Show lion 11 YOU 1 I brick Poin troy levels another at tile ho anil dill bill turn over it cleaf lear in ull all the of the land add another anoll nr link to ilia minor iati 11 0 it blown into ilia he end KI W a liroi iio attil hang it up tip ie im eel binl ille illan our 11 bloum and I christ died fur for all 11 let tile the now new worsted wonted rat lot ket read hob all whom you 11 for particulars defor tt to the hil EA anund tucker ly by con cn gre aws fur for tile the aholt potto robbery or of Mori tori nom nou I 1 heir incorporated business la eions flat corill their r imrch A properties simply hpaul t they and their habits or sobriety 1 Y industry economy anti anil now tell g loud lou seree teed ideas are bi hwe who imagine abitt god sent them into to this world with it 11 tot foe horo at cast iron bell and a harpoon with which to spear I 1 in it oriler order to hold find skin akin a hll I 1 who dont sea ace it its they do the constitution of the states say anya plainly that hall have no power to 4 any fly kind or form of religion 0 within thu the united states of amerl allied ea ca anil and it has no right to elatab 1184 stab lish the grand erand idea being to OVA fla all in ill this thia e country 0 u 1 I 1 try the right to ti take t heirs clear cear or sweeten to therefore congress hm had no muro more right to attack alti interfere with or war upon the mormon church than the oath olle or pro k eair tnt or pak ati churches rile constitution ala foible tun tile making ag or of export facto or fatra aaro atro gleo wa and ana yet goes i 0 f lo 10 pro proper v orbit or line hue of travel ravel to io a witha church church that li Is as earnest ear neal rull and heaven seeking a an Is id any her V hurch society or 1 n lie h world 1 11 here in ili tins this dge ago 0 of freedom lla lin a laud land dedicated to civil and religious liberty the world has a of the people of thirty eight yi bils ls warrent up tt it church established in it 11 territory under the taws jaws of tile Unite ii stated merely few nolay Ol dl start to of god an the ingot angelic lylo hosts prefer that a man loan should have one wife and rather ihan halt havo I 1 s a wo wives the three agree tig and I 1 ing fit in 11 that pea lenab w and jv that a bod ii KW 1 m ally aupp meo falur 6 an 1409 al 01 requisite to it here as aa a ineasie to happiness hereafter the tha blo mormon church li IS nu go named in lionor tin nor of mor the ga wald I 1 d to he bo author of the I 1 lugat important tall it spirit oll ual book of the tha ftc ions ru liking up the ho mormon bible laible it has grown frown up exactly its IM other churches have h grown in this poun country from the ahe bed rock kraai roots anil and through tribulation the tha members of baptist or churches anro brein ili our constitutional democratic bellef belief entitled to the protection of law and to be a lot let alone to rise or fall accordini according to the find religious of the thought of it a living in a land dedicated to lo civil and religious liberty wo we have a religion roll glou thit mitt Is it strength t to 0 our spirituality a 11 be ba the future a help to us maln in all efforts to wanti ond title thia reil llon to 11 us to is sacred it II may not ho he like the religion of other men mana but Is hour oun RELIGION and we demand to bo be LET ALONE in our enjoyment thereof out religion roll Klon Is 14 so BO perfect coin corrin olete tate and d soul satisfying that we have no disposition to quarrel far dislike ANY rr OTHER PERSON whose highl to dig card or to absorb a rel rell lelon glon Is us as sa all cred a to him as our are to u therefore we WB refu sn to dislike tiny person la in the ihu world on account of at tits conforming or nou lion conforming to any form of religion As aa a citizen it leour duty daly to io contend fur for othe ethew mand and their choir rights to dojoy their religion and it la is our duty as a strong man to help all wito who are weak anil and who are not wrong wrone the mormons cormons were driven out from illinois as gentiles have for centuries been driven out of boua tries by igna ignorance caned greed and fanaticism not because they were but bt bauge were zo they found on a bible and it creed that fitted bettor better than any other bible they went west to grow up with the country and to indira what 0 hey ay have hava grown crown up with and become trio the most useful part or of they went under government protection they organized their corpora corporations tiong 8 ocle ties aul add churchea in exact act cordasco cor danco with the he united Stat esThey did all the law required 0 of them as all other legal In corpor dons have done TOO the president of the mor mormon anon church society was for far years yeara tb the a governor of utah terri territory appoint I 1 at ed by the president in conformity to law all this athla time he was juaa a mor mon and what at tile the large majority ci of cormons mormons are rot mot a WS to coudres Cou gres tits the right 0 to I 1 O prohibit marriage monogamy the sale bale of liquor ur or the use of money but it hs hia no right to upset leg gifted corporations hos war upon churches of ANY or to now enact it a law to popish or worry pers perlona onri for undertaking an any y social or martial marital relation ship lu in the HIB pat last when at the ilme such auch plural marriage relationship waa NOT KOT AGAINST TUB THE LAW the iha supreme court must inuit ir if it does not depagt fro I 1 rom inthe lie line of con right pronounce all ouch 01 oppre salve sIve unjust ind and otis meanwhile teach your children it if any of the neighbors children WHOM TUEY DISLIKE have any I 1 I 1 I 1 articles that bour children vh Ildren want lluy call help to lie ilia per er bonn bond arid properties belonging to till nil whom they dislike never wind law uc or constitutional aln s ROD lloil ALL AIL WHOM YOU didlake DId LIKE demolat De at |