Show bids wanted sealed proposals will be received by the undersigner undersigned under signed for the furnishing of abid delivering on alie ground at the school house manenal to build a brick school house feet outside 12 feet high consisting of about sun burnt brick and first clasa hand made burnt brick of uniform color seven cords of good mountain foundation rock sharp cobrae sand by the yard and lime by tho bushel to iby up foundation and walls and for plastering masonry will be let by the cubic yard brick laying by the and plastering by the square yard carpenter work and carpenter furnishings let or the whole job will belet in ono contract for further particulars apply to the secretary of alie board who will on application furnish plans and specifics eions all bids to be in on or before august ac 3 p in 1890 at which time at the school house the contract or contracts will be let to the lowest responsible bidder alie trustees reserve the to reject any and all bids not satisfactory to the district JASA JAS A LOVELESS trustees for distro Dis A L MECHAM 18 WM K utah co utah WM K HENRY secy this july ag 1890 |