Show Y yami P 31 MI 1 associations MINUTES of the annual stake ol of the aba young peopled Peo mutual improve ment associations of utah stake ol of zion held bold at provo sat saturday biday and sunday and of 0 1887 choir sang prayer by eller elder J evans of lehi choir sang bang BISHOP J T NY loveless spoke very bin fly in compliment to tile the young p leopla copl for the interest they manifest mani fet ed tor for the labors they were engaged in the tha bishop was 5 buffering ering from bronchitis and excused his brevity on that account ta miia M iia presidents of the several br branches of the stake were then called callad upon by president G IL Brim brimhall ball to give a report of their labors the unbowed the association throughout the stake staka to be in a high ly prosperous and progressive condition at chec tb lose close of the reports elder joe JOB B keeler addressed gation lie ile said in subs substance talice tile work which the Lat erday saints have accomplished by leaving their bowes an and d coming to these valleys malloya will bring them a reward th the e same as in olden times Abra bilm receive received abeta bi bis a reward for going into the laid of cancan canaan la in fact anything that we WB do for the furi berance of gods work will bring us our reward but bat we find the conditions under which we live to be ever clia changing nging the duties of these days were not in all things like the duties of the present present and it is i nee sebary that as times and c conditions ons change we direct and shape taupe oar nor efforts in accordance tare herewith we ve are living in a govern ment the greatest and bt beat on arth this is not saying baying that it is the great great sat eat that cati can be but limply that now I 1 exists or perhaps ever has existed we are apart a part anti and portion ot 0 that government and its society As niam bers bars ot of its society WO we owls owe to it t car ce tain obligations one of which is to keep its ita laws contribute to its luain luain denance and perpetuate those pt of its institutions that are for the general good along with these obliga obligations wo we possess what are termed formed natural and vested rights it is our right and duty to see to it that good and wholesome laws are enacted fortha for abe preservation of society to accomplish this we have a right to cepro saD sou tation in the making of of those laws we also according to the glar na 1 ture of our institutions have a right to self celt government or in other words to control by a majority ballot the operation tion of our local concerns As a k key y to the exorcise exercise of all these pot pol I 1 it ica ri rights so go have adoth or er that may be regarded as tho the great est eat right of all nai namely litel ly the right of franchise this right bur ene enemies gaies and we think the ew enemies mies indirectly of our government are now se beeping eiting 0 o take from us by the enactment of stecial grecial laws against as us they have made one of the doo doe trines brines olour of our faith a crime which previously was not so BO in the sight eight of god or our country it it in not there tore fore morally but constitutionally a crime such it a crime for example as J aba 0 felling of merchandise without a J license jocose would be in a town where a license for such ouch traffic is required raqu ired by luw law there is ab nb now i a law passed re quiri quiring fig that in ia order to vote citizens of this Territory shall subscribe an oath tf to the effect i that they fire are not dot guilty u i 1 t af pf of the crimea that I 1 havo al r boded a e i t boand and others and thit that the they y will not aid abet co counsel ingel or advise any other person to commil coromis those crimes now how there are a great ajo many ny latter day saints who can copa cien take an oath indeed I 1 do not know of any reason any latter day saint wito is of these 0 flauree and does dile snot not intend tp commit them theal oi or to assist or advise others to do so BO cannot take tak tb thia 8 oath they do not obligate ate thema elTea to advocate the law or t t to abstain abitain b t f from r 0 ad advocating joesting I 1 as a a a correct or roo ot r pl I 1 eabe doctrine whose practice tice li t prohibits the oath does not in eny mao afi nerin i ii with their beliet belief or or with ith the tha avowal thereof thereof but a imply witha its practice and tle the aid and a tiba given to others concerning the tha earna conference Con adjourned until 2 0 clock benediction by elder lil H hardy 8 yi i burday I 1 a way A afternoon SNOW 1 have hava tile tha pleasure this afternoon of occa dying a portion of your time through that the invitation of brothers bramball Brim ball keefer Kee lerand and hardd I 1 wish I 1 to call to the fact that we ire Is de pendent filipon the ortruth ol truth to inspire ui J ili 1111 the c of our duties clu liea the ditlea 1 of the lat latter 0 day are of that nature that thai we in manner without the constant influence enca of th still Is spirit I 1 have been tonis bed many times when I 1 havo av had the privilege or hearing our so ung and aad women corrien aleak to ob balvo a the inspiration and the iha elo that they alp displayed bayed I 1 preen presume me my hearers a Is it all 11 iwaki aware that I 1 1 zm just juil olt oat from serving Ber a term in the wid and would like to hear of my experiences abid aad shdie of nay brethren while there whenn carom to it a knowledge of the principles of mor moir and wa of their tr utti I 1 it before proclaiming thoin tham that 1 I should know bayoud tiny possible iio ible doubt of their through my sacrifices bed abd hie ga brood J nem a of an I 1 havis received that etli it li not only th 0 pric principle sciples of ki and bp p lisua for reni linion oddo M and lath bahar 0 r pt the that mun ai 1 J 0 1 I iriti wilh fill elili church n iiii wan and 1 I u lers laud md they ahey ahou 1 I now ull th the 0 dut duties iea of citizen citizenship sh I 1 1 I 1 binl it I 1 be con ve r sea with it the kno knowl wa ill illo hist at qualified them to odiel tto it i the various its hereof while in the ilia penitentiary 11 km 11 rl alt I 1 t had realized the th effects of fiur or faith arid and prayers like shad 1 meshach arid abednego hail it t hilo the lite fiery aery furnace nace we a were izidur the our cari of heavenly visitants tants tail we cattle came forth every hinz inn hai some ad advantage mingled willi its all we B la in the penitentiary bad amplo ample opportunity to become acquainted w with i tit each t other outside a are arb so 80 occupied that we cire shur flocks our herds to attend to we cannot take like the ilia time to commune with each other socially we once could but th that rt day has baa I 1 lid had opportunities in the penitentiary to meet with some of the highe t officials in ili the country the marshal arshAl iii took pleasure plea suro lu ili in the apostle in stripes n ai the lie curs curator I 1 or of ofa is in inen nerle w would oa ria dis exhibit his most e curious url u g it ar n the mii rhal treated rented me with the a I 1 ghost I 1 once had nn an inter view w I 1 it chief justice walto waite of the U 6 trie court held short chort line later inter with eight of hii hl i collea gues kave gave a ra decision deci dion lu in my which was a very kretta grea lilo re ilef to in choso suffering impal ill to my own titers iny wiit 11 gent I 1 atit n ay iy y the life tiame of if strong who abo hail had been till hll ovo over 1 the he cunley try examining r los 08 amin to in the lite utah estah lie said it was wan the most outrageous place ortho kind be had ever seen he spoke bloke of our fling cang to detroit I 1 replied that wo we had many here which we would hould not habein have in detroit we ve can see aeu our and besides be w we a are uri not looked upon here as convicts we are here of principles that we know are arve aud and we wa do dd not n 0 t regard ourselves as aa cun victa mr strodie remarked that neither do we look upon you as convicts I 1 thought this a very fair statement from a man lu ili his hid position I 1 was wad introduced to a gentleman fr from in a 9 0 he also gal eald d it bb IS ft peopled not look upon us as aa convicts these were the exhibited conversations in I 1 hold heli with many people from croul tile the world the scenes in he weri wt ra sometimes very pathetic chilli aren 10 and 13 11 years their parents would not recognize the them in because ot of their striped cloth lua and tad their sheaved heads head there was ti at ono one time ii a notice posted on thu the ivors of the wards prohibiting the lawgates from quoting poetry or v verses erses from the kible in their letter it I 1 h N not probable pro bible that the warden could tell lell whether yh ether the quo were fromi from me biblo bible or from aum palana age aee of we had our trials but lot lat me toll lell yoa there H I 1 4 no of gaining the glories es af stood god by tread tr eiding I 1 rig a path ol 01 flow ers era or lying spona bed of one must jimas through the brials tint that test the manhood and ami and give illin a if lid hard I 1 know af inana nho have bad an opportunity tit ty to demon damon strata their fidelity to in truth and crown themselves with glory but they passed the opportunity and ended on ded their lives in shaine bhame the men inen of our day have before them the must glorious prospects of tiny young men since the creation of the earth and they will hava he privilege of increasing their wisdom and intelligence to enable th them ern to go 0 on and conquer their difficulties difficult les und end discharge their duties to the a action of themselves and to the elory clory of iod god but as true its there IS id a owl god in fit heaven they will not at tala tain that glory tint unell th 1 they bave bae grift through the trials rials that at their fathers endured sunday morning bodner 0 was always pleased to meet with his brethren and sister slate run on mccu occasions ions 0 this lind kind and that god has been bean with us daring thelast the last boason season and real reali realized realised sed from then aharons monies in in regard to the beni benicta fiti der da rived from oui oar labors that we ire are ro g rp i dad did not remember of bavine living a altan ton dad 0 d ii a conference of abi this character chara chira oter that was ad BO well attended L a abat we wa bit had to our labors through the summer months that we thereby lose much that we baad gained through the winter there is is DO reason why during daring the summer months our minds should lo be withdrawn from these important duties that pertain to life and salvation there are ara no duties n lite life that chat require us ua to abandon the principles of the gospel c oar ur business transactions should be done on the principle ciple ol of and equit tg spoke ot of our tiona slid and bow ow the saints were driven in early days and the more mora wo we are the mord more it is is to our oar ad vantage and when driven to thefts 0 at i ns it flaa a means QA god had bad to fo benefit this people to establish them in HI these mountains that they hoy negm batow arid and inc increase in creasa Fease not iani I 1 material wealth but in in things of as asto As to uie do race recent legislation n it will b a means 0 of f d doing 0 in good among t this b is people its wak 11 ug them up very much in regard to tho the principles of aito jito he kg ligi ding oil hour bow many have consciences I 1 have often known moil men to be in in the church 40 or 60 50 years bi giring made covenants with barea oil to do his hia will and keep all ilia his lawsond laws and commandments so far as they the are made known unto them thein making juill naan bat ba who never knew that I 1 they bey had bad a CO until the be tucker edmunds bill was wan pas pained ded and the tha oath was waa presented pren td to ther them n thor they begin angin to say to tb them in t I 1 1 elyes can I 1 take this I 1 I 1 oath does it 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 v 1 not reat require ire we uio to break Z the Z command auald of 0 god and can call I 1 jo do this ihm ath ith out violence to they have just waken up to the condition that they have been violating io lating it tor for the last forty or fifty years all wo we bavo to do is to got an of 0 f ilia his laws and then pu iiii th I 1 iu 11 pr practice notice and this brings me back to the work before the iha citations cinti ciati ons und and what we wa two josa by discon diacon tinning our weakly slid growing in lethargy losi losing n t aba b a prin prill caples that ilia t have hava boon been adv aall to LO us daring the winter ile HB exhorted tho the young to keep go good od company at home and it if they were gona from homa borne to carefully guard their actions and select rood good company spoke of 0 the evils evila of 0 sunday excursions escura ion bath aag resorts and such places as worse than the evils of liquor or so boino in ot of the other prevailing evils evila amonn among the tha people continued oil n second aage |