Show SUNDAY SERVICES alie principle of union GODS SPIRIT WILL NOT DWELL AMID STRIFE alic aie not to go to lav one another alio llio of the church ot jesus of latter day wire held it alic incepting bouso I 1 I fc president A 0 smoot presiding tin i liuia sang goila our help in ages past our for y ra 1 lome pr 13 cr as by elder william M callough the bang goil ali bernal mild thet ki 1 I lie vas administered by the of alie third ward bishop bohr brown addressed the congregation he felt pleased to bee so large a number of saints present actual kno ledge of the things of god cannot be given unto us except by the of god this is why the savior said to peter art thou peter lor llesh and alood hath not revealed this to taco but my father winch is in heaven we art told eliat we are to speak wu aie to take no thought of nent mi ire to say but in the hour ahn w speak it aull be gian unto ab vv hat 0 o are to chiy if we hae alie spirit of lie lord the speaker read alie ith erse oft c ath chapter of at john then alie jeas sought him at alie feair and said where is lie and tin re was much murmuring among attic people concerning him for some said he is a good man others aard xav but he people tins my and sisters presents to ua the principle of union as taught by our ts buor our lives in order to be inclined be guided by alie spirit of truth if all alie vuie guided by alie spirit of truth they would bo one but we are all constituted all hive a diversity of in regard to that nii be before us alie apostle paul in his epistle to the comins speaks of tins milter lie refers to us as being subject to anif cies we are not responsible for this state of of affairs when alie down upon the eaith he took on himself this responsibility he died that e might inc what is required of us then in tins probation we ill sa that this simor lio to redeem the prepared aith the rathers a plan for the of man tins pi in is called the gospel by obea ing ing alie precepts of this gospel n e ma be brou glit back into alie presence of our when the savior made bis appeal ance lie found alie chosen people of god aliey were in a ery deplorable condition as far as a know ledge of the things of the king j dom of god M ere concern J tins i in eget in after lucli mosey biad been raided up to be a leaded a ruler and a l gier of this people and had led them out of bondage the gospel was prea clied to them but they acre not profited by it on account of their unbelief the lord gac them a 1 iv of carnal commandments but not alie gospel there as no saha tion in cornil commandments hut they ci a merely for temporal government alie hid inspired men among them all the va down during their wo have record of butone temple among them when jolin the baptist first appeared among nad not biad a prophet among bliem tor about v eara chev hid nothing but the law of moses and tins was a means of continual conti nuil were several sects among them there were alie Phara the and outliers ot liers these various creeds were in accord with interpretations of the law but not the law itself there was constant div ision and strife among them and this means destruction and death how is it among ourselves we cannot agree in business matters wo go to law and whit is the result why we lose by it every time if the children of israel biad abw avs followed alie instructions of the lord as given through moses during sojourn in the wilderness they would have been led to the promised land im madi bitely but in consequence of their transgressions iliev were punished alev were compelled to wander around in the wilderness until they were all dead alio biad been twenty deais of age w lien they left egy pt so it lias aba av s been with alio people of god when alicy hive not followed his command indents iliev punished bv the lord we cannot vork alie without alie machinery of the books wont keep israel we require the priesthood when you ignore god ind alie order he lias established you ire at sea v ithone a rudder in ev ery igo of alic world v hen alie lord haa had he lias talked to As long is they listened to him all right but w lien they did not listen to his word division came into their ranks and alio lord says except ye are one ye are not mine As baines ue cannot agree arc are too prone to rush to alic courts when we go to liw liow is ita aliv vc want to go to the highest cobit in the aind but e gain our ca what hood 13 it to beat when we got a shirt to our back good men do it they w ill quarrel but remember w lien divisions comes into your aidt tiie spirit of the lord is not there if we put our head into the lion mouth we vill get bit if we put into the fire we will get bin it if we allow to come into our inid t elo it is all on n principles we should act like men ind women and not like little on alie aliv ground nir sang and bene was pronounced by booher albert jones |