Show tha sania fe coming to provo from the new york sun we clip the following interesting news dec ag special the object of the santa fe is obtaining railroad charters in southwestern colorado is now made apparent by the organization of a company to build a line brorn albuquerque colorado to grand junction where it will connect with the rio grande western and be extended to salt lake city the railroad compary organized to build a line from dallas anthe to durango on the animas yia and rico will probably constitute a portion of the proposed santa fe system the albuquerque company contains the names ol 01 a number of prominent stockholders in the santa fe the proposed route leaves the santa fea alburquerque and runs in a northwesterly direction up the rio crossing the continental tin divide in bio arriba county and following canen largo to the san juan river then going up the animas river to durango and will give both the santa fe and the st louis and san francisco another route to san francisco |