Show r Y P 11 I 1 associations front from pint first page fage elihn kublo KARL NAE siut this la Is nn an important meeting nii eting aud and the times we live lii L in fire are important import int also alao the alio addresses add reses adeliae listened to have been eloquent and instructive and filled with the spirit oi of luxl od all these circumstances or ir r our hearts to receive anstr e tion strength and out our course is acce accept pt ribhi before god tile hie purpose ot tilroe huiea inc inciting eting is is that wo we may loina come to a matual in in tile the glorious lonous fc work before ua its tin the of 0 zion ion iolli 1141 in call c ii bf be done ilois voit without hout the spirit of 0 U lil I 1 it iwother in spiritual or temporal and wo shoula cultivate it it until it be bicoules coules a to iid nature thi 3 glorious work of cutuil improvement has been presented to us ua lit in various phases during confor confer rne nee anti and there are a few points that use onus come to my mind this tha borni inor nin 1 1 1 4 and ll 11 11 I 1 a wish asli to give them thein utterance 1 1 1 all g I 1 1 lie biant Bi int baj I 1 learn fiat niest niost 0 I 1 lie e associations are adjourning luring during lie ha summer months this may bo be dic di aced by tile surrounding h ing litin lit in I 1 am ain n noir air talking to the tha Y younik ou people e ie biest of phoui uru are acquart tell if nil 1 I in some cow tried t tt I 1 ere ru to re v 1 rious kinds kinda of rivers soine uie all the cir car roun round MII lla doall considerable an anti I 1 lather illier in tile lake ur or other oilier bottles af MH ita ti ter r leaving no ill water in them some stop p fig era keep running runn iii in ill artificial chan channels ili anti and now when we look upon these rivers ind and look upon tile the end and upon the they libey tire are running from roin it duas does nut take guiti geographical gi knowl I 1 to linow alitt chupo rivers that run Z ill tile the year around tire the most beneficial and produce prodico the greit Fret cst amount af pf b good ud tit in commerce in ill irrigation and an in in mak milking links ng tile the country fruitful around their I 1 hanks then though gli small those that keel up a live lie current through thu the year jo do their share eliare and same boine pirt part of 0 the ile country is la benefited beneti ted but bet those that cease running through a certain of the year i ear are am not good the binka bank wither awa away y de deatle ath prevails pirt part of tile the season and you may ay have to a dig donn wetly many the feet 1 betin in aliu noil to strike L r ike water this comparison struck me with mutual improvement pro proven associations and their r labors it ii I 1 were a member of adv association it would be my constant study hoy how to manage it to keep the association running during tile the bummer season to have a continual stream nyby h are not tile the words of the tha scriptures fulfilled fu tilled ohen lien they say where two or three are assembled in my bly name thero there I 1 am among amoia them I 1 would look around and beij if I 1 rould could not get two or at three nicer mem bets bera of the association to help me keel the stream running and if tile the president or other officers should be away from homo home or unable to attend I 1 would step 1 up I p to them and oily brother will you kive give us ua it the h a privilege I 1 i ego to continue the tha rate t ings linga elfere tire three or four of us ua here and our labors are of such a nature that we no can have a little meeting and wo we can attend 1 I to it even evea it if not so often keep tile tho report and keep open until the full stream is running again ones once in a while the rain rala cornea comes a tiring during the sum mer season th the winds come up and if the toioi stream has if not ot been sand band is ii i i blown into the bed and u n areat deal of wa bater ter Is wasted in opening it again but wo we cal calculate callitti to keep it open if there ja is a little irrigation to 0 d do a wo we can do it dur ing tile the summer season sad and thus keep the plant pl int alive tile the sands sanda and storms of thu the desert may come and the water is kept running and tile the chati nil oven it carries no ito weight I 1 I 1 do not liere aro are many of those a I 1 that hat are ara entirely run ran out in tile the gummer bummer beason the number that wj I 1 stay at hoine during summer eummer seasons will keep keel the lie stream running runn however lio never small rod nome times timea then the rain fall all may lorna cocoa in the shape cof cf some gome missionary president or apostle will come along to visit you and the bed is filled w with ith water w ater and the plants are kept alive that would have withered away tit tha in that have been given through the winter that are lost eight of and the channel than covered red up by clr sands odthe ut tho debert would not lue be swept awra I 1 ut out kept gr green een there would not lid la laiu ned filled of so BO much labor required to callb the plants afresh an and 1 the beginning again you yon all know how many meetings it always takes before you get everything in working order they have gotten out of the tha notion of going to meeting and it takes sometime Bome lime to get worked up to ita it and months go goto to bato before they are st sit affied that the stream is running again I 1 i but if ou on would have kept a aliva 1 ive the stream however small during duno the sum mer months gradually one another draped in ill when ho he cornea comes home ciomo lna his interest is is not dried up entirely lie he makes his quorum stronger find and there will not be much time wasted for when the fall all season comes they are thy are all there them in working order tha our ier streams may not be dry rivers luring during the summer bummer acason go won but keep plants pi ints ot of faith and devotion toll to god alive aliva in our hearts to hunger and thirst after tile the bilings s of god I 1 may god strengthen our labors a bo rs amen I 1 afternoon PRESIDENT SMOOT I 1 appreciate the privilege lege of 0 meeting this orrow crowded ded andi and ence and am reminded every sabbath that this house Is too small fol or our peari pose posa for now both old and young hunger and thirst alter after righteousness and after the word at 0 the he lord I 1 especially endorse the remarks ot of pro bra cadger badger in reference to breaking tho the abath sabbath and sunday I 1 think there has been a I 1 rable impression made on the eople a this thia stake of zion io in that direction direct jon and admonish yon ou to keep sacred the holy sabbath 1 days day to offer sacrifices t the most high and do ayery thing to td prepare iro for or tile that i sin il 1 le of ofie heart ar that the lord requires at our hands I 1 wish the people tp to remember ber the admonition in fingard to hintos le abiol liquors F and it correctly informed I 1 I 1 th think lick there is raulte a reform in that direction among the youth of zion but nevertheless there is plenty of room for investigation there is a threat great deal more inore liquor drinking in tins this stake of 0 zion lun than is ia necessary I 1 wish the leading young oung men necessity would woul try and impress it upon others and other associations that the lord has said strong drink is is not good for or man that it is m only good for tile the washing of the body and when we ne depart from that we take upon ours ourselves elies a responsibility that we have got to an awer for there are 0 a few other items item rt t Is ia said bal 1 by the gentile world that aai if they can get hold of the children of the fatter day ay saints baines and educate thern tl em t they yc can a then h en wind them around their fl go ra and by pleast pleasing lo 10 ng words wordis of flattery fl aioo w them A aay yf from romus wo m u 6 look to these things W arnn again we should cultivate promptness and guard cuard against t misrepresentation bo be prompt in all our intercourse inter coure with e each a ch other I 1 wish tills ui specialty especially impressed upon the people be prompt tome to meeting I 1 ti 9 and nd I 1 to 0 your 0 ur busness I 1 meetings fin and ti alius a 8 ot establish ab ti sit habits of PrOmPt neA that will hill bo be of In finate worth to you the work of bearing off air the kingdom reta upon the rising generation of I 1 exhort you tv tj keep your covenants establish confidence be united mr iraa as a who officer sald aid in tho the lays clays of the revo rp voluton latin it if we do not hang inn to gether iret tier we will tang te tho lord will mil th tills A people and the responsibilities of the tha kingdom are being I 1 I 1 shifted upon generation may 1 I od iod you vo with tit that intellino nee anil and inspiration from tir the heave lp and tile poll er of revelation that ou oil nifty may bear of the tha kingdom triumphantly amen yon boeti 3 faithful tati I 1 molly to tile the ic lopel mil and feole iole atif ill alis a pers 1 irions of the Sail saints 18 that ire HO could cistand act diemand mul still hu he cheel cheerful ful that wis we W 1 10 erent from tho the rest real ot of fill alo corid in this lej pet tho people 0 aln world to ru it ef extent tent think it Is ia N tillable to kill a mormon Mo they are very ignera it ii lit of us still anil accuse its s of 0 being sinful spoke of ill advant advantages vot tt a 0 enjoy its a peo pen plo pie ex ortel us u n on als keep beep tile ho command menta ot of god und and a woul I 1 lie be mow than lit in um the end cauli lio hol wever liever lucli thi tt wicked joked inay seek to trample us down wo we have passed used through many things and ami we AU endure many more trials said tha I 1 le citing people b by I 1 keep 0 ins ing theford 0 und bainn in ion IF ful fill need not have to lay their too leodies UIL i in in tho the dust but live to sec geo tile fliM ilIg of ile bon in advised tile young to attempt at every opportunity to speak ind find brar boar their 14 to tile work work luking itzkin ith kin joil god to blim ua its ill III our lot ful burs fura |