' l,1Tp,p drew llmii --Bfr5 frori the saddle sockets ami yjjP''v across (ho withers of VLvEn minute, while a swiftly In--"-ier?l'd war gathering about the hrcr ln?" who bad gone into C'"n'i 0,11 '" a Irifrclv way. , iSEt Cfirrvlng guns, pistols and ,'JKmoimfoii They distributed jj"'c" among lb.; other three, Mf1- all Hlx galloped out of town '"ore Isolated mountain. jB s'oickeepcr senseless bcblml Ry lb s?cond move of the Al-temi Al-temi 0 f01' "borty-thr. llb- JGPK,?" "ev'r Mow be assured, for irfllB "ll,c leii-Uory and they! 'VlaBS IWl ,,llnd,," f onomloK-lancur onomloK-lancur KOeH b.iok lo eo-HnMoncinlfH eo-HnMoncinlfH wjin hnow llow ,fJ Mt flo'not'1111'11, bJ' lh Way 11,0 i&Kk ?r!)Ul i,i;i',,,'.v bafi Henl Iwenty- Ule ,'ih'u'jm iin"11 ' ilsMlj,11"' ll,JI''' Iban half of the mkmh ''0,n back :i,ivc- tJn(i figjKJlln p," tr on a mountain iSBfrl via , 1,1 ''ls ,,,,ln-v ,l''t-' JSiKw,, un' 'wwaiiso be flghta RIi,f5ve,0,,r"onl yf l"c ,lay &5iKrhr.n "'"WBmi lo nrlnon ye-SBn'l;,"'5 ye-SBn'l;,"'5 M1'1. Proaccutor iijjHil du. ,,J n"(i thc olhora f0yd !'hy ll,c dWDcrulo Allen MA rMI blmHClf shot to die!" n,,d l"y l"0U,:hL JB11 Arrested. SKxLU ftlTCsl Kl0V,J Allen lo-J.K lo-J.K carl", l00l,,IC voaterday Kloyd Znm, not , of ,1,c mo!te-miciI gpfeSMtouJr,,,,; 1,1,1 10 1,10 hotcl- Ofet on u ,'"ul"lnccr friends, Maie ?hiinl 'I'ountalur., Bjj-:--i!i2rnoon before WIFE OF OUTUW IS KEEP IM BUniF (Coutinued From Page Ono.) militiamen and Baldwin detectives reached the Allen cabin. They expected :i fight, but it did not develop. They took the wounded man Into custody: they arrested his son. Victor, and another an-other of the clan named Strickland and j brought t'nem back to the jail here. 1 It is the young men who do the killing among the clans. The old heads direct the boys execute. That is why the main force of tho law Is rldlnir after the fugitives fugi-tives who crossed the border this morning. morn-ing. "They will set them." said an old mountaineer today, "and they will get fnem." Young' Woman Slain. It was not publicly ronortod until this morning that a yountr woman was among the victims of the desperate fusillade fusil-lade In the courthouse, yesterday. She was . Miss Detlie Ayorg. JX years old. one of the nrettlcst girls In the town and in no way connected with the case. A stray bullei happened to strike her. She died last midnight. Tills town la in a state of holpless calm. The name of the Aliens Is a name cogent of peril. Tho townspeople aro simply waiting. Some of them will join posses if authorities are here lo organize or-ganize posses. But none will take the Initiative. State's Attorney Genera Williams Wil-liams and Corporation .Judge W. R. Staples arrived tonight and the legal control of the village wa.; resumed In a measure Meanwhile only, the private detectives. Inspired by tho rewards offered of-fered by Governor Mann 5300 a head, dead or alive are doing- real work. A guard of twelve armed men was placed tonight around the jail whero tho two Aliens and Strickland are confined. The whole object of the shooting yesterday yes-terday was to set Floyd Allen free. That failed and another attack Is expected. ex-pected. In spite of the fact that most of the clan Is completely occupied now in the saving of their own skins. Attempted Suicide. There Is a report that Floyd Allen tried io kill himself by slashing his throal with n pocket knife In Jail today. to-day. Ills friends say that Floyd did not do if. SHU the report Is mcnlloned In the following telegram sent by Detective Felts to Baldwin headquarters In Roanoke: Roa-noke: "Have four men under arrest, and In jail, including Floyd Allen JJIs wound nut. fatal. He. got hold of a knife and attempted suicide by cutting his throat In jail. Also hope It is not fatal. Woman Wom-an who was shot in the fight yesterday died a few minutes ago. One of tho jurors is expected to die any minute. Four or five others connected with the murder are still at large. These parties raided a hardware store at Mount. Airy, X. C. last night, slealing all tho firearms fire-arms and ammunition. Supposed to bo armlnsr In the mountains. 'T. I j. FI3LTS, commanding men In Carroll." The body of Judge Massi was removed to his home at Pulaski last night and will probably be sent lo Lynchburg", Va., for burial. Describes Tragedy. A son of Judge Thornton Massle, who witnessed the terrible tragedy, describes the killing as follows; "Floyd Allen, bin brother and his father came Into court together. AM had been drinking heavily. Barely a. moment aflor court had convened Judge Massle called Floyd before him and sentenced him to one year in the penitentiary. 'You . you can't, send mo Lo jail,' yelled Floyd, and at the same moment lie drew a revolver re-volver and fired point blank al the judec Two bullets struck the Judge, one in flic head, the- other In the chest- He fell forward over his desk. "The sheriff and the commonwealth's attorney both leaped at Floyd, but before they reached him hoth were killed by Floyd's brother and father. With revolvers leveled at the crowd, the three Aliens then began backing toward to-ward the courtroom door. Scvni-a.l of Hie spectators in the courtroom opened fire on them, and a moment later Floyd Allen fell with three bullets in his body. ITis father and brother then turned and ran. They readied the door In safety and lo.scd it behind them. Once outside they leaped on horses and escaped." |