Show body 1 nine years ago while ahlie for a i road the emp employees empl loyes of the tha peoples plank laola zoad company of evergreen out due from tho the hlll hill ilde olde R curion stone it was used lor by tile the workmen for prying ainther atones its ita value eta aa a relic not being inspected mr henry hanry of evergreen had hla his attention atte atlon call ed to it and took it ing uko to convert a flower pc Us ne was wa informed however it was wai a petri ded human body it WB was found in limestone 11 miland ll and hay has llie appearance of if the bark at a rep it appears as if it had bad been 1 wrapped up til the ani animal malthe the outward out ward surface W what bat are P supposed up os ed td 6 be boa stitches of a alde m 8 about leleu art and aw d two feet la in and striking to the human form the weight la about five hundred pounds it basald that many years serf agal Indi indians alis camped oa the very spot the form wag found and it la Is thought to lbs be the of ufa is chief from dressed atie process of Is what Is 1 known in goolo gyi as the ilia andigone an opi tilston formation it has been examined by ninny many denof men 0 the two cities and mr cridge has refused five hundred dollars offered by the he proprietors or a city museum pit ate bicle nicle J |