Show combines the juice of the blue figa of california so laxative and nutritious the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system forming the ONLY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the mm uber AND BOWELS TO cleanse the system SO THAT PURE BLOOD refreshing SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH naturally follow every one is using it and all are delighted with it ask your druggist for OF F manufactured only by the california FIG SYRUP CO SA FRANCISCO CAL KY NEW your N V axia tax J G T AV sutherland AT will practice in all the courts of utah and adjoining states and territories SALT CI TY U T aia and councillors councilors Counci lors at law will practice in all tha courts ot abe herrl ory nitice up stairs fletch er building main street provo utah CIVIL county surveyor for utah county surveyor for provo city office opposite courthouse JOHN B MILNER attorney at law limes building isadoor north provo city attah R aaa room no 7 bank building rj ovo city cit y F i ia 5 D E bb b B esaff t dentist DENy room no 10 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH all kinds at the lowest figures FIRST CLASS WORK removed ly dr painless extraction his electric vapor is the safest and best J ea christiason bank building up stairs provo SAMUEL CORNABY loans ON ITAIM long time anil low hates or interest correspondence solicited and promptly office at Ilesi dence hiie block cast from coop co op store spanish fork attah am prepared to famish to the uz any quantity and to any sizes desired fourth ward provo city DON R CORAY CO o TJ tia MONEY OH LONG tostie bow rate of interest correspondence solicited and answered promptly loftice over first national bank ASSURANCE corporation 0 london capital paid up cash assets over ASSURE CE COMPLY of and aberdeen capital paid up accumulated funds over of hartford conn caalim capital basli assets eugene A agent for american fork kolii pleasant grove gioino and vicinities notary public and civil engineer AT THE la doine a largo family trade and con finues to keep on hand tho BEEF MUTTON AND PORK shoo axt door west of tho west co free delivery to any part of prove A prompt cure two latties of swifts specifics S S 1 cured me of a breaking out all over my lody caused by blood poisoning 24 S etoyal street mobile ala for thirty years I 1 was with aloud poison from which I 1 hun ered untold agonies J taking S S S and after using five bottles I 1 am entirely cured WILLIAM flushing L I 1 I 1 suffered for twenty years from blood poisoning three bottles of swifts specific S S cured me entirely Mine ohi L I 1 treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC co drawer i atlanta ga PROF JM of loyan rites the Brig hain young college lias dentan of primary department the school has nearly doubled its attendance of hie grades now admitted dicye last vear th only omar under tiTO guarantee from thair that they will do duct what Is lor them that Is benefit 0 cur la all basea of for which they are recommended recommend td or the money paid or them wall be promptly ded are dr Pier coa corid famed p afla cf la by world medical association of buffalo N Y dr golden medical Dleo vry caret 11 II diseases i risina from torpid or HT ar or from blood as r indigestion palt totter and scrofulous and or bluds scrofula Is alao cured by ekls xon dereul remedy if taken in time dr alery a la the tor au taos chronic weak and 0 o common to american women it to moat potent tanio or fiver tono and cifor to abo ahola ys teia A a lafr it li unequaled sea ru anntee printed OR the bottle wrapper and faithfully carried out tor yeara ltv by jomaa DK alb for aa Ine caso of ca tarria in abo bead by the proprietor of dr saffo catarrh remedy B ita mild and properties it our taft wont ow no matir ot BOW conj by 9 4 E TITLED TO THE BEST all are entitled to the best that their money will buy so every family should have at once a bottle of the best family remedy syrup of figs to cleanse the system when costive or billious for sale in boc and bottled by pyne maiben druggists the R r W Broad gauge to provo notwithstanding the jordon narrows delay the E G W will in three weeks have broad gauge connections with provo by using part of the old bed around where the work is behind the line between P V and provo has all been standard gauged and by december all alie frogs and switches will be in then a dozen big engines will be sent down over the union pacific to provo thus releasing twelve narrow gauge engines this will give the company all tho motive power they want for construction at the east end five i small engines will operate between halt lake and provo until about january 1 the depots bew foundations are being built up under it the old excavation and the sunken between the old and ney depot sites are to be filled up with soil from the new hotel excavation and tho new walks are to be of asphalt tribune indispensable to tho toilet dalbys prophylactic fluid cures chafing eruptions and inflammation of all kinds cures inflamed or sore eyes relieves pains from bites or ratings of in aecha feet destroys all taint of perspiration or olien sive smell from the feet or any part of alie body cleanses and whitens the skin used as a dentifrice it purges the breath preserves the teeth and cures toothache sore gums and canker THE east coop co op propose giving away a fine large doll with a can of the minnehaha yeast powders the price of ilie yeast powders is only CO cents and the doll itself is worth every cent of it after diphtheria dip theria scarlet fever or pneumonia hoods sarsaparilla will give strength to the system and expel all poison frem the blood SPANISH rork SPLINTERS prosperity of the farmers with a review or business in a general way BECAUSE of the scarcity of water last spring and summer it was thought by many that a corresponding scarcity of means would be felt in consequence happily however anch is not the case it is true the grain crop suffered considerable and the potatoe crop was reduced to a minimum yet with all this success in another direction has attended the tire lesi effort of our farmers and to day they are in as prosperous a condition as at any time in the past this is attributed to two special causes one the immense quantity of alfalfa seed raised which was at at a fair figure for cash and two the employment given to all who desired oa the railroads the prospect now is that will supply the farmers next season with an abundance of water and with that hope the fields are now being plowed and considerable grain put in THE merchants as a whole are doing a very fair business superintendents jones and wilkena are stocking their stores with winter goods and other bables legant new store ia slowly approaching completion the upper story of which will probably be used as a ball room Hutchin sona farn ture store is well supplied in its line and his goods are sold at reasonable win K jones is already preparing for the holidays when his usual fine display will magnetize the contents of many a boarded stocking A MOKE durable harness than is manufactured at the miles and stewart harness shop is difficult to find these yoong gentlemen are doing quite a business and give general satisfaction and they expect to subscribe for the DAILY ENQUIRER adwill all other business places having an eye to busquets tau a of the coop co op is due not boly to the excellence of its work also to the courteous giitl business like department of the boss thomas claims that petticoat control in the shoe business is incompatible with tho civilization of the nineteenth century well every one to his belief MB JOHN T has alii corps of workmen ia his shoe shop john is prompt and true to bis promises bo it work or dues and his boots and shoes are always true to nature no paper HUL HU L the green grocer will to be a mountain his stock is increasing dad prof bowe who started in business only last summer receives his share of i patronage THE millinery stores of bees and brown supply the curiosities of the ladies at short notice hats caps bonnets and bumps of all sizes on hand at reasonable prices THE spanish fork foundry is getting noted for its splendid castings the iron pillars of mr bahles store were cast there THE coop co op and rockhill meat shops carry a good supply of the juicy be eide vegetables of local growth K FORK december OP tae i 1877 BY MEXICAN NATIONAL government operated under a twenty years contract BY mexican international improvement co grand monthly held in the moresque pa allion tn the alameda city of mexico and publicly conducted by officials ap pointed for the purpose ty the secretaries of the interior and the treasury the SIo athly pour dollar toe held in the city oi mexico nov CAPITAL T f sp 0 U y ULU tickets at 4 prizes amounting to Sl price of tickets american mono wholes sa halves sa baates si MST or PRIZES 1 capital prize of laCO 1 capital prize of is 1 capital la I 1 grand prize of Is 2000 3 prizes of 1000 ire C Prize a prize ao Prize 0 54 5 4 prizes or 23 prizes prizes of ff to boroo anze la 10 prizes of 50 prize aw brizes of SO to bolto of decided by i OOOO prize all prizes iolj in the united rotates fuu malj in states ann cnn by terms of contract the company must deposit the sera of nil prizes in the before selling n single ticket and receive the follow ios official permit TE thercsa certify that the london ank of mt south america has on special deposit the funds to guarantee the payment cf all prizes ilowit r bif later la de ta farther the company i required to distribute fifty six per cent cf abu cf nil the in esa larger proportion than is given by amy other lottery all dravin ss under the personal supervision and management of DR guyot intervenor Inter veDor appointed the laist of prize s will be sent after the drazine to au correspondents or on application prizes may be deposited for collection with any dank or or bent through them or by mail registered to office full address C apar tado ajo city of HA SAUNDERS lias opened up in the basement of tho bank a eliop where he will attend to repairing GUNS REVOLVERS ETC at moderate rates and will guarantee his work to be done in first class style CALL AND SEE HIM BEFORE GOING EAST TO urte ansi U sto off alises anises MARTIN CITY UTAH 17 IMPORTERS AND BREEDERS OF suffolk punch english shire and cleveland bay horses and shetland ponies shorthorn short horn and holstein cattle vo havee the largest and finest stud of pure bred horses west of the missouri river are second to none in the west stock for sale at all times at LIVING PRICES ON EASY TERMS f correspondence invite NEW BUTCHER SHOP at the old stand of the springville Spring ville coop co op meat market V K KELSON proprietor wholesale and dealer in the best beef glutton pork veal sausage etc A choice selection constantly oa hand give me a call mgt SAMUEL L PAGE attorney at law and notary public WILL MAKE LOANS ON FARMS low rates of interest on one years time and upwards correspondence solicited baysoy CITY ANSY PILLS I 1 ft afen benda for WOMANS I 1 m ESS reix S WATER WHEEL designed for all purposes where limited quantities of water and hish heads arc utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of this form of construction as well as the ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks a nd in iron globe cases free of cost by applying to the manufacturers JAMES LEFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper daily arrivals ofal SALT LAKE full stock of clothing latest novelties in is jve ajla ma Ij adies leisses and childrens BOOTS drop in and examine our THE EUREKA STAGE llie stage between and eureka will run TRI sli i ST INSTEAD OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving eureka and on TUESDAYS SUNDAYS oy ifraci I one ataee will leave eureka and another connecting at goshen in time for dinner stages will connect same day with passenger going north arom dianta quia get yon through to eureka at 4 pm stages leave at 10 a asun days Tuesdays and thursdays JT r is proprietor dealer in drugs medicines bouc articles QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS dr boye in constant attendance physicians prescriptions compounded daty nil fishl I 1 main street spanish fork EXCELS brovo caasi abid feed CASH raid FOR WHEAT J W HOOVER manader Mana PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO institution lefel UTAH CO f HT general merchandise agricultural s lam ber doors windows El elac SC T R CUTLER bupt supt YOUNG bens 1 I oo op spanish fork utah DEALERS IN general merchandise farming implements and all idaus of HOLD STILL and listen while I 1 tell you of those beautiful bedroom and parlor suites that have just arrived at taylor bros their carpets and wall papers are the finest in the market and sold at such reduced prices that you and everybody else can afford to furnish your home get me a baby carriage a chicago cottage organ and kew home sewing machine remember the place THE FURNITURE RUSTLERS DR JOHN RIGGS PHYSICIAN AND the treatment of O A and chronic diseases in which ha has had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO caty UTAH manufacturers of STE M ENGINES BRASS IRON CASTINGS CASTINGS FOR STOVE FRONTS MILL WORK WORK FOR JAILS BRIDGES X and BUILDINGS WROUGHT S cast IRON FENCING boiler A SPECIALTY alij KINDS or plumbing gas and steam filling attended to manufacturers and dealers in STEAM HEATERS FOR PUBLIC PRIVATE BUILDINGS PATENT TUBULAR IRON BARROW S FOR MINERS FARMERS CASH FOR OLD cast IRON half block west of west coop co op P 0 box agents for defiel steam engines and water wheels DEVEY attorneys and counselors at law will practice in all the courts of the territory office ho fietcher Bull dins main provo istah obtained and all L sla attended to for FEES our office is opposite the U S patent office and we can obtain patents in less time than those remote from send 01 PHOTO or wo adelso as to free and we make ia UNLESS fatena IS SECURED for clr tular advice terms and references to actual in TOi irown town to i patent vicc D CL DEALERS IX SEEP boik VEAL delivery to all parts of the city COOK SCOTT CO FOUNDRY AND T pierpoint SONS LESSEES manufacturers and dealers in STEAM ENGINES BOILERS mixing and agricultural machinery castings for stoves buildings and mill work of alt kinds boilers I 1 daus terlsa I 1 CRESTING MADE TO ORDER all work of the best material and CS acee 33 TO THE STAR MEAT MARKET FARRER have opened a new shop one door of their old stand where they will keep y w VEST M ani oa PORK SAUSAGE fat calves and Ir essed hogs wanted free delivery to any part of the city THE COURT HOUSE farrar oy CARRYING A FULL LINE OF DRUGS CHEMICALS F CY TOILET ARTICLES also a choice selection of CK ARS IOB lacoote our ciotto is loir prices and small profits dr A J shores in constant attendance physicians prescriptions carefully compounded day or night 11 E sutherland manager main street payson city utah M AND BUILDERS PROVO CITY UTAH are prepared to do all kinds of world and at tha persons intending to build would do well to address liddiard sons P box 40 provo city seg 6 P P hindmarsh EW BASKET STORE AT WEST END PROVO carries a full line of imported and homp made BASKETS all sold at prices eliat defy competition he will also have a choice selection of home made and im ported candies kuts etc he will sell at BED ROOK pricia a give him a call |