Show W y has come and gone in the cited states it is no longer that sol mn day of prayer and devotion that it was two hundred years ago when our puritan fathers used to return thanks for the blessings of tho year now the inhabitants of oar broad country observe with feasting and hilarity how changed the rites of our fathers are becoming whether it be christmas thanksgiving day or oven sunday lie tendency of the age is lo 10 desecrate each by acts of Is it because that the hearts of the children are void of religion to a certain extent this is true with the advent an increase of infidelity in the land wo may note day by day the sacred paths that our forefathers trod turned aiuto the quagmires of sin which engulf so many of the present period that which holds true idith regard to custom holds likewise true in the case of religion in fact it is ai we remarked above the lack of religion that causes this changing in the customs of our forefathers religion is the firm mooring that holds the customs and the superstitions of humanity intact and when boce religion is destroyed then we lose tha ancient ind marks and their intents and purposes lint few very few live today to day the religion of our forefathers religion haa changed in principle and in practice from what it was one hundred years ago in some respects this change is an advantage in others a tion religion Ee ligion stripped of some of the horrors with which was vested in early times or during tho dark ages is an advantage bufa where religion tolerates so many of the evils of today to day then it becomes lacking in the true lima of religion that of making man bettor |