Show IT is in evident that tho the proposition made by and adopt elby by the senate that hat fourteen trustees ru appointed 1 by the government shall administer the financial arrange i ments menta ot of tho the mornion mormon church and wind up its affairs is not a pop popular u I 1 ar one with the more popular branch ot of congress the other day word camo came that while jeff chandler Chand lex was deliver ng lag I 1 I 1 a brilliant argument in defense of the mormon people before the t he house committee on judiciary the chal chairman ralan interrupted him by remarking hat bat etwas it was unnecessary tor for him to discuss the matter ot of the ftp ap point menk of 0 trustees as aa the commit too tee thought tho government ought I 1 no not t to go into partnership with tho the mormon church it is ia plain to bo be seen by this thia that senator edmunds has in the 0 pinion opinion of the house gone gona too far in lis his so home to still further punish the mornion mormon people the house undertakes to strike out I 1 go 10 important import nut a provia provie iou iou as that which practically takes out ot of mor mon possession tho property of the mormon church and wind up 3 its t 11 afi affairs afia airs irB it is highly probable pro bablo that that branch of congress will go even 5 till still lurther further and strike out other infamous features ot of hia bill it if it does not even go to the length of burying tho the villia noua inous measure alto gother get lier |