Show probate court judge jones ordered letters of adroin i to be issued to william chappel upon his filing bonds to the amount of in the estate of mary chappel deceased the court set january 11 1890 as the day for hearing the account of the executors of the estate of john hindley deceased in the estate ofelita terril deceased 1 the court appointed aaram halladay administrator upon his filing bonds to the sum of the petition for confirmation ot the sale of real estate in the estate of thomas mcadams McAda mg deceased was set for hearing january in the estate of breed dearies Se aries deceased the letters testamentary of ke becca dearies Se aries were revoked and samuel marsh was appointed to fill the vacancy the hearing of the account of the administrator in the estate of stephen chipman deceased was continued till january 25 1890 id the estate of hannah richarda Eich arda deceased january was set as the day for hearing the final account of the administratrix |