Show cervo city falay E liay april 30 1 IKC 1 10 7 oo on wednesday and TI thursday the ihn attorneys interested in it alie ali grent gintic tintic mining suits pending between the billiou Bul liou beek beck champion min alin ing co and the eureka hill mining co lint it a lively bout over a couple of mo motions tiong tho eureka contended for or an injun injunction clion I 1 restraining the lieck company from from work borkine itil at certain disputed points at the samo time that the injunction so BO far us as the E eureka wag VIM concerned might bo be dissolved the tha first motion was ana Fran granted teJ but only so BO far as aa tile tha N ork ing of a piece of 0 ground is con cirard and winch which Is ia of no material benefit to either side aijo the motion to dissolve the abe injunction in ia favor of the eureka did not cot win which wi was really the tha material point at issue for had bad the eureka been allowed to work the property which under tinder the decree rendered in february boil awl which la Is to be carried carri eil to the supreme Supra niu court that company could probably pro bubly take out ore enough to compensate com thum thom for all the expenses they lavo bate so far I 1 incurred I 1 and are likely to incur in the continuance of thin ibis remarkable contest con the eureka fullis folks think that us as they lave have secured the tha title to the property pro party so ao far as aa the judgment of the district court can rive give it to them they ought to reap the beti le niuta elito now and continue reaping tham uoti until I 1 a higher hiber court shall order other otherwise or the judgement jud gement of tile lie lower iowa r court shall be reversed on tho other hand band the book beck company who uru aru in pa possession session think they ought to oa bo allowed to remain remain iti in pos session until the question is final ly adjudicated upon the court coart has come to the very reasonable concha nion that if le he should wholly deprive the beck back company of possession bud and give it to the bo eureka and it should afterwards transpire that his hia judg ment would not hold good with the higher tribunal thorn there would then be two great wrongs to bo made right t 0 g and it if the crele that HIB E en a reka should happen to have got away with all the oro ore there wadid bs be one great reat wrong impossible of ever being anade right hance the court lv permitted matters for the present to remain as they were but required bonds to bo be given by the beek back enn ivany to the tha tn in on nn sure tho the latter against ogain st possible loss lose or injury ary consequent on tho the former retaining rotain inK possession posses aion |