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Show 'SINCLAIR WINS IN THE SE VENTH PRICES SECONDS THROW UP SPONGE "PEANUTS" SINCXAIR. fcpccial to Tho Tribune- B1NGHAM. Feb. 24. 'Peanuts" Sinclair Sin-clair carnc back in his bout with Jack Price in the opera houso here tonight. In the seventh round of a scheduled ten-round match Sinclair won tho decision decis-ion over Price, whoso seconds threw up tho sponco to save him from further punishment. Sinclair now may Isauo a challenge to Joe Rivers, the Mexican boy. who won the decision over Jimmlc Reagan In thirteen thir-teen rounds at Los Angeles Wednesday night. Rivers, is hot on tho trail of Abe Attell. Sinclair was in the fight from tho start and lead the majority of the lighting and had .his game opponent all but out three different times. The fans were well pleased with the scrap, and Sinclair's old host of admirers are now looking for tho little fighter to regain all his lost laurels and some new ones. The Salt Lake special left the D. & R. G. depot at Salt Lake carrying over S00 fans who on arrival at the Bingham depot refused to pay a fifty-cent bus fare and the bunch, headed by ''Fat" Schiller, Schil-ler, marched up to the arena shouting and singing. On tho way the fans had to cross a stream on ono small plank, and some of tho more eager ones fell In and before arriving at the ngnting scone wero almost frozen.. Tho opera houso was crowded and everybody ev-erybody was eager for the night's programme pro-gramme to begin. Tim first preliminary was a four-round engagement between "Kid" Davis and Joe Green, the "Kid" getting tho decision at the close of the bout. The two boys fought well, but Davis had the advantage. Wlllard Bean was the third man in the ring. Jack Downey ami .lack Drumgoolo fought tlghl rounds to a draw. They went at It hard from the start, but clinched considerably up to the seventh round and tho crowd called sovoral times for tho lighters to be separated. The eighth round was a fast and furious one. but neither had an advantage and Referee Ref-eree Downing called the bout a draw. Tho fans were slightly disappointed at the lighting of Drumgoolo in the last three rounds. Issue Challenges. The crowd called for the feature of the evening and after a little ring ceremony tho engagement began nt 11:03 o'clock. Harry Sliafer of Boise was Introduced and challenired the winner. Eddie Maltl-sln Maltl-sln of Denver also Issued a challenge. A newspaper challenge was received from Jlmmie itcngnn for the winner. Referee Downing announced before the fight he was certain the contest was to bo on the square or ho would have refused to act officially. The fight by rounds follows; Round one The. boys came together carofully and tried each other out. "Peanuts" "Pea-nuts" drew tho first blood by a rap on the nose. The two danced about tho ring. Honors wore even. Round two Tho light lug was much faster and the boys mixed at the start, "Peanuts" sending Prlco to his knees for the count of four by a stiff jab to the face. Price came back at Sinclair, but could not land. Sinclair's round. Round three Tho fighting was fast, with both exchanging punches to tho head and body. Round even. Round four The boys again began fast and Sinclair sent In a hard Jab to tho Jaw and followed It by a right and a left to the face with much force. Sinclair sent In another left to tho face as thu round closed In his favor. Draws More Blood. Round five Price sent in n force.fttl blow to Sinclair's face but "Peanuts" forced his man. Price was weakening and swinging wildly. Peanuts could hit at will and drew blood again ftom Price's nose. Price hit Sinclair In the face and tho round ended even. Round six Both fighters were bio thing th-ing hard. Sinclair was bleeding from the face and Prlco was wild. Sinclair landed on Price and sent him to the floor lo the count of nine when the gong saved a possible knockout. Sinclair's round. Round seven Price was all In and trying try-ing to protect himself as Sinclair landed n forceful right swing to tho head, followed fol-lowed by a right to the face which again floored Price for nine counts. Price staggered stag-gered to his feet again and Sinclair sent In a "haymaker" lo the face which staggered stag-gered Prlco and sent him down, nt which time Prion's seconds threw up the sponge. Sinclair fought well and showed a little of his old classy work. |