Show S RC S fal I 1 B Is a peculiar medicine and is carefully prepared lay competent pharmacists the combination and proportion of dandelion mandrake yellow dock and other remedial agents Is exclusively peculiar to hoods sarsaparilla ahing it strength and curative power superior to other preparations A trial will convince you of its great medicinal value hoods sarsaparilla purifies the blood and sharpens the appetite stimulates the digestion and gives strength to every organ of the body it cures the most severe cabes of scrofula salt boils pimples and all other affections caused by impure blood dyspepsia biliousness headache kidney and liver complaints catarrh and that extreme tired feeling hoods has helped me more for catarrh and impure blood than anything else I 1 ever used A BALL syracuse N Y creates an appetite I 1 used hoods to cleanse my blood and tone up my system it falc me a appetite and seemed to build ne over L M HALE lima ohio 1 I took hoods for cancerous humor and it begin to act unlike anything else U cured tho humor and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life J r kiroy mass send for book giving statements of cures hoods sarsaparilla sold by all druggists Prepare donly by C I 1 HOOD CO apothecaries loreu mass doses one dollar WALTER R PIKE MD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO AT 2 blocks north of depot DR 0 E from london PHYSICIAN cures saint vitus dance epileptic fais all nervous diseases seminal weakness and impotency by the london agent for Hydra atia uterine supporter bu SAMUEL K ATTO R W EY AT LA W brnca room no 3 bank building CITY ao ay AT LAW collection AGENCY ROOM 0 bank building provo city utah aas DENTISTRY all kinds of dental work adone nt alie lowest gold and platina amalgam filling a specialty al vork warranted to fit or the money will be refunded the lowest figures for dental work ever given anywhere J over reeding room centre street DR JOHN RIGGS the treatment of 0 and chronic diseases in which he lias had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO CITY UTAH BEAN PROP RS BEEF MUTTON PORK ETC THE FRESHEST AND choicest in town delivered at the houses of our patrons promptly OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE T IMn naser COX AT THE PROVO Is doing a large family trade and continues to areep on band the choicest BEEF POM shop on smoot block opposite meeting house free delivery to any part of provo IN THE LEAD always on hand the BEST AND MEATS OF EVERY leava or sand your orders and we will promptly fill them every day we have fresh pork sausage the nicest in the macfeat mar feat COOK SCOTT CO 4 doors west of post office EXCELSIOR HOTEL comfortable I 1 its location between the court house centre st and the depot calces it particularly ticul arly convenient to visitor FIRST CLASS TABLE AND ROOM accommodations the excelsior hotel is renowned reu owned forleta comfort and reasonable charges arrangements can be made for board either BY THE DAY or WEEK S D ROBERTS BLOUSE two blocks south of first national bank PROVO CITY UTAH is NOW COMPLETED j newly famished fumi shed throughout and with fit ato mt M t including large sample rooms etc AT seasonable RATES hacks connecting with every train ams PAPER wr 5 where caw cubee tor it sat ati bloch is alic source of health keep it pure by taking hoods sarsaparilla which Is peculiar in its curative power t A au t v 1 l to dupil alu asir has been for 5 ears for all impurities puri ties of the blood dilong syphilitic or mercurial diseases it is invaluable for has no equal sold by provo coap co ap as aou enjoy your 3 A and ara prevented ly dyspepsia anso Ac liers dyspepsia tablets they aro a positive tivo curo for Dys indigestion end constipation guarantee gna rantee 5 60 beats sold br proto COOP CO OP LOOK HERE s civilins OF have always on hand M 0 T S MARBLE and SANDSTONE GRAVE STONES HOME AND BEE US WE ARE our stock athirst at First cost and we want the people to by it all work guaranteed ObAr CoH Brone hiti y LUNG 5 r covon circular g ITOI sale bv all 1 bugai tt i n ast dst i i i v ii n 6 ma t T X art V 1 i by CV cu FE roi CAL bor asale aby all druskis arii i ullus air oi to THISTLE find FAIRVIEW U T staga leaves fairview for 1 hist ie station on hallway acry and friday at 5 am binl arrives st thistle at 1 p min time for trains thistle lor fairview bycy wednesday and rn 5 p m in ticineto neto connell etli hip mount HENRY MOWER prop S PETERSON undertaker SPANISH FORK CITY UTAH has on hand a full klock of I 1 goods coffins and cabets of all sizes of superior quality and fonfa in walnut itose wood and french burl also homemade home made coffins on hand and made to oder o der on short notice all at prices that defy NEW ARRIVALS IN mm CLOTHING HATS BOOTS AND SHOES new styles tat SALT I CITY ladies will find there splendid lines of COATS JACKETS all classes of woolen goods suitable for the winter season AT TEAS and main street salt lake m FIGURES REDUCED ON ALL STYLES we have the finest best and cheapest furniture m southern utah and keep constantly ou liand an elegant line of organs and other musical goods L aa A at R KH T brovo over PEOPLE USE ro a tobe tha Seeds men in tho world I 1 un lad palmi SEED ANNUAL per 1838 applicant a and to last tomiTa with oct or derinK it eatery person flower 0 C E r 11 PERRY caveats and trade marl i and all potent conducted for moderate re ex our office is Op polte 17 8 patent office we have no denb agencies all direct hence can transact patent in leu tims and at less cost than those remote from send model drawing or photo with de crip lion we adalee ii paten tabe or not free ot charge ocr fes not due till patent Is A boalt now to obtain arith refer ances to actual clients in your state county ox ahlma CA SNOW audo DR SHOE BRIDGES BOTANIC BITTERS the O greatest restorer and Pro loner in america DR SHOE BRIDGES VEGETABLE COMPOUND A certain cure for CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DR SHOE BRIDGES A specific for oravel and all kidney and 35 emale complaints E B Shoe bridges drug store centre st provo GS EB LANDSCAPE BRANCH AT T TP headquarters FOR THE floral fl ORAL 11 etc of the church of jesus chrtt nal nfl atter day sainta II 11 fal OIL R KEEPS AN AMPLE AND CHOICE OF ready mixed paint PAINT BRUSHES OILS diamond wall finish etc ALSO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES NOTIONS proprietor etoi JAMES jr manufacturer OK STOCKING YARNS JEANS and FLANNELS DEALER IN general merchandise CASH PAID FOR W 0 0 L SPANISH C 0 OPERATIVE institution DEALERS IN GEL FLOUR GRAIN AND FURNITURE or and slices i x x x x S FAMILY FLOUR ON HUO fu merchandise hoar or grain FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE JOHN JONES bupt supt 0 BEAST mexican mustang linamen nimen Li sciatica scratches contracted lumbago scrams muscles strains balabi stitches hoof ail scalds screw stings backache cornu bites galls B raises sores bunions spavin owns caracta THIS GOOD OLD STANDBY STAND BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what Is for it one ot the reasons tor the grout popularity ot the Mus liniment is lound la its universal applicability everybody needs buch a medicine the lumberman needs itan case of accident the needs it ase teams men tiie mechanic needs it always on his work bench the miner needa it in case of emergency the pioneer needa it cant get along with out it the farmer needs 1 in hla stable and bis stock yard the steamboat man or the boatman iceda it in liberal supply afloat and ashore aho hoye fancler ws itis 23 baft alend and safest reliance the needs atit win evro aba thousands 0 dollea and a world 01 tron lale the needs tt and ani need it BO ions as his life la a round of accidents dents and dangers the needs it tact Is noto tag lace it as an antidote for the dangers to af almb and comfort which surround aba pioneer the it about ids etore among his employees accidents will happen aad when these come the mustang liniment keep a bottian Bott lan the hoade als the best 0 economy i in the factor accident sates pain and loss alaray la tha stable for kc when W act wn ROBERT BEE 0 o IN 01 SHOE FINDINGS GUNS ammunition FISHING TACKLE all kinds of GOODS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID II 11 for hides and furs CENTRE STREET south sid provo ba ca undertakers carry a full line of undertakers booda WHOLESALE AND RETAIL solid walnut rosewood and burl baket and coffins of all sizes tho metal caskets orders by mail or di promptly at tended to liberal discount given two doors north of blank provo city CLUFF BOOTH CO PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO lem UTAH CO IN general merchandise agricultural IMP WA grop lumber doors windows ETC T B CUTLER bupt supt OF BRASS IRON CASTINGS castings for store fronts MILL WORK iro ork for ails bridges buildings berces bic manufacturers of utah vaclev iron mag gos MINERAL the largest establishment of the kind south of salt lake the very best work guaranteed JOHN bupt supt workshops cor L 9 streets form erly known as clefts hall E LT B R m DEPOT centre street fuksa asis coma and be convinced that we carry tha LARGEST CHEAPEST MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF SOUTH af salt LAKE CITY TO SELECT BEAUTIFUL upholstered LOUNGES FOR 1000 LOUNGES TRIMMED WITH OLD GOLD FOR LOVELY BED LOUNGES FROM UP CARPET FOR 32 CENTS PER YARD AND COMMON SITTING CHAIRS FOR 70 CENTS W H HUISH SONS jit the only place in utah and adjoining territories that is prepared to fill orders for CROCK BY ri L all orders by mail will receive prompt attention P 0 box 78 PROVO CUT E 0 bap two or three skilled potters wanted painters and paper DEALERS IN PAINTS OILS BRUSHES gleiss FULL STOCK AND LATEST STYLES OF WALL PAPER AND decorations ETC H J MAIBEN sf CO ast 1st door ol 01 hank BROWNS COUCH BALSAM and tar troches are invaluable in every family bior coughs colds sore throat and consumption BROWNS SALVE Is every box warranted for cuts bums bruised old sores piles and sore eyes no cure no pay every family should keep a box in their house only 26 cents has nu equal stands alone as the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and cure for rheumatism no sarsaparilla now sold is BO fully endorsed and druggists complete i formula printed on each bottle jk for SAB 1 WL W no baw s tins space belongs TO T E DANIELS photographer the BUYERS GUIDE fa sapt and mardi each year abb bia dafft 1 inches with o whole picture gallery GIVES wholesale direct to consumers on all goods or personal or family HM to order and gitas exact coat of thans yon csc cat irenr or have run with theae BOOKS contain gleaned froan the manet or the world W aul wul mall a copy to bwy na arc ofle ta to of mabun biet tu hear from you SST Ss wylmah HL |