Show I 1 A I 1 cat I 1 otie one day it poor half brozon kitten C canu I 1 ilia to birdie Gran gerla house birdie had nu no fir brothers 0 liters or sisters io ID alay lay with so she aho took tha alarmed F little we gray ew cut cat lit III and undo made it wet cut cumb n 0 bho it and led fed iid and it a 8 1 bood bed to sleep in under buch klinl kind care the stranger drew fait and sleek by tie the time little it wo was grown it became tt a mo mal 1 wonderful cut cat bir dao named her pet warble Vir blo Lec ituRe ll it purred so loud warble and birdle became ingeb first bles rile cat followed birdie P very where it wai very largo and a big ai n dog for Pora a cat it was how intelligent warble was it had many entitling cunn liiK ways and bir lies papa taught taut flit it to 1 ll 11 tricks liko like a log dir would areu it jac latip his handa and put lint till lili arms armi out in 01 sort tile the rug rue then ho he would any juino it I 1 11 P yarb lel atilt anil warble wants would jump through lili I 1 ja und and out over liver hla his its ill s ui aj I 1 if I 1 it just what file alit which to 10 be ba sure eure it did it if warble was watching for it mouse ut at it a holu halo find tiny holly cause near jt it wits nc lie ell to baloo its pw paw iia as it sign to tj the ilia lit rs wi i lu io keep keel buck back and not flat inake it noise onedis d ly war carlle bie did birdie a service which site she will never forget as long as sho lives it wits and birdle took dish of milk out beal beside dethe the garden wa wall 1 1 anif u usual s ual she to culled called warble and hoard heard rt it low mew just beside a crevice lit in tile the stones tones warble WM wes watching for homot hing a trough t lie ile lifted ills paw to warn hla his little to keep back hat but she aho went oil oi 1 ha now milk Is better than a mouse come at and lip biilly iI it ILly Warb loi eyes gleamed liko two balls of alro lie ile aved five his lail fail back all and forth in fury ill looked like illie it a tiger shout about 10 lo jin ile raised ills his paw again ni ain 10 lo air but sho she ID sio what will disturbing hor haf vat cat su mid rd took steps forward 8 alio arsh niami 4 a i rattling I 1 in if tile be brags gaii warble leaped into tile air at abu tit time brittle moment moi nent and calr cainie down dowil upun t lie spot where alic lio h heard oard the rat it I 1 oz there wits was more rig find a ire hissing arld atilt the girl wits monedi find and scleana 0 id ai aloud on d her mother and alad grandmother ran to let her in an iri instant tristant stant they saw with hoir horror ortho aba cat dragging a rattlesnake out ot of the grass tile child had been almost upon it wainlo had bad set his H trong sharp teeth into the lack back of I 1 the neck sod broken its spine 0 y 11 I 1 examiner ta miner |