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Show I TARIFF REVISION AS j PLANNED BY DEMOCRATS (i I j , Will Use' the Evidence Taken by Ropub-f Ropub-f Means When Payne Bill ' . , Was Drafted. ' 'WASHINGTON; F$r. L'l.farjff re- vision -plant; of, ,111c 'ways nnd means com-mitteu com-mitteu - or -tlic-- n'ejet iiohjcrcss- wero an- notniccri today' by Hepreayiitativo Underwood Under-wood of Alabama, who will bead that committee in the. house. Mr. Underwood Hays "that ' assuming that then- was to be an extra session of congress." , the committee on the Demo-f Demo-f cratlc side .'of the house was charged with tho responsibility of preparing tariff legislation and all that the Democrats afikod between now and December was provision for a. clerk, atutlstlcian and a slcnocraphh: clerk for the committee. The Democrats." he said, were not ank-Ing ank-Ing money for an Independent Investigation. Investiga-tion. . "c wunl Into a vory thorough inves- ligation of this tariff question several montliH ago." he said. "The witnesses , J that appenred before the committee then r wero Impartially examined on both sides. The testimony before us Is only eighteen months old. . (; "We simply propom to take that testimony tes-timony and the statistics and evidence , that was before you gentlemen when you k wrote the Payne tariff bill and write ' ' a tariff bill in accordanco with our prln-i prln-i ' clplcs." |