Show combines the juice of the blue figs of california so laxative and nutritious with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system forming the ONLY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS LIVER AM BOWELS ANO TO system effectually SO THAT PURE BLOOD refreshing SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH naturally follow every one is it and all are delighted with it ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS manufactured only by the california FIG SYRUP CO SAH CAL ky NEW joae N Y Arci it J G J W J sutherland at will practice in all the courts of utah and adjoining states and territories VII CITY UTAH THOMAS oal county surveyor for utah county surveyor for city nuovo CIT S cr T A JOHNB MILNE R attorney at law building ast 1st door north prove city attah SAMUEL f AT SAW K 7 div crr B aik IP yma eoa F REED b 3 4 cami feb itaw y DENTIST room no 10 hacik UTAH HL brush AM M D pleasant grove stall onico ono door east of w BEERS HOTEL t calls ay day or eibl promptly prompt lj to nil kinds at aliu loebe Fin LASS GUK TEKi removed bv dr s his electric vapor is the safest and best J M bank building up stairs provo SAMUEL ottay LOANS ON en timi long time and low kates or interest correspondence solicited and promptly answered office nt residence one block east from coop co op store spanish pork attah DON R CORAY CO lE yovo filomey ON tiree low rate of interest correspondence solicited and answered promptly office over first national rank 11 coal coal tho celebrated pleasant valloy lump coal constantly on land per ton at tho luo grando western depot american fork J E agent SAMUEL L PAGE it law and notary public WILL MAKE LOANS ON low clatos of interest on ono years timo and upwards correspondence solicited ra CITY retah P P NEW BASKET STORE AT WEST carries a full line of GROCERIES all sold nt prices eliat defy competition he wll also have a choice selection of gioino made and imported baskets candies nuts etc he will sell at BED HOCK PRICES give liim acau PROTECT YOUR EYES awo GLASSES PAT mrs renown optician of kilifi air under ria house st louis has d sinott richards co ot brovo ifju for celebrated giitl and also for his non changeable Chan goable spectacles and these glasses aie the greatest invention ever made in spectacles by a atthe lens a person pair of chese non changeable glae never lias to change tanae elyses from the eyes and every pair puch aed ara so thai leavo atie fyi ayi no rusted or scratched ahe lisps are abet wilt furnish the party with a new pair of glasses free of charge smoot co have a fall ment and invites all who wish stiem selves ot the areat superiority Gl alig ig over any and fill others now in use to call and examine the same at arnoot ll ichards co sole agents for when baby was sick we gave her castoria Ca storta when the was child she cried for castoria when she became miss she clung to castoria when aha had children she gave the placa in aliis buwit iu any groceries is at 0 dicia aih where you can get pounds of the beat granulated fur lieu hive tea 15 cents pt r pat I 1 birb best In indr soap for 50 cluth candies at 10 cents mixed candies 15 vins ici nut it 15 cenis per lt byrth fluff oysters at 45 cir aln per yd silk i loats cotton ditto 5 acts yon wi ii also find it the head place in this county for reliable parden seeds dam cr buon aeed per lt american wonder and all peas 20 acts als othe earliest earli pst potato in this territory 1 per peck at tho gardeners Esch in alie basement C proprietor haipt and clerk tofa TRADE MARK gilr REMEDY positively cures general debilities Debili ties bronchitis and nervous prostration testimonial atair nov salvator magnus medical company gents for over lour sears I 1 have been troubled with my lungs and unable to lie upon my right 1 waa recommended by to try salvator SAlv magnus after one batile 1 could lie on eluie ule without eatn or coughing and aia and looking much better etli a wonderful med econe aad I 1 intend to continue its use DAVID FORDONSKI ask your dealer tur it and if not IH stock seid to the salvator Sal magdas medical co NO so commercial st salt lake cita PEOPLES SALOON has the finest and choicest stock of WINES ETC best brands of cigars and tobaccos cos in town trade n specialty the proprietors will always be found gonn natured and snail iii give US a call BASKS proprietors main street spanish fork utah 2 blocks south of K G W depot GOOD BEDS and GOOD accommodations ei cosy ari honic BATES per day per week which are the eates in town J C vay proprietor springville Spring ville utah walter wheeler undertaker carries a full line of undertakers goods HOMEMADE HOME MADE AND IMPORTED COFFINS kept constantly on liand sole agents for utah for the air tight and indestructible casket and miniature vault combined orders by mail or despatch promptly filled of casket and styles of wallpaper always on hand main street springville Spring ville utah PEOPLES HO OPERA institution LEHL UTAH CO IS general merchandise agricultural S bamber doors windows ETC ETC TR bupt supt HOLD STILL A MINUTE and listen while I 1 tell you of those beautiful bedroom and parlor suites that haive just arrived at taylor bros their carpets and wall papers are the finest in alie market and sold at such reduced prices eliat you and everybody else can ufford to furnish your home get me a baby carriage a chicago cottage arpan and new home sewing machine remember the place TAYLOR BROS brovo UTAH UT A H THE RUSTLERS centre st union block room 7 provo lenses ground spectacles and i eye glasses fitted border tor der to correct with bra zilia it pebbles eyes examined nil defects free 12 years practical knowle OE the eyes dge r sr 3 OF THE aas lotz BY THE MEXICAN operated under a twenty years contract BY mexican international improvement co grand monthly drawings held in the moresque pa euion in the alameda park city of jessco and publicly conducted by government officials appointed for tho purpose by the of the interior and tho treasury the monthly four dollar in tho cilcy of mexico eb 6 1890 tickets at 84 prizes amounting to asco 1 price of tickets american lai ncy wholes 4 halves sa quarters sa s1 MST or 1 capital prize of b 1 capital prize of is 1 capital prize of booco ii I 1 idoo 1 grand prize of 2000 1 tw 3 of 1000 are 8 prizes of 20 Prize Prize prizes of 50 of 2 alc approximation prizes prizes of to anzo 11 i prizes of 60 to any c prizes of 40 approximate to terminals of 20 decided by I 1 ISO 2276 AU prizes abold in tho united states fuu paid la states currency SPECIAL by terms of contract the company must deposit the eum of all prizes included hi the scheme before selling a single and the following official permit certificate therein certify alu lornson sank of and south lias special deposit the necessary fuels tin of all the cotetiu lie la lica S ITES further tny compan is ti i fafty alx per cont cr the value cf in prizes a larger proportion than t by any other lottery all drawings under the personal management of hii intervenor appointed by the ent list of prizes will bo sent y arter tio dramins to all correspondents or oa prizes may 0 deposited for collection sank or or benl alien or by mall registered to thid for full particulars address U apar tado city of mexico i SPANISH FORK I 1 OPERATIVE cooperative CO general merchandise mn CLOTHING furniture and produce OF our gem roller mills turns out flour that ggs is unsurpassed in the territory orders for Merchandise Flour or tsa grain filled on short notice our motto is to eaf please our customers ggs CALL SEE US JOHN JON TEASELS 4 STORES 4 daily arrivals AT EA f IT 11 arr irtis aw aw v SALT LAKE full stock of clothing latest novelties m 1 dij ladies misses and childrens BOOTS drop in and examine our a ameis MINING WATER WHEEL designed for all purposes limited quantities of water and aih heads are utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by hells and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular application case further information can be obtained of this form of ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks a nd construction in iron globe as cases well free as the of cost by applying to the manufacturers ohio or liberty st N Y JAMES city please LEFFEL mention this CO paper G W WILLIAMS J C T T withers manufacturers OF AND DEALERS IN asis spurs touts lapach and a general stock of I 1 SOLE MAKERS OF THE celebrated CANVASS PACK BAGS COMMONLY USED BY SHEEP MEN repairing neatly done call and examine oar before OUE MOTTO quick sales and small the place main street payson or I 1 street provo OPPOSITE OFFICE |