Show sparks from wonderland this evening at half past 6 prof J E talmage will deliver a lecture on electricity before the Poly society of the B Y academy it will be the first of a series on the same subject we are justified in saying that it will bo a brilliant and instructive lecture and what ia more the lecture is free to all go and hear it clearance sale at dunn co commencing tomorrow to morrow morning we offer our stock of cloaks and wraps hoods cubias caps cardigan jackets and all wolen goods that are made up at a great sacrifice ve will dispose of them regardless of cost and at prices that will aston sli you come and yec what we can do for you no trouble to show goods the sale will continue for twenty days this is an opportunity of a life time never at any time before in prove lias the same class of goods been offered at such greatly reduced figures brace up you are feeling depressed your appetite is poor you are bothered with headache nervous and generally out of sorts and want to brace up brace up but not with stimulants spring medicines or bitters which have for basis very clieaf bad whisky and which stimulates you for an leour and then leaves you in a worse condition alian before what you want ia an alterative that will purify your blood start healthy action of liver and kidneys restore your vitality and give renewed health and strength such a medicine you will find in electric bitters and only oo 00 cents a bottle at smoot gos dm store OUT OF TOWN THE STOCK LATELY OWNED BY W 0 BEESLEY HAS NOT but having purchased the same consisting of shoes hardware groceries cod fish herrings sausages bologna N ants candy oranges figs etc etc will sell for cash we give acts worth far and ask for a cliare of your patronage call and see if we do as we say CEO TAYLOR PROVO any scrip mr beesley may have out will bo taken as cash by us within thirty davs GOODS GO DEALERS IN AND business done on a strictly cash basis we buy closely for cash and sell at bedrock bed rock prices W A ast T ea 33 wool hides sheep skins beaver mink gat otter and muskrat skins FRESH FRESH at any time can be obtained from second ward provo is unsurpassed this department is replete in every respect our being exceptionally fine our is well supplied with goods our purpose being to have everything on hand to meet the demands of our extensive trade the departments are filled with everything needful we have a fine line of HATS CAPS CA PS ETC our stock of is again enlarged we carry the best cooking and heating stoves in the market if you want fine and cheap goods call at the est coop co op where you will find a large assortment to select from JOS A HARRIS bupt supt successors TO JO importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in all lands of chemicals As fine a stock of goods as any drug house in utah we carry a full and complete line of the following 2 G cods pure patent medicine comb toilet A bicle nicle diamond l yf brushes M irrol ir roi chamois boais So ais lancy tru kunii he S alone J gamt As ailt etc FAMILY RECIPES CAREFULLY PREPARED AT ALL HOURS we make our purchases from the largest and most reliable drug houses in america and can therefore sell as house m utah thanking the public for their liberal patronage in the past and by fair and courteous treatment in the future we hope to merit a continuance of the same SMOOT RICHARDS CO smoot centre street provo awo hate contractors ancs builders manufacturers of doors windows blinds Moul dings and frames A screen doors stairs stair railia Rai liu lusters balusters Ba newell posts and brackets wholesale and retail dealers in Weis his sash cord door lock hinges screws etc etc of the celebrated studebaker bros make F ea KT 0 E we manufacture and keep constantly on hand the celebrated combination fence composed of Q 8 or 10 annealed steel galvanized wire with 44 pickets per rod at prices from 50 cents to per rod saving the farmers more than per mile office and factory opposite as 4 8 OK R WOO w 9 depot my U axa W R H bupt supt |