Show POLITICAL in order to have a good iivo elac tion campaign work is necessary voters seem to require some display and oratory to arouse thorn to n sense of i n tho use 01 their elective brauchi fra uchi pur patriotism and the importance of tho privileges enjoyed in a free country do not seem sufficient to call out all voters unless appears to bs special danger of the fort being taken ly the enemy this lethargy is anito marked we are sorry to eay in the ranks of the peoples par j and our school elections just past showed the need of more activity on tho park of voters tim election example showed great indifference on the part of the peoples party voters tho election returns as compared with those of the last municipal elections show a decrease of over a thousand vote feature was cable in provo and in ogden it noemy to us not be a bad idea to do a little genuine campaign work for the fall election let some of our political speakers wake the people up to a sense of their duties if they are encouraged in the indifferent state in which they are inclined to remain wo will find ourselves taken by surprise some day and the colors hying tauntingly over our strongest fortresses A man cannot afford to neglect his as an american citizen ho bo alive to the duty that awaits him sometime it is good to tell him of it and therefore we suggest that the county convention that convenes in provo on the dinst also look to the inauguration gu ration of some system of campaign work eliat will tend to stir the people up in a political way |