Show cure for sick headache athis distressing complaint is duo to an inactive or sluggish liver with con sti bowels which deranges the stomach and disturbs the nervous system causes dizziness and an oppressive dull pain in tho licad often so severe as to prevent all rest of steep one of dr gunns liver rills will relieve you of all the pain and misery and a few more doses will correct alie liver and stomach and regulate alie bowels while the pills arc small easily taken and neild in their action there bisno medicine made that will so eject bally curo gick headache 25 cents a box sold by pyne maiben eczema itchy icily skin tortures the simply application of SR OINTMENT without any intern il med cine will cure any case of tetter sali rheum Ein piles itch sores pimples eczema nil scaly itchy skin eruptions no matter how or long standing it is effective and costs hut a trifle in the justices court of i h ci c i cl territory of utah john SG bb lin 1 vs n AND john doe defendant john doe whose li w i unknown yon am hereby sini ir i t c il apgear lefore inelle rm m l at C cc x pi admy in iehl precinct county Ciu nty biah to answer H felled you wherein claims alie sum of one dollar damace caused by your animal tres on his premises at lebi said animal la described ai a i to lows to alt one light colored mare mule branded en has had her leit front leg broken at the joint Is very old and you are hereby notified that if you fall to appear and answer sald complaint at me lime and aforesaid judgment will be taken you for loo the eald adamae the cost 0 keeping said aal a mal and ibe costs of suit i given tinder a icah day 0 j uly justice of the peace for infants and children BO well adapted to children that 9 chorla georeg bouc 8 stomach 1 cates leep bd n aown tome KZ acar MD j klut g bahout tsa 77 street N Y LEVI STRAUSS COS celebrated OVERALLS AND BOTTOM PANTS ENJOY A NATIONAL reputation NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR TRADE MARK BEST SEWING BEST FINISH 1 BEST FIT BEST MATERIALS the only kind made by white labor FOR SALE everywhere blacksmith and afton repairers brown evans are prepared to do all kind of blacksmithing blacksmith iny and wagon carriage and machine repairing horse shoeing a speciality you will find them reasonable and just in their charges call upon them on I 1 street west of the tabernacle all work fuai cut cut cat II 11 I 1 depend upon us for clieaf coal we will sell the celebrated castle gate or pleasant valley coal at yard per ton delivered per ton leave orders it smoot eichardt Eich ards co provo book stationery co or at depot SMOOT sc DEAL undertakers we are the eol agenda for joseph E taylors homemade home made and imported caskets and coffins for provo city which we furnish on short notice and at reasonable rates shop one block north of railroad depot 0 H OLSEN co fresh salmon fc whole 15 cents sliced at bombards Bos bards THE EUREKA STAGE the stage between and eureka wl 11 mu W EE Y INSTEAD OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE lea vine elretea and santaquin San on TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SUNDAYS OF Wl flEK one bias will leave eureka and another connecting at roshen in time lor dinner slaves will connect same day with passenger going north fron dianta quin to eureka at 4 P TO stages leave eureka at 10 a mann and J NEW BUTCHER SHOP at the old stand of the springville Spring ville co op meat market wholesale md retail dealer in the hes beef mutton pok veal sausage etc A choice selection constantly on band give me a call main P P HINDMARSH can be found in season vegetables and garden stuff call and see him free delivery to all parts of the city STAR MEAT MARKET JE p HER has opened a new sh op one door east of his old stand where he will keep ON hadd THE essai men veal ani M SAUSAGE caf calves and dressed hogs wanted free delivery to any part of the city OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE J BROTHERS aso st gy special attention to families choicest meats constantly en hand BEEF MUTTON PORK VEAL SAUSAGE ETC CEA delivery to all parts of the city COOK SCOTT CO walter wheeler undertaker carries a full line of U undertakers goods HOMEMADE HOME MADE AND IMPORTED COFFINS kept constantly on hand sole agents for utah for the Joint lesa airtight air tight and indestructible casket and miniature vault combined orders oy mail or despatch promptly filled samples of casket and styles of wallpaper always on hand main street utah in business again HIS MEAT MARKET will be opened on TUESDAY APRIL etli with choice meats delivery to any part of provo city orders from a distance will receive prompt attention remember the place two doors east of taylor bros furniture store provo city utah OLUFF BOOTH co undertakers carry a fall line of undertakers booda WHOLESALE AND RETAIL solid walnut rosewood and bart casket and coffins of all sizes aidt llumi the metal caskets orders by mall or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the trade two doors north of bank provo city CLUFF BOOTH CO THOS CHILD SON HAS ALWAYS ON HAND MARBLE MONUMENTS AND we have them also at mr charles brewerton payson CALL AND SEE THEM all work warranted EXCELSIOR HILLS brovo butali dealer in lon and feed aall PAID FOE WHEAT J W HOOVER manner still in the front k FINE HEW DEESS GOODS k aro CAPS AND SHOES t headquarters FOK hay i grain j j and i produce OF ALL KINDS wagons and farming implements CALL AND SEE US 0 y you are anre to be pleased both with our and treatment afine glassware ul ELEGANT LAMPS ei E i s fe a 02 K 0 p a S ii i i H PI 3 bd 3 v s arf 0 0 3 2 doors orth of i j j 0 ei S E bisto JET F 1 achl B 4 3 P 02 s i 0 ui 3 FREEZERS CHURNS f a B a mil mirrors albums perfumery toys FANCY FA GOOD of all kinds WEST M X dro cerie hardware BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS NOTIONS etc COME AND EXAMINE OUR LARGE STOCK OF GOODS courteous treatment and low prices JOS A HARRIS proprietor amnier Lm nier alding co s sand builders all kinds of done on short notice manufacturers of doors and window frames screen stairs stair bailing lusters balusters Ba eai posts brackets all rinds of tumid wholesale and detal dealers in boors lumber sash weights and cord locks hinges screws Nail sand all kinds of building material cements chimney flues portland cemment plater of paris Plaster sHair centre pieces pains oils glass etc also the celebrated combination slat and wire fence all oi we sell at bed rock prices orders by mail promptly filled People desiring de airing goods in our line can save buying from us office Factor yani yard oppositely opp P and D R G W ey depots PROVO UTAH W R H bupt supt floods SOLD AT THE LOWEST MM highest cash prices paid for the peoples produce laps buggies pg ap mg ami HARY ESTINO MACHINES OF description we have the exclusive agency for utah county of the bain and fish brothers 0 also for the PEERING AND CHAMPION MACHINES complete line of hardwood and wa son tire WELL DIGGING MACHINERY PIPING AND OTHER well PITTING 8 STEPHEN L CHIPMAN superintendent |