Show combines the juice of the blue figs of california so laxative and nutritious with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system forming the ONY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS LIVER AND TO cleanse tiie system effectually PURE refreshing SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH naturally follow every one is it and all are delighted with it ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS manufactured only by the california FIG SYRUP CO SAH framcisco CAL ky NEW YORK N Y MAIBEN asanta J G J W JODD ITHERLAND ST ATTORNEYS AT vill practice in all the courts of utah and adjoining states and territories SAIL 1 UTAI T CIVIL ENGINEER county surveyor for utah county surveyor for provo city office opposite Sl JOHN B MILNE R attorney at law nines building let door north provo city utah SAMUEL R AT LAW dirrick ara noa bank building BuSl ding CITY EVIDENT DENTIST room no 10 bank building PROVO crry UTAH EL hAMM Brus D pleasant grove utah officio ono door east of hr BEERS HOTEL calls by day or promptly responded to all kinds at the lowest figures FIRST CLASS WORK removed ly dr christian a painless extraction ill s electric vapor is the safest and best J M bank building up stairs provo hii PAGE io REAL ESTATE fine farms for sale CITY UTAH SAMUEL CORNABY LOANS ON JT ions time nal low kates or interest correspondence solicited and promptly answered office at one block east from coop co op store spanish fork attah DON R CORAY CO u sla MONEY LOANED ON LONG low rate of interest correspondence solicited and answered promptly office over first rational yat ional bank tho pleasant valley lump goal constantly on hand per ton at tho eio grando western dop american pork J E JENSEN agent LIDDIARD SONS contractors BUILDERS PROVO CITY UTAH arc prepared to do nil kinds of anson work and at tho prices i persona intending to build would do well to address sons P 0 box 40 provo cita sog G protect YOUR EYES w aar GLASSES 1873 mr H the well known optician san under planters housa st louisias Louis has appointed smoot co of provo as agents for celebrated diamond spectacles and and also for his diamond spectacles and cheso gladies aie the greatest erea test invention ever mafia III spectacles by a broder construction I ens person a pair of tha aion cli neallo gla acs never has to cheo glaspes from the ces and pecry pair purchased are guaranteed 0 o that hie acs n rusted or ahe lenses aro chev will furnoh the parly kiili a ney pair of C have a full sibson ment and invites all who wish to satisfy them selves of ahe great superiority gladsea over any and all others now in use to call and examine the same at smoot richards co sole agents when baby waa sick we gave her castoria when she araa child she cried for castoria when she became miss abc caong to castoria when she had children she are them castori Cae tori cheap groceries talk about cheap groceries go to boshardy Bo shards and convince yourself that he is headquarters for groceries we duoto prices of a few articles sugar 11 ibs fora dollar bacon 10 acts liaina ano A no 1 2 10 cad tea 12 acts syrup 75 cli a gal yew orleans gd g d lenox soap U bars for 60 best wine binigar 25 acts a sal lye 10 ct tomatoes 15 acts a can sugar corn acts a can cheese 12 acts per ib chipped beef 20 ctr a ib bologna fresh 10 acts a ib booths fresh oysters 40 acts oranges from 20 to 50 acts a dozen all kinds of garden seeds and at bottom figures J II 11 BOSHARD provo grocer the cheapest place in aliis town to buy groceries is at C cheap cash store where you can get 11 pounds of the best granulated sugar for 1 bee hivo tea 15 cents per pat 13 bars best laundry soap for 50 cents candies at 10 cents mixed candies 15 cents pea nuts at 15 cents per S booths finest oysters at 45 acts per can calico 5 acts per yd silk handkerchiefs at 10 acts cotton ditto 5 acts you will also find it the head place in this county for reliable garden seeds danver onion seed per lt american wonder and all peas 20 acts per qt also alic earliest potato in this territory 1 per peck at the gardeners exchange in alie basement C proprietor bupt supt and clerk A sad deatle the many friends of brollier Brot lier samuel aldworth will be pained to biear of the death of liis wife eleanor oc carml sunday february and 2nd in childbed at the age of 32 the services were bield in alie meeting house consoling remarks were made by bishop packard elders hall waite and alegs alie remains were followed to alie cemetery by a large cortege of friends the whole community will feel to sympathize with brollier Brot lier samuel in his idour of trouble CITIZEN feb 5 B Y academy students were reported in faculty meeting as being in attendance friday evening the students will indulge in another of their parties this closes up the birst five weeks of therefore anyone desiring to commence would do well to begin next monday morning JUDGE POWERS is very anxious to get hold of the information possessed by chairman F S richards of the peoples party concerning those liberal registration frauds in aliis mornings herald appears a lengthy communication pleading for tho information from his honor but its a cold day when you catch a weasel asleep dont you think so judge UNCLAIMED LETTERS remaining in the po it office at provo ity february 1 1890 all leters advertised v ill bo charged one cent each 5 Atkinson Mrs sha kole emma P ron keels henry ashman lorane lee Sa mautha anderson miss S lee eliza abels gerard J S mcelvaine W J ashman L meeks lilly brumale mr A L mury J M clifferd Clit ferd fillmore martendale wil christensen L M liam ij christensen N P phinny G B g craven Y B wm craig william ramsdell mrs E E deper miss chris tena davies mrs an JP N N sanford C L daniel lucy E tuckett phillip W edman miss de tsaller frank vena thorpe mrs emma hamblem Ham blea benj thompson mrs hanson franks haulin J A mrs ann johansen martin G W jankins aisy susie t M gasner the above letters ivill be held 30 days those uncalled for will be sent to the dead letter office J B mccauslin postmaster TRADE MARK REMEDY positively cures cons emption general debilities Debili ties bronchitis and nervous prostration UTAH nov salvator magnus medical company gents for over four years I 1 have been troubled with my lungs and unable to ho my right side 1 was recommended by our to try salvator magnus after using one bottle I 1 could lie on elthe side without pain or and am and looking much better it Is a wonderful med edne and I 1 intend to continue its use ask your dealer lor it and if not IR stock send to the lakator magnus medical co NO so st salt lake city HOLB STILL A MINUTE and listen while I 1 tell you of those beautiful bedroom and parlor suites that have just arrived at taylor bros their carpets and wall papers are alie finest in the market and sold at such reduced bricea and everybody else can afford to furnish your homo get me a baby carriage a chicago cottage organ and new home sewing machine remember the place TAYLOR BROS UTAH THE FURNITURE RUSTLERS centre st union block room 7 provo lenses ground spectacles and eye glasses fitted with brazilian to order to cor pebbles eyes examined all defects free 12 years practical kno vy ot ledge LOTTERY OF TH r lax BV THE under a twenty years contract BY TIIE mexican international improvement Improve mont co grand monthly drawings held in the pavilion in the alameda park city of mexico ana publicly conducted by government officials appointed for the purpose by the of the interior and the treasury the monthly held lotha city of mexico eb C 1890 CAPITAL seo tickets at 84 issig prizes amounting to price of tickets american money wholes sa halves sa quarters sl or 1 capital prize of GO Is COOCO 1 capital prize of te 1 capital prize of is 1 grand prize of 2000 is 2000 5 prizes of 6 Prize 20 PrUe Prize lacro 10 Prize 0 HTOO prizes of 20 iloco approximation prizes erizea oty to roo 0 t prizes of 50 to 1170 prizes of 40 tu P ize decided by prize AH prizes sold in the united states faill paid in states currency by terms of contract the company must deposit the sum of all prizes included in the scheme before selling a single ticket and receive the following official permit certificate phereby certify the london sank if mexico and l M on special te posit file funds ic if if all prizes drawn in the lie ial Hrna rencia faillaca faill ca the Ls to distribute distri Lute fifty six per cent t ct nil the latti in esa larger proportion than U given ly any other lottery all drawings under the personal supora igloi and management of DR intervenor appointed bytho of 11 bo sent atte tho rawin to all correspondents or on application prizes may he deposited for collection with any blank far ben through them or liy mall registered to aln of ace full address U AI U tado ra city of mexico mexico SPANISH I 1 OPERATIVE cooperative CO general merchandise mm BOH CLOTHING furniture and produce OF our gem roller mills C turns out flour that S is unsurpassed in the territory orders for JEST Merchandise Flour or 8 grain filled on short notice our motto is to bait please our customers ja CALL SEE US PEOPLES SALOON lias the finest and choicest stock of LIQUORS WINES ETC best brands of cigars and tobaccos cos in town family trade a specialty the proprietors will always be found goon natured and give US a call BANKS MOORE proprietors main street spanish fork utah ai blocks donth sonth of R 0 W depot GOOD BEDS and GOOD accommodations kelt cosy ani hona BATES per day GOO per week are the cheapest rates in town J C VAX proprietor springville Spring ville utah T wheeler undertaker carries a full line of undertakers goods HOMEMADE HOME MADE AND IMPORTED COFFINS kept constantly on hand sole agents for utah for the airtight air tight and casket and miniature combined orders ly mail or despatch promptly filled lS amples of casket and styles of wallpaper always on hand main street springville Spring ville utah PEOPLES SO OPERATIVE institution LEHL UTAH CO ERS IH general merchandise agricultural S fleors lumber doors widows ETC T R bupt supt 4 STORES 4 daily arrivals oay AT A BLOUSE SALT LAKE full stock of latest novelties in dress cods ladies agnses and childrens BOOTS drop in and examine our 3 LiEFF 1 MINING WATER WHEEL designed tor all purposes chure limited quantities of water anil high heads are utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnis lied on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of this form of construction aa well as the ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks a nd in iron globe cases free of cost by applying to the manufacturers JAMES LEFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper G W WILLIAMS J C WITHERS D T CLARK bithers manufacturers OF AND DEALERS IN satt boston team collars wills 8 spurs ami fauls lap and a general stock of SOLE MAKERS OF THE celebrated CANVASS PACK BAGS COMMONLY USED BY SHEEP MEN repairing neatly done call and Examine oar stock and before satisfaction guaranty else ff liere OUR MOTTO quick sales and small profits remember the place ham street payson or I 1 street provo OPPOSITE DIRER ICE |