Show TOO BAD hanison blint say some u thing about utah BUT HE DIDN T AND THAT ENDS THE MATTER some of the salient portions of his document THE message of president harridon Harri aon delivered to congress yesterday afternoon is an able document too ous for publication there is one thing that it is conspicuous for and that is its entire absence of any mention of utah the topics touched upon are varied and of much interest to the country speaking of our international relations president harrison says good will and cordiality have characterized our relations and correspondence with oilier governments and the year just closed leaves few international questions of importance remaining unadjusted no obstacle is believed to exist that can long postpone the consideration and adjustment of the etall questions upon satisfactory and honorable terms ane dealings of this government with other states have been and should always be marked by frankness and sincerity our purposes are avowed and our methods free from intrigue this course has borne rich fruit in the past and it is our duty as a nation to the of repute which a century of right doing with foreign governments has secured to us it is a matter of high significance and no less of congratulation that the first year of the second century of our constitutional existence finds as honored guests within our borders the representatives of all the independent states of hiorth and south america jnet together in earnest conference touching the best methods of perpetuating and expanding the relations of mutual interest and friendliness extended among them that the opportunity thus afforded for promoting closer international relations and the increased prosperity of the states represented will be used for the mutual good f all I 1 cannot permit myself to doubt our people will mark it with interest and confidence the result to flow from so auspicious a meeting of allied and in large part identical interests the recommendations of this international conference of the enlightened statesmen will have tho attention of congress and its operation cooperation co in alie removal of unnecessary barriers to the beneficial intercourse between the nations of america which it is limped will follow this conference are worthy of pursuit and of alie great interest they have exerted it is believed that tle crowning benefit will be found in the better securities sec which may bo devised for the maintenance between alie ainer ican nations and alie settlement of all contentions by methods that a christian civilization can approve while viewing with interest our national resources and products alie delegates will I 1 am sure find a higher satisfaction in the evidences of unselfish friendship which everywhere attend the intercourse with our people questions continue to arise in our relations with several countries in respect to alie rights of naturalized citizens equally ia this the case with france italy husaim and turkey and to less extent with switzerland from time to time earnest cn orts have been made to regulate this subject by conventions ail improper use of should not be permitted but it is important that those who have been duly naturalized should everywhere be accorded a recognition of the rights ap pertaining to the citizenship of the country of their adoption the appropriateness of special conventions for that purpose is recognized in the treaties which this government has concluded with a number of european powers and it ia advisable that the difficulties which now arise in our relations countries on alio same subject should be similarly adjusted THE BRAZILIAN revolution the becent revolt in brazil in favor of I 1 tha establishment of a republican form of government is an event of great interest to the united our minister at ilio de janeiro was at once instructed ted to maintain friendly diplomatic relations with the provisional government and the brazilian representatives of the capital were instructed by the provisional government to continue their functions our friendly intercourse with brazil has therefore suffered no interruption our ministers has been farther instructed to extend on alie part of this government a formal and cordial recognition of the new republic so soon as the majority of the people of brazil shall have signified their assent to ita establishment and maintenance NATIONAL prosperity within our own borders a general condition of prosperity prevails the harvest of the last summer were exceptionally tio nally abundant and the trade conditions now prevailing seem to promise a successful season to the merchant and the manufacturer as well as gener il employment to our working people THE STATE commission the attention of the interstate commission has been called to the urgent need of congressional legislation for the better protection of the lives and limbs of those engaged in operating the great freight lines of the countr and especial ly yardman yardmen and A petition signed by nearly railway brakemen was presented to this commission asking that steps be taken tu bring about the use of automatic bankes and couplers on all freight cars at a meeting of state commissioners and at washington in march last upon the invitation of the interstate inter state commerce commission a resolution was unanimously adopted during alie to consider what could be done to prevent alie loss of li fand limb in coupling and un coupling freight carraud cara aud in hand lintle brakes of switch cars during the ending juna over 2000 railroad employed emp loyes were killed in service and more than injure it jis competent I 1 think for congress to require i uniformity in the construction of cars aed in interstate inter state the use of safety appliances on lucli trains time will be feces arato make needed changes but an intelligent and earnest beginning should be made at once it is a reproach to our civilization that any class of our workmen should in tho pursuit of a necessary and useful vocation be subject T t peril and life and limb is great that of poldi ors in of war |